You're right to take it to an animal rescue hospital.
The bird you've described sounds like a fledgeling. That means that it has left the nest, but was still being fed by its parents. If it is injured, then it needs to go to a rehab clinic. If it is uninjured, however, you should put it back outside. It is a myth that birds will reject their offspring if they have been handled by people- birds have little to no sense of smell, and won't even be able to tell that you touched it.
Until you can take it to the rescue place, you should put her in a cage with newspaper or paper towel on the bottom, and provide a "nest"- a small box with tissue inside. Also provide a shallow dish of water. Do not continue to give water with an eye dropper, as the bird can easily aspirate it (choke) that way. If the bird's thirsty, it will drink from the dish. (The dish needs to be shallow enough that the bird can't drown in it- a jar lid is perfect.)
For feeding, you can give cut up grapes and berries, millet, and a dog/cat food mash. The mash should be made by soaking dry dog or cat food in water until it is mushy. Then add hard boiled egg yolk and baby food or applesauce, and mix well. You can feed with blunt forceps. When feeding, you have to be careful not to let the bird choke. When it opens its mouth, you should be able to see a hole in its tongue- this is the glottis, and leads to the trachea and then to the lungs. Make sure not to let it get covered with food; try to place the food behind it.
When the bird is hungry, it will gape at you (open its mouth very wide and make peeping noises), and you can place the food in its mouth.
When not feeding, leave the bird in a quiet place, so it doesn't get stressed out. It may be hungry anywhere from every 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Good luck.
2006-08-06 06:30:21
answer #1
answered by kolvirbleys 2
The best thing to do for they bird is to get kitten food and mix it with a little warm water. This gives them the protien that they need. Use tweezers to feed it. They water in the eyedropper is good and if you can put some bird seed in the cage with it thats good also. Let the bird eat and if it is going fore the kitten food it is still to young to release if it goes for the bird seed then, as long as it isn't injured you can take it outside away from cats and other prey, let him stand on your finger bring you arm up and then move it straight down. The bird should start flapping its wings and trying to fly, if you practice that he will eventually fly off. they will normally come back when they are hungry for a week or so then they will learn to eat and find what they need themselves.
2006-08-06 16:22:06
answer #2
answered by scarsoflife8282 4
Place chewed up meat like chicken, fish or a meat product. Bird will open automatically to be feed. Place inside mouth. Bird will eat if hungry. Also try digging up worms, grubs or anything resembling a familar food.
Do not force and do not touch with hands. Human smells on a bird will be killed in the wild, even by own mom.
Keep warm and dry. Place a bowl of clean water for bath. Use newspaper stripps for bottom of cage. Find an old nest in a tree if able. Make environment like bird is use to. Eventually it will get better or die. Wild birds are fickle that way. Place a tree branch for sitting high up.
Need more info just contact me...
2006-08-06 12:37:05
answer #3
answered by bensgal4 1
DO NOT feed it raw hamburger! or bugs and worms!!
You can use some canned cat food! Since you believe it to be a finch stick will offering some small seeds uch as millet. Finches grow very quickly so it shouldn't be long before it is flying and looking for its own food. Do not give it water through an eye dropper, if you are giving it the canned cat food there is enough water in the food for it. By giving it water from a dropper you risk the chance of choking it. If you need any other help please contact me.
Certified Avian Specialist
join our group
2006-08-06 14:01:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I highly suggest small pieces of fresh bread soaked in "room temperature" milk. Make sure the milk is not too cold. This is a gentle & healthy food for a traumatized little bird. It's easy for the bird to eat & digest. Place the bread in it's mouth and you will see results that will help. In the mean time make sure the little birdie does not get cold . No loud sounds, just your voice is comforting to the little bird. I wish you the best. You are a very kind person to help out the little birdie!!!
2006-08-06 13:21:51
answer #5
answered by bonbon857 2
Please see my website: and follow the advise given for sparrows (diet is the same as finches). If the baby was injured by the cat, it will need antibiotics ASAP! A cats saliva is highly toxic to birds! Since most places are closed and you are likely unable to get a prescription, would you happen to have any Amox, Cephalexin or other antibiotic (any type, including human or pet prescription) on hand? You may post to my website forum for more help, questions or concerns. Or email me at for dosing, should you have any antibiotics.
Sincerely, Audra
2006-08-06 15:13:13
answer #6
answered by Audra M 2
I don't think you should worry about feeding it. Just put some things in there and maybe it will eat it on it's own. The main thing is to make water available. Or you could get a worm from the fishing store in your town.
2006-08-06 12:32:43
answer #7
answered by Pixel M 3
Actually you should have just left the bird alone. The cat attacking the bird is just nature doing it's thing. If you are aimed to take of the bird, find a vet who can help you.
Good luck!
2006-08-06 12:46:19
answer #8
answered by prc85040 3
Feed it some black oil sun flower seeds.They are high in oil(energy).It probably fell from its nest as the finches don't leave until they have fledged like some other birds do. Good luck Cat! Peace....
2006-08-06 12:44:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Listen to Sapphyre...she is giving the correct info. Also do not worry about your scent being on the bird.....that is an old wives tale about it being rejected by it parents or other birds in nature, absolutely UNTRUE!! Birds cannot smell very well at all!
2006-08-06 19:52:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous