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In the Book of Revelation it says that something would have to be placed in/on right hand or forehead in order to sell. How do you explain the microchips being put into peoples hands that is going on today?

2006-07-05 10:11:53 · 48 answers · asked by caedmonscall99 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

That is for purposes which seem good, they have started to do this with the elderly. That way if they get lost or have medical problems, these are placed in microchips and then implanted in the right arm/hand.

Can this explain in part about the eventual mark of the beast we are going to need to buy and sell anything?

2006-07-05 10:19:28 · update #1

For those who want to check out the mark:

Revelation 13:16-17

2006-07-05 10:47:08 · update #2

And definitely, the Bible is true. But any time spent in here will show that there are those that don't want to believe that.

Momento when I said "Since the Bible is true......", that was not a typo.

2006-07-06 06:21:38 · update #3

I never said that it was being used as such, as of yet. But that is where the verichip is heading.

2006-07-07 16:58:06 · update #4

48 answers

People sell things all of the time without putting the merchandise in the buyers hand, or on their head. I sold my car to some guy without putting it in his right hand, or on his head. Explain that. Even if America makes people put chips in them to sell, Africans will still be trading goats for cloth. You are really stretching for and argument, and this comes nowhere near being a solid point to base anything off of.

2006-07-05 10:23:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Ummm Back when that book was written people had to put marks on thier bodies in order to trade..infact Nero was represented by the number 666.....What is in the book of revolations has already happend. The bible also says that in order for the second coming the Temple in Isreal needs to be rebuilt...but there is a small problem...It already has structures over its original location...so it will never happen if it doesnt get rebuilt. Nostradamus a person not even affiliated with the bible has made more accurate predictions about things then the bible..why don't you read something written by him.

2006-07-05 10:17:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh my God! We're doomed!

What's to explain? Didn't you ever read 1984? Nostradamus? Any futuristic novel for that reason? They all have similar predictions and all have things that you could or could not say is possible or is happening now. Big friggin' deal. Doomsday fanatics have been saying for decades that the 'end time' is near. Why? Because Revelations has and will continue to be interpreted however one wants to as an ends to justify their means. I've heard so much different crap about 'the mark of the beast', even people in the Seventies who claimed credit cards were 'the mark'. Get over it already.

2006-07-05 10:19:23 · answer #3 · answered by yogabbagabba 5 · 0 0

I believe that we get a lot of ideas from the Bible; but, I don't think that it is necessarily predictive. Human beings are very creative and we are able to get ideas from a lot of sources. Star Wars, "Of Mice and Men"; any thing that we see or experience is fertile ground for our curiousity and inventive nature.

The Book of Revelations also says, "All things are illusion." Does this mean that nothing exists, but that we create it through the collective power of our minds. Another passage in the Bible says, "As ye believe, so it shall be." Are these metaphysical principles that tell us that we have a creative power within ourselves? The proof that there are metaphysical principles embedded in the bible still does not prove that the Bible is not false. The people who wrote the Bible were into philosophy, metaphysics, and alchemy. So, it wouldn't be unreasonable to conclude that they wrote some of their own beliefs into the Bible.

None of this proves the veracity of the Bible.

2006-07-05 10:32:39 · answer #4 · answered by RON C 3 · 0 0

Call me crazy, but I believe it to be a very good possibility myself.
If not "the mark of the beast" then definitely George Orwell's' "1984" In either case, count me out of microchips, potato chips and "buffalo" chips. No, I really do believe you are right in questioning it for all the right reasons. Discernment is a Gift of God. He'll help, ask Him.
Peace and Love

2006-07-05 10:58:57 · answer #5 · answered by digilook 2 · 0 0

lets take logic. consider the time when the bible was written, people we a mess the world needed some sort of control. How do people live a few hundred years old back then? they had to be made up figures.
Hindus have a god, Jews have a god, Islams have a god, if there is only one god homebody's wrong. we know that the Egyptians believed in sun god, wind god. etc, well all know they do not exist. If their is a god wouldn't he be a Jew after all Jesus was a Jew.
look at your grand parents how tall are they? Most people in their 60's 70's are short. we are bigger because we are evolving.
why would god just let a Hitler kill millions of people.
if we have jealous god, because there is supposed to be one, why dose he let us make a decision to believe him or not.
Why let satin leave heaven and cause havoc. It could be a perfect place if he would take out all the bad.
I believe in the spirit of Christmas but that dose not mean I believe in Santa.

2006-07-05 10:26:57 · answer #6 · answered by mike67333 6 · 0 0

I haven't seen this happen yet. I also forsee America being totally decimated by foriegn countries before the tribulation. America won't even convert to the metric system, let alone the Euro! This micro chip thing has only been used on a small scale with pets. Your so stupid. If you want an interpretation of the number, try your social security number. Every american is issued one and it contains your life's info, and you also need it to buy or sell with a credit card.

2006-07-05 10:17:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can you post up a link showing that microchips are being placed in peoples hands? That sounds really cool but I've yet to see it.

I'm assuming these people with microchips in thier hands are victims of slave trade in rogue Africa? Why don't they just use a barcode like the slave trade in America?

I'm guessing you mean the mail order brides have microchips in thier hands?

2006-07-05 10:16:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think that the Bible is false.
It is true !
How do they explain the other things, like the boat they have sealed on a mountain, in and arround Turkey. To the exact measurements of the boat in the Bible.
But yes the micro-chip experiments are an eye opener for sure...

2006-07-05 10:29:43 · answer #9 · answered by Catt 4 · 0 0

You can say the same for the book 1984; i.e. Big Brother watching you. Same goes for Animal Farm, Frankenstein, Harrison Burgeron and many others.
The Bible is neither false nor true because it takes faith to believe it. If you have no faith for it, then it is not the Word of God to you and visa versa.
But your example and the mindset of can be found in many other books like the examples I gave above...so in essence, you didn't really "prove" your point.
And how can anyone explain the idiotic lengths that Big Government will go to to further their quest for complete control of the masses.

2006-07-05 10:22:26 · answer #10 · answered by Poppet 3 · 0 0

All of revelation is symbolic: The hand and the forhead is symbolic to support something by hand working towards that goal or forhead means to support it by our brain or thoughts
Be in agreement with it.
That's why they say give me a hand, Meaning help me by working. Or what are your thoughts on this.
Most money has the pictures of the government on it, of the land where it was made. Revelation goes on to say that one day there will be a war between the governments of this world and God. That is when Jesus christ will set up his kingdom on this earth. The whole book of Revelation from using wild beasts
which always symbolize governments. It has nothing to do with a chip. It is supporting a government that is in opposition to God. What government isn't actually doing gods will.
Wouldn't that take in just about every one of them.

2006-07-05 10:19:32 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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