That's a good question. I could be wrong, but it seems that maybe you aren't sure about your future. You mentioned that we don't have long on this earth. But as for me, because I believe that there will be more after this life, I spend my life praising God. To me, this life right now is just temporary. I live for my assurrance of Salvation so I know that I'll be in God's favor when he needs me after death... Does that make sense to you? I suck at explaining myself... lol.
2006-07-06 10:05:11
answer #1
answered by Angel Eyes 3
There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning these things. And don't let ANYONE tell you there is!
We were given a heart like no other being- to feel;
We were given a brain like no other being- to THINK.
If you believe in God, then he (or she- whatever you think) is already in your heart/your being. Do not let people put fear or guilt in you saying that if you don't believe a certain way you will go to hell, or you will be condemned... God never would use fear or ultimatums to help us get to know Him.
Have faith that in your heart (because God is there) you do have the answers. You just need a little help getting some clarity.
Talk to Him. Ask Him questions. Ask Him to help you see and understand the way HE wants you to- not how others tell you or what they say you should be doing. They are no more holier nor more privileged than you that God may give them more or better answers.
Have faith. God is in you, so you can ask Him for the answers. And listen- to your heart, to your head and what feels right and loving. Those are the correct answers. When you do this, you will be led to have the relationship with Him that is best. That is when you will live God.
2006-07-06 17:32:48
answer #2
answered by dancing_queen 2
The reason that one is 'obligated' to do so is because one makes it an obligation. There is nothing that is obligated that is enforced by God. He has given everyone free will, but what kind of attitude would it be if you don't appreciate all that God has done for you, and if you say he hasn't then obviously you've been missing the big picture. Now for your question, why must you live and breathe for it? it's to show God your real attitude. How are you suppose to demonstrate to God that you really love him? And if you really love him then sacrifice from your part isn't a mandate but an act of gratitude. All you need in order to not feel obligated is to have a more personal relationship with God.
2006-07-06 17:08:53
answer #3
answered by venomfx 4
First of all, I admire you for asking such a straightforward and honest question. You say you believe in God and yet don't feel it necessary (I think your word was an "obligation") to sing or pray or "live" for Him.
Jesus said to His apostles, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father. The more I learned about Jesus, the more I came to love Him, the more praise and delight and song and dance poured out of me, in joy beause of who He is and what He has done.
No, it's not wrong to question these feelings that you're having. But....if you want to find out why anyone would, not as an obligation, but as something that comes naturally, desire to live for Him, take some time and study the bible, find out about Jesus...then you'll know why these things are so easily given, they come from a heart full of joy.
Best wishes to you.
2006-07-06 18:04:26
answer #4
answered by christian_lady_2001 5
Don't be so sure that others are progressing more. You do not see what God sees. God sent you here to learn the truth of yourself. Not to mindlessly follow what others tell you the truth is. Your question shows that you are seeking truth as you source intended for you to do. In the eyes of God this is most pleasing. Religion is not really necessary, and your right it is an added obligation that returns very little for your efforts. Religion asks much and returns little of value to you.
You are also right about the attitude that so-called religious people have about those of other faiths. The holier than thou attitude is by no means following Jesus’ message of unconditional love for ones neighbor. It is in fact the exact opposite of it. The idea of love that many religions teach is not really love at all it is only judgment. Their version of God, loves in the exact same judgmental way they do. An unconditionally loving God with endless conditions that must be met if you expect to stay on his good side. Again this is not love at all, it is only judgment.
What can we conclude from this? The so-called religious people seem to have turned the tables on the real God and created their own version of him in their own judgmental image and likeness. Think on this. Might you not be better off to strike out on your own so to speak and try to become closer to the real God rather than follow the false made up judgmental God of some religion.
It is not as hard as you may think to do this. The real God just loves you and asks nothing of you. He does not expect you to believe any nonsense about people of different faith going to hell. He wants no money from you nor does he expect you to worship him.
Worship is a need of the insecure; I ask you what does an eternal creator God have to be insecure about. These words rang true in your heart for a reason. It is because you can feel in your heart that they are the truth. Religion will try to tell you that this is a lie because religion needs to control. God gave you free will because He seeks to control nothing. Which of these two contrasting approaches sound more likely to be the truth to you?
I suggest that you get your self a copy of the course in miracles. It is a more current take on Jesus’ message for us. It is like an antidote for religions fantasy approach to God. Don’t let anyone scare you away from seeking the truth. The hellfire and damnation that many religions teach is utter nonsense. Remember unconditional love means just that, no conditions. God is simply love; there is nothing else there.
Love and blessings to you.
your brother don
2006-07-06 17:38:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Dear sister in christ,
Remember it is not about who is or who is not progressing more in Christ. God Loves you! He LOVES you so much! The greatest gift we can give God is to let him Love us! The more we know how we are loved by God the less being 'holy' seems an obligation. I would ask you to do a simple prayer exercise every day for ever (ha ha). No I am serious and you will notice changes in yourself and your love of God will grow.
The exercise:
1) Find a quite place were no one will disturb you for at least half hour to an hour. If this is to hard start with ten minutes.
2)Sit down in a place were you are comfortable.
3)Close your eyes.
4)Say "Speak Lord your servant is listening!"
5)With your eyes closed keep your focus on your heart.
6)Now don't think of nothing, just hang with God focusing on your heart.
7)If your mind does the 'Monkey Mind', basically the mind drifts off and you start thinking of your family, work, school etc.... then centre yourself again by repeating "Jesus Christ!" or "Jesus I trust in you".
8)But do try and persevere to the stage were you have a peaceful silence in Gods presence.
9)I promise you if you do this exercise everyday your approach to God and your neighbour will change. Doing good will no longer seem a duty but a pleasure. Try and do a half hour - 1hour or even more every day.
10)However, if this is difficult then start with 5 minutes every day until you graduate until hanging with God more time just listening in silence.
My dear friend we all suffer and we all doubt it is all part of life. Look at Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane! He said "Father take this cup away, but not let my will but your will be done!” Jesus sweat blood in his duress! He took the whole of sin upon himself - your sin and pain, my sin and pain and the whole worlds sin and pain - past, present and future upon himself. Take it that you are in good company if you doubt and suffer at this present time.
Remember Jesus is your friend and brother as well as our divine God. He Loves you so much! Who cares if it seems someone is progressing more and has bad or even good ways. Being Holy is not a competition. We are indeed here a little while but what we do now echoes for all eternity. Eternity is a lot longer then the little time we are on earth!
Also remember God is not a kiljoy! Being a Christian does not mean you can't have fun! There is nothing stopping you from doing fun things as long as you don't sin. And if you think sin is an attractive alternative then think about it logically. Sin causes pain, separation, desperation, anger, greed, avarice, lust etc. Now a sinful person may on the surface appear happy and life is great! But you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors or the turmoil and craziness that goes on in that persons mind and heart.
Moreover In the past I worked for over four years as a missionary and I have seen messed up people. I have seen those who have walked dark paths. I have even encountered those who are possessed and it is not a pleasant sight. One person I tried to help who was possessed had opened himself up through taking drugs and doing a number of bad things. Sin can often seem glamorous especially sexual sins!!!
But often the media does not show the reality of this sin: broken homes, broken children, emotional, spiritual and mental scars. Then these broken people take this brokenness to other people... causing more pain and anarchy.
Know that GOD is above all love and mercy. Let him Love you so that you can love others. Remember Jesus commanded his disciples "Love one and other as I have Loved you!" If you do not know his love then loving others will always be a burden. Let God Love you!
God Bless and Peace
Knight of Christ and Jesus
2006-07-06 17:44:49
answer #6
answered by knightofchristandmary 3
My dear sister in Christ, please read Romans 3.
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (verse 23)
What this scripture means is heck ya God knows you will fall short, but what’s really important is that you love him, and try your hardest to put him first. You may not be like sister so-and-so, but in your personal relationship with God you can try your best. And yes I know the standard is very high, be humbled in knowing that even though you don't deserve forgiveness it is granted to you.
Also read Matthew 6 and 7.
Do not worry.
Be comforted in knowing that God will take care of your needs, even these needs you think you may be missing out on (the worldly things) (Matthew 6: 25-34).
I know its not easy.
But remember the way is short and narrow (Matthew 7:7-14). And remember the best thing you can do in life is lay up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6: 19-21)
The point is God is expecting that you will fall short, and we all will, but be honest in your pursuit of God and a Christ centered life and everything will be OK.
Some personal advice is to read your bible for the answers you seek.
2006-07-06 17:59:28
answer #7
answered by Lexia 2
I can understand your frustration, but just because there are others doing the wrong thing, it is not an excuse for you to do the same. You know where those others may wind up--you don't want to be there with them, do you? If you are having a crises of faith, talk to your religious leader. If you don't have one, find one. Go to church. Find your God and your reason for being. It is a spiritual journey that you need to go on--in my humble opinion--and I am NOT a zealot. I keep my religious stuff to myself--it's only for me and my life. I don't lord it over others or anything. It is a personal choice, but I encourage you, for your benefit, not to give up altogether.
2006-07-06 17:19:20
answer #8
answered by Waferette 3
Belief in God is based on so much more than "its the right thing to do."
Being a Christian is not an obligation, it is a privilege and a lifestyle. Once we are saved and our sins have been forgiven, there should be a seed, a desire in our hearts to life for God, not for ourselves. Your question seems to indicate that you have not yet given your heart and your life to God and that you still wish to live for yourself.
When I gave my life to God, God gave me a purpose, a desire to do my earthly best to walk the rest of my journey in a godly when. And when I don't, which is often, God's grace gets me through.
When you say progressing, are you referring to progressing in the natural realm or the spiritual realm. If someone else has more wealth than I, that's okay because I attempt to live my life in way that my treasures await me in Heaven, which is for eternity, not for a short while on earth.
2006-07-06 17:15:58
answer #9
answered by Sandy S 3
No we are human... We are God children we are still learning. You know your relationship with God. Don't let others make you feel you have too do this or that to be a perfect Christian. We will never be a perfect Christian. All people feel that way so time or another it's normal. Just keep your eyes on God and he'll take care of the rest.
2006-07-06 17:09:25
answer #10
answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7