Tell him there is a nicotine patch out now.
2006-07-31 13:21:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-09-14 14:36:36
answer #2
answered by Alfreda 3
There is no medicine available on earth that can make a person quit smoking. It is the strong will power that helps to get rid of bad habit. The Nature has given tobacco to mankind for medicinal use but the humans have used it for intoxication. Tobacco even in small quantity consumed is bad for health. For an example, when you smoke, the smoke is thrown out by the body and it is an indication that the body can not tolerate its contents. Same way, when the tobacco is consumed by chewing, the person has to spit many times before gulping the same because the body tells the person that it is not good for health and through it out of the body. Even the animals never ever enter a tobacco field for gazing, whereas humans have consumes uncounted tons of tobacco since generations. If you have decided to quit, your have come to a right place and right person. It would be very nice and wise of you to quit smoking and save lots of money and health. Just imagine, would you prefer to hear the worst news of your life from a doctor explaining you that you have been diagnosed to have cancer or some other serious diseases? Don't allow this to happen. Remember that tobacco kills. I smoked for almost 25 years but gave up the bad habit of smoking seven years ago without turning back, because I have a strong will power. I enjoy a very healthy life now and save lots of money spent on tobacco products. My family is also very proud of me. No one can minimize smoking gradually because it is very difficult in practical and it has to be done once for all. After you quit smoking, you will never gain weight since this is a wrong judgment as regards quitting smoking. Quit smoking if you have decided to and you will not regret. Take care and be in good health.
2006-08-01 11:26:51
answer #3
answered by Kunwar Singh 4
Depending on his age and when he started you might be happier just to let him bee. This may seem hard for you to understand but my dad was 83, diabetic & had COPD, the doctor was badgering him to quit, my dad had smoked from age 14! Nothing was going to prolong his life and he was happy. I told him I would help him if he wanted to quit but I would not force him in anyway.
I could have made his last days a real fight and maybe I would have won the battle but I was going to lose him anyway.He died one year later & we were never as close as that last year.
Love him and support him in what HE WANTS not in what he needs to do.
On the other hand if he is the one wanting to quit, he will find a way. Cold turkey with lots of water to flush out the poisons are the only way to truely quit.
2006-07-31 17:29:14
answer #4
answered by omapat 3
Other than cold turkey, which is shown to be the most effective, your grandfather can take 2 kinds of medicine: Nicotine replacement and non nicotine. The replacements are the gum, patch, etc. They work by weaning the dependency on nicotine (because it is addiction). The 2 main non replacements are wellbutrin, which is an antidepressant that helps keep levels of dopamine up (smoking cessation tends to decrease the levels of dopamine), and Chantix which is brand new. Not sure of its mechanism
2006-08-03 10:40:56
answer #5
answered by J 4
At his age why exactly do you want him to stop. This thing about some making the decisions for others does not compute with me. Are you so unhappy that you resent the minute of happiness he gets when he lights up? Do you claim to be concerned for his health? Just what exactly about yourself do you not want to face? I don't smoke but have always wondered why so many people make another persons habit their business. If you don't want to be around cigarette smoke, why do you drive a smoking car, cook smoking food, heat you house, use electricity, all are sources of carcinogens. Just exactly what is "your" stake in this? Please leave your poor grandfather alone.
2006-07-31 13:24:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He needs to see his doctor and get serious about this smoking thing. It is very hard to stop, but if he can't take control and stop smoking, sudden death will certainly cure him.
Do some research, you will find that the lungs are some of the fastest healing tissues in the body. After a few hours, the little cleansing fingers inside the breathing tubes come back to life and start doing their job. After a few days, the lungs get back a large percentage of their capacity to absorb oxygen. The body can heal itself, and maybe that will help in convincing him. It's a choice, life or death.
2006-07-31 13:23:32
answer #7
answered by snvffy 7
Before trying any stop smoking product I would suggest that he speak with his doctor or pharmacist. Being a diabetic myself I have to read labels of otc products since some labels read do not use if you have diabetes thyroid problems, etc.
Whenever he feels the need for that cigarette have him reach for something else to do. I'll pray for him.
2006-07-31 13:24:49
answer #8
answered by 1
He could try Welbutrin, he would need a prescription from his doctor. This drug is an antidepresent but, it also deadens the craving center of the brain. He will take one in the morning and one at bedtime, he must also have a strong desire to quit smoking.
2006-07-31 13:29:42
answer #9
answered by Phlipya 2
Consider accupuncture. It's not going to affect the diabetes in any negative way, and it's the most effective way I've heard other than cold turkey.
2006-07-31 13:21:05
answer #10
answered by grinningleaf 4
Take nothing. Go cold turkey, if your life is important to you. Make no excuses, throw
it all in the trash can, and he will beat the habit. I'm also a diabetic. its been two years for me and I feel very good.............
2006-07-31 13:30:12
answer #11
answered by Anonymous