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There's a walking catfish from Asia that was brought over to the US and can be bought in some Chinese markets. Unfortunately some were put into ponds, and the fish have made their way into the Potomac River where they are eating all the native fish. They are supposed to be wonderful...has anyone tried them?

2006-07-14 03:07:37 · 4 answers · asked by Bobbie 5 in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

4 answers

Cambodian STyle

1 Whole fermented snakehead fish(Mam).
4 oz. Unsalted bacon. Sliced thin.(Option) or 1 tablespoon cooking oil.
2 Cloves garlic. Minced.
2 Stalks green onion. Chopped.
1 Teaspoon sugar.(Option).
? Teaspoon black pepper.
4 Hot chili pepper.(Option).

Procedures :

Put Mam in a steam able cook ware or bowl.

Pre heat a small skillet. When it hot add unsalted bacon and cook till it brown.

Add garlic with bacon, stirs and immediately pour everything on Mam.

If no pork: Brown garlic with cooking oil and pour on top of Mam.

Seasoning Mam with sugar and black pepper.

Sprinkles green onion and top with hot chili peppers.

Steamed Mam for 1 hour or till Mam tender.

Serve hot with rice and boiled, steamed or fresh raw vegetables.

Note: Some people like to dips cut up cucumber, green banana and bitter melon with mix herbs in steamed Mam but any fresh cut vegetables that you prefer are fine .

And some like to dips boiled vegetables in steamed Mam also , boiled Asian water spinach is good choice or any boiled vegetables that you prefers.

2006-07-14 04:12:15 · answer #1 · answered by Desi Chef 7 · 3 0

No but I have eatin a frankenfutter

2006-07-15 00:45:33 · answer #2 · answered by Neal J 4 · 0 0

Nope. Never had snakehead.

2006-07-14 03:32:27 · answer #3 · answered by howlettlogan 6 · 0 0

Oh!no, I have not tried them till now.

2006-07-14 03:10:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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