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I am an animal lover and i hate seeing dead animals in the road and i hate hunting. the problem is is that i like fishing (i never eat the fish, i always let it go) and i love to eat meat? i don't know what i should do. Vegetarian or Meat and Veggie Eater??? help me please!!!

2006-07-05 11:56:31 · 21 answers · asked by model true 2 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

21 answers

What is with all the punctuation. Relax. Do what you feel is right. You can be an animal lover without being a vegetarian.

2006-07-05 12:11:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I choose not to eat meat because I truly love animals and have studied how poorly our meat industry treats the animals people eat. I can't in good conscience eat an amimal who lived a horrible life so someone could make a buck off it. If I were to eat meat, I would certainly eat something I hunted before I walked into the grocery store and bought a piece of flesh from an animal that was tortured its entire life. At least the hunt takes effort and time on the hunter's part so that they appreciate the animal and at the same time the animal got to live free and be the animal it was meant to be. Also, isn't it hypocritical for meat eaters to just walk into the store and buy pieces of an animal and not have to be involved in the life and production of that meat? I think if people were forced to connect with the source of their meat, then there would be much less carnivores.

I like the taste of meat-- I just don't like the idea of unnecessarily killing animals for consumption. Luckily, these days there are so many GOOD vegetarian options such as soy and mushroom based burgers, bacon, chicken nuggets, chicken breast, Annie's brand meatloaf, tofu turkey, lasagna. There are resaurants that cator to vegetarians (even Burger King and Dairy Queen have veggie burgers) and all the ingredients and cookbooks needed to cook great food home, too.

Since we have the capability to freeze food from harvests, then there is little reason to eat meat. It used to be that in the winter, summer produce could not be preserved and so people hunted meat. If there were a famine or I was in a situation where I had only access to meat then I would give thanks for the animal and eat it in order for my kids and me to survive.

2006-07-05 20:59:16 · answer #2 · answered by norsktjej1964 4 · 0 0

There are a great many meat substitutes to choose from. Every meal that you eat that's vegetarian reduces the amount of animals that suffer for sake of human consumption. Explore the supermarket and find some vegetarian meat substitutes and maybe you will find them pleasing. Over your lifetime, even just cutting out 3 or 4 meat meals per week, you can save a couple of animals. Fishing IS fun because it is like gambling, but I made myself stop. Every time I went fishing, one would swallow a hook and I would end up killing it when I tried to get the hook out. You don't have to declare yourself a vegetarian to have compassion, just do a little work toward reducing suffering where you are able.

2006-07-05 20:27:50 · answer #3 · answered by Joyce T 4 · 0 0

THen you have an ethical dilemma. Is the suffering of animals worth more than your pleasure?

Fishing, even catch & release fishing, is harmful to the fish. Consider how it feel to be hooked, pulled by that hook, and then have that ripped out of you. Also, fish have been known to swallow the hook and then had their innards torn out when trying to remove the hook. Also, the hole left by the hook can get infected and kill the fish. Not very humane, huh?

If you hate hunting, then why support the meat industry? You are simply telling people that it's ok to do the killing that you can't do. The animal is being killed for you.

It's up to you, the decision you have to make. And remember, should you decide to remove meat from your life, you can do it slowly. Diving in head first will lead to guilt if you fail. Allow yourself time (even years) to fully convert, should you choose.

There are also plenty of meat substitutes available on the market to help make your transition easier. Even meat eaters use them regularly because they are healthier, safer, and taste great!

Good luck to you in whatever you decide! : )

Edit: "The world is a circle and we live through food chains." Yes, the rest of the animals in world does. We are not part of the food chain as we farm our meat, and typically in terrible ways.
" If these animals could eat us, they would. If you eat an animal to eat it" You mean all those man-eating Chickens, Pigs, Cows, Turkeys, Salmon? lol.
"this is in your human nature to do so." Nope. It's a learned behaviour. You don't need meat to survive.
" You shouldn't feel bad about it." No one should tell you what to feel bad about. That's arrogant.
"It is more cruel to kill animals for the fun of it or for cosmetic reasons such as clothing." So killing them for lipstick is worse than killing them for fun on your tongue? For food that you don't need? Illogical statement.
"If you eat meat, at least you aren't the one that killed it." That doesn't make it any better. In fact, that mean you are simply hiring someone to do the dirty work that you are too ethical to do on your own.
"They probally have a better life than a wild animal. " I urge this person to watch a farmhouse video sometime. Being gutted alive, boiled alive, having legs broken, throats slit while conscious, living in filth, unable to move, and all the other fun stuff that they go through doesn't seem like a better life to me.

2006-07-05 19:05:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fish do have nerve endings and can experience pain, so even if you let them go after catching them, you're still putting them through the pain of having the hook pierce right through their skin, and out again! Plus, being out of the water for the minute or two that you need to withdraw the hook is suffocating the fish. Imagine if a gigantic sharp piece of metal hooked you through your mouth, dragged you into the water where you couldn't breathe for a minute or two, while that gigantic sharp piece of metal was being wiggled around in your flesh until it was pulled out. You wouldn't like that, would you? So why do it to the fish?

If you are an animal lover and hate the sight or thought of dead animals, you should do some research on how the meat you eat gets to your plate—what you discover might be enough to make go veg! Here's a few tidbits on what happens to the animals that make up your dinner:

At birth they're pumped with growth hormones so they'll mature (and thus be profitable) as fast as possible, but this means their bones are often too weak and brittle to hold up all their rapidly-gained weight, which makes them unable to stand and move around. But even if they could move around, they wouldn't have enough space to—factory farmed animals are crammed into pens and cages so small that cows can't turn around or lie down and chickens won't be able to spread their wings even once in their entire lifetime. If the animal becomes injured or ill (which happens very often), no money is wasted on treating them to make them well again since it's not illegal not to, which not only means they suffer through their injuries and illnesses, but their meat that ends up on your plate could contain tumors, pus, and scar tissue. Animals are kept indoors and most never see natural sunlight. They are often malnourished and dehydrated. After years of this life of torment and torture, it's time for slaughter... but first, chickens are boiled alive in a feather removal process, and cows are shot in the head to stun them, then hung by their legs to have their throats slit so they will bleed to death.

That's only a small bit of the horror that animals are put through in order for you to eat them. Check out http://goveg.com/factoryFarming.asp for more details.

2006-07-05 19:31:28 · answer #5 · answered by thirteenthdancer 2 · 0 0

Meat-eaters later in life get old and cranky. They get aches and pains, and go to doctors all the time, and have to take wierd medications. It ain't a pretty sight.

Being an animal lover is okay. But that's really beside the point.

2006-07-05 22:23:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you really love meat be vegetarian on the weekends or a couple days out of the week,you'll still be able to eat meat and you'll still be making a difference.

2006-07-06 05:18:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Meat and Veggie eater! The animals are already dead so they'd want you to eat them.

2006-07-05 19:00:18 · answer #8 · answered by Ryan 4 · 0 0

If you love meat you probably do not have the will power to be a vegetarian or vegan, but you could also eat organic and free range meat etc. instead.

2006-07-05 19:50:58 · answer #9 · answered by deeohknee 2 · 0 0

I know that alot of Vegan's feel bad for eating animals because of what they go through. You have to think about it this way though. The world is a circle and we live through food chains. If these animals could eat us, they would. If you eat an animal to eat it, this is in your human nature to do so. You shouldn't feel bad about it. It is more cruel to kill animals for the fun of it or for cosmetic reasons such as clothing. That is what I am against. If you eat meat, at least you aren't the one that killed it. Don't beat yourself up for this.

2006-07-05 19:04:04 · answer #10 · answered by Pinky 3 · 0 0

Well I don't really eat red meat, but I love fish...I follow a harm none philosophy but I have to look at it this way...as far as fruits and vegetables if you pick them, do they not die to. I don't like the vegetarians who say you should not kill to eat but pulling an apple off the tree kills it's life line so technically it dies to. same with pulling a carrot, picking berries, even if you eat dirt you eat animals, so go with what your heart tells you.

2006-07-05 19:13:39 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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