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Part 2: Would you agree with whatever justification you came up with to be applied to your land? Or do you not apply?

2006-07-05 20:22:48 · 14 answers · asked by some dude 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Some Feedback: How the hell do you people (those whom it applies to) keep citing this historical nonsense and toy with the word "Palestinian" (there is a debate if there is such a thing or not) !!?? Are they then no longer humans? Was their land forcefully occupied or not? What is the justification?? You call yourselves Devil's advocates then still try to come with the excuses and the justifications that don't add up to anything - so are these the devil's excuses then??

That's why I asked the second question - would you accept such a thing to be applied to you - were the "historical factors" present (such as your American soil belonging to various Native American tribes for instance), and were your racial name, "Caucasian" for example, to also be just a "misnomer" thereby making it justifiable to remove you from your home (people really have this logic as you can see below).

Unfortunately all most of the answerers could offer is some blatant hypocrisy, racism and bigotry.

2006-07-06 09:29:23 · update #1

14 answers

all i gotta say is there is no justification for taking land or livelihood

2006-07-05 20:27:35 · answer #1 · answered by wundrinsoul@yahoo.com 2 · 0 1

When Israel was formed all of the people who lived in the territories were given the opertunity to be Citizens with all the rights that citizenship granted to the Jews. Some chose to accept it, others didn't.

Israel dosn't want to continue to take things from the Palestinians. They simply want to be left alone by the "Arab States". This being Arab nations as well as pollitical and religious groups.

If you are for a free Arab nation then you NEED to be pushing the Arab States to recognise and establish the same thing for the Kurds. They have been trying to be recognised for many, many years. The Arab response has included the gassing of nearly 100,000 as well as the mass slaughter of whole cities.

Part 2: I am part of an established nation. I have the rights of citizenship similar to what they are being and have been offered. I have the same right to go somewhere else if I don't want to be part of what has been established.

So yes I do apply and have been under the same rules they have.

Reply: Hey pal, I don't know where you get this "historical nonsence" garbage but pretty well everything I see here listed as historical can be proven. If you feel that something is incorrect then let's see your evidence.

2006-07-05 20:41:49 · answer #2 · answered by billybetters2 5 · 0 0

Answer one would be the actions of the world governments in 1947 gave the land to the Jewish people.

Secondly, the land was given to the Jewish people by God a long time ago.
Third is the fact that the very word Palestinian is actually derived from a play on words by the Greeks and means the Philistines.
The Palestinian people are Arab nothing more nothing less.

2006-07-06 02:06:51 · answer #3 · answered by drg5609 6 · 0 0

If you go back to the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate then Israel was intended by the international community to be far larger than it is today, even with the disputed territories. For example, the whole of Jordan (then called Trans-Jordan) was to be Israel.
Due to oil pressure from the Arab states the size of Israel was drastically reduced and so we ended up with a tiny state surrounded by mortal enemies.
If you include the promise made by God to Abraham then Israel should be even bigger - even to the Euphrates!
Eschatology suggests that unrest between Israel and neighbours is necessary for end-time scenarios with the Anti-Christ mediating a temporary peace settlement.
So, it's complicated. Also Israel is a secular state who do not consult God before taking action, so they are by no means lily-white innocents. But they are in a constant struggle to survive and cannot take chances.
I do not believe that this mess can be humanly sorted - we will have to wait for God's plan and timing. Until then do as the psalmist suggests:
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

2006-07-05 20:58:45 · answer #4 · answered by hippoterry2005 3 · 0 0

Killing innocent people or taking there lands with out any reason is NOT FAIR.

Now why here you make double standards,
If some one occupy your house and throw your mother, father out of your own home and then kill your sister in the streets brutally and your little brother, then what are you going to do.
And if the same unfair and barbaric law is applied to innocent Palestinians then this is fair. What you want to proof to humans, that JEWS is the worse nation on this earth.

Remember Islam is the religon of peace and it teaches the rights of all the human beings

There is no god but Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah

2006-07-05 20:38:42 · answer #5 · answered by Dai 2 · 0 0

It's more complicated than that. If you go back 50 years then the Jews took the land of the Palestenians. If you go back 1900 years then the Arabs took the land from the Jews. If you go back 3000 or so years then the Jews took the land from the Arabs.

So when does history count, and when doesn't it???

Personally I think the Jews should have been given at least half of Germany to do with what they wanted after WWII, but that's just my opinion.

2006-07-05 20:30:58 · answer #6 · answered by Ender 6 · 0 0

There isn't one. It was shakily based on the Jewish claim that it was the land promised to them by God - but that was THEIR God, and anyway whatever claim to it they might have had passed with the Roman occupation - and even then it was not exclusive. After all, by their own Old Testament, they migrated into it when it was already occupied by the peoples who were probably largely the forbears of the present Palestinians! In the early parts of the 20thC Jews were greatly divided over ideas of occupying Palestine as Israel, some wanting to get on with it regardless, and others more fundamentalist protesting they were not allowed to do so until the Messiah came. However, during the first World War, American-Jewish bankers heavily financed the British war effort, and there developed "The Balfour Agreement" in which Britain undertook to help the Jewish people get a homeland. After that war, Britain was awarded the Protectorate of Palestine by the League of Nations (on the grounds it had been part of the Turkaman empire). In the scramble for ME resources and Empire, Britain broke the agreements Lawrence had made with the Arabs (to get their support in the war) to help establish their ownership of the tribal lands in the Middle East. Under the protectorate Jews and non-Jews co-existed, as they did in the Ottoman Empire. After World War 11, on the basis of the Holocaust, Jews around the world pressed more strongly for a Palestinian "homeland", over-riding their internal dissent. When it didn't happen as quickly as they wished, they began a terrorist campaign in Palestine post-war to force the British to leave, without finalising any political/legal arrangements with the Palestinians. This was followed by massive illegal immigration (romanticised in Hollywood moveis), ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages (ignored), occupation, and an effective racist State, with apartheid ... the Arab war of resistance which failed ... further Israeli encroachments in defiance of United Nations resolutions which could not hold against USA vetoes in the Security Council, heavy US funding of Israel as a potential fortress against Communism (and probably Islam, whilst at the same time the US promoted compliant puppet "Islamic" governments in the area, in the interests of oil). And so it went on, to the present totally immoral and probably irremediable disaster which can only precipitate more deadly distractions from the real global problems of climate change, consumerism, and over-population ... and so we slide collectively down the chute of ignorance, myopia, propaganda, and self-interest. Religion has nothing much to do with any of it, except as a specious rallying cry of extremists on both sides - but greed and political ideaology does. Salaam?

2006-07-05 21:02:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is Iraq ..but still
being a Muslim ... as far as world peace is concerned , i would have loved for Israelis to have found their haven in USA .. they both seems such wonderful buddies... such love and affection for each other.. sarcasm apart.. seriously , i think it would have saved a lot of ppl's life.. both Israelis and Palestinians..

i mean come on , how will you react when somebody comes to your house and b'coz they used to live in my house ..so many years back.. and they say that they want their house back...and use force/ kill to remove you from there.. what EXACTLY WILL BE YOUR REACTION ?

i am not justifying suicide bombing ... it IS wrong..

in a way , Jews would not have wanted Holocaust to have happened.. the way Americans would have not wanted wtc attack to have happened ..

at the end of the day , alot of innocent people dies..

i don't' see any justification ...

2006-07-05 20:49:01 · answer #8 · answered by rumahs 4 · 0 0

I can't help you as I have no idea why governments feel the right to do such things. Isn't it just downright comically sad how some "leaders" think they can rule the world?

2006-07-05 20:25:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

best justification???
wow...you're asking us to play devils advocate...
"Your people have been nomads for 3 millenia and because we were granted statehood in an area we currently populate
....you have no right to be here...
if you wish to visit places you hold religiously dear...you will stop the suicide bombings or we will drive you back to the deserts and ban you from your holy sites."

Would I agree...of course not.
Would I kill innocent people in order to fight back? - never.

Would I support and encourage suicide bombings into Israel...

Whatever the Palestinian cause...whatever their human right...
whatever their claim...
they nullify it with each suicidal attack.

2006-07-05 20:31:00 · answer #10 · answered by Warrior 7 · 0 0

Just need to control US to Isreal. All US president didn't want it because they need vote from Israels who live in America.
Palestinian also need to control their-self.
So they can live together in Gaza.
You are very lucky because I am so free in this time.

2006-07-05 20:48:42 · answer #11 · answered by PiPi 2 · 0 0

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