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we're madly in love and we talk getting married constantly. he says we can work, and i agree with him until he starts talking about the end of the world that's "just around the corner." then i roll my eyes and try to change the subject. i believe he's been brainwashed. how long can it work like this? please help!!

2006-07-06 20:22:50 · 18 answers · asked by honey 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

You'll be fine. Just compromise. You've both been raised differently, and thats okay! If he is willing to make it work, trust him, and when he mentions something that gets you riled, just nod, and point out that...you don't really agree. Don't argue, because you'll never be able to change him, but you can at least make it clear that you have different opinions on the matter.

2006-07-06 20:27:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How old are you? His zeal for the second coming is ok and bible based. His pastor may be rushing it a bit though.. Dont get married till you get a Christian councilor who is neither Witness or Catholic.. Huh? JW and catholic are denominations of Christianity that veer off the path pertty radically in places. I am sure he rolls his eyes when you pray to Mary or to a wooden statue.. Here is something else you should do: Get an NIV or King James Bible and study it together and do what God has demanded "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" If people study TheWord together two people can usually come to the right conclusions about salvation and The God of Salvation.. Then if you cannot agree: do not marry him..

2006-07-06 20:46:38 · answer #2 · answered by mr.phattphatt 5 · 0 0

If you 'believe he's been brainwashed', then no. It will not work. You need to accept him for what he is and he needs to do the same. I'm in a b-religious marriage, and we respect each other's beliefs as much as possible. When we don't, we discuss it.

Never attempt to change his beliefs, but show support if he comes to question them himself. Expect the same from him.

If you believe that his beliefs will send him to hell, or if he believes that you will go to hell, you really need to sit down with a minister or priest in both faiths and talk about it. If either of you have concerns for the other's 'salvation', then as you grow to love each other more, you will feel more pressure to 'change' each other. This is a large problem, and should be your starting point for consideration of your future.

If that's okay, then remember that love is the greatest thing we have, and whenever love exists, it's worth overcoming any obstacle in your path. What brings us together is stronger than what pushes us apart.

Good luck, and if you have any further questions, I'd be happy to answer them (having experience on the subject). You can e-mail me by clicking on my avatar.


2006-07-06 20:56:36 · answer #3 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 0

If you have trouble respecting his beliefs....and letting him talk about it is part of it....then you will have a problem. It will be a rocky road for both of you. There has to be enough respect for each other to give each other the freedom to express your own beliefs without criticism. If you can do that, then that is great! But it doesn't sound like you want to. I hope this helps.
He must really love you, because Jehovah's Witnesses are urged to follow the Bible's instruction to only marry in the Lord. (or in like belief)

2006-07-06 20:34:29 · answer #4 · answered by Living the Alaskan life 3 · 0 0

Anti-Witnesses have spread many slanderous lies about Jehovah's Witnesses, even suggesting that they are not Christian or "brainwashed". Yet Witnesses have typically spend hundreds of hours in bible study, while the typical anti-Witness bigot has little actual understanding of Witness beliefs.

A devout Jehovah's Witness would not pursue a romantic relationship with a non-Witness, because the beliefs and goals are too different:

(2 Corinthians 6:14) Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers

(Exodus 23:32) You are not to conclude a covenant with them [adherents of other religions]

(Deuteronomy 7:3) And you must form no marriage alliance with them. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son.

(1 Kings 11:4) And it came about in the time of Solomon’s growing old that his wives themselves had inclined his heart to follow other gods

(1 Corinthians 7:39) She is free to be married to whom she wants, only in the Lord.

However, if a marriage already exists, then the Jehovah's Witness would do everything he could to assure the success of the marriage, even with a non-Witness.

(Malachi 2:16) For he has hated a divorcing,” Jehovah the God of Israel has said

(Genesis 2:24) That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.

(Matthew 5:32) However, I say to you that everyone divorcing his wife, except on account of fornication, makes her a subject for adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

(Matthew 19:8) He said to them: “Moses, out of regard for your hardheartedness, made the concession to you of divorcing your wives, but such has not been the case from the beginning.

(Mark 10:9) Therefore what God yoked together let no man put apart.

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2006-07-10 10:20:47 · answer #5 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 0 0

properly, using means of analyzing the Jehovah witness comments you have already won you will discover how tousled they are able to be as a non Christian team and this could furnish you an illustration of the topic concerns you are able to desire to inherate. it fairly is alongside with the undeniable fact which you will in all probability be asked to transform to their faith as they view the Catholic faith as non legimate. i'm a Catholic married to a non Christian (a Jain) and we make it artwork yet then neither of ours time table is to the two convert the different or ridicule, despise or insult the others faith. Our marriage is outfitted on love yet finding on the capability of your boyfriends ideals and in the event that they are something like the comments in this website then you definitely are in a no longer very friendly experience - surprisingly in case you think the brainwashing is of a reliable nature. i could advise discussing this difficulty along with your Catholic Parish Priest for some sound concepts. reliable success and God Bless you along with your judgements

2016-12-14 05:06:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you love each other you shouldn't let religion get in the way, it's not serious enough.

I had a Buddhist friend married to an ex priest. There marriage worked well because they respected each other's beliefs.

Many young people get fixated on religion and it takes on too much importance to be healthy

2006-07-06 20:29:02 · answer #7 · answered by Nemesis 7 · 0 0

If either one of you is practicing your religion and truly have faith in it, then no it will never work. If you feel he's a brainwashed and he's perfectly happy (and not harming himself or others) then just dump him and get it over with before it ends up costing you a bunch to get a divorce.

2006-07-06 20:29:19 · answer #8 · answered by minix0987 2 · 0 0

If you really care for that other person then you would uderstand his beliefs and not roll your eyes each time he talks about it. If you can't understand him or even merely give way to him, I suggest you don't marry him. Your kids would suffer.

2006-07-06 20:29:18 · answer #9 · answered by amor 2 · 0 0

Who are you seeing for the marriage counselor?

Is it a Jehovah counselor or is it a Catholic counselor? Is there any compromise on the religions? What can you give up to make this work ... and what can he give up to make this work?

2006-07-06 20:30:02 · answer #10 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 0 0

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