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2006-07-04 22:23:41 · 24 answers · asked by kotisri2001 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Hinduism. Sanskrit.

Vedas are more than 5000 year old and are written in Sanskrit.

But Sanskrit itself originated from Brahmi. And The script used by Mohanjodaro people is yet to be read. Though you get proto Shiva or Pashupati icons even then.

2006-07-05 01:18:50 · answer #1 · answered by Karma 4 · 0 1

The oldest major civilization is probably Sumer, in the Mesopotamian region (aka, the Middle East) around 3500 BC. They spoke Sumerian, making that the oldest widespread language.

Their religion was, more or less, what most people refer to today as the Babylonian Religion, with gods like An, Enil and Enki.

If you mean religion/language that are still alive today, the best bets would probably be Hinduism for religion and Arabic for language.

2006-07-04 22:31:05 · answer #2 · answered by wylotheuber 2 · 0 0

Historically, religion exist even before the Hebrews. How?

When the Lord choosen Abraham, there are already people worshiping Baal. When Abraham won the battle and save the king of Salam, he gave the offering to the Lord thru the Priest Melchisidek (I think I spell wrongly, no bible with me in China).

The practises of Baal worship can be trace to Helenic religion (Greek Myth), and is also similar to Hinduism. Even today, people from some part of India still practise Human sacrifice in the remote village, often reported as still born and been cremate.

Some form of histroy trace that the Aryan (the white race, Hitler claim that German is Aryan) came into India, and chase the Davidian to the south, and started the Hindu practises.

Buddhist can trace the teaching to Buddha. Muslim to Mohamad, Christian to Jesus, and Jews to Moses. Most religion have a so call founder. But hindu? No one know.

In my humble opinion, in todays context, Hindu is the oldest religion, and Sanskrit is the oldest religion langage.

2006-07-04 22:58:37 · answer #3 · answered by Melvin C 5 · 0 0

Yahoo expert answers

Hinduism is generally considered to be the oldest religion still being practiced today. This ancient religion was born when the Aryan peoples migrated to Northern India and first put their religious tradition into writing. The texts they created are the Vedas, which were written around 1,500 B.C.E. (before common era) and have greatly influenced Indian culture ever since.
Several other religions are almost as old as Hinduism. Judaism traces its roots back to the patriarch Abraham, who lived around 1,800 B.C.E. While the Jewish people are descended from Abraham, it was Moses who first recorded the Torah, the Jewish holy text, in 1,400 B.C.E. Most sources consider the date of the Torah as the beginning of Judaism.

Zoroastrianism is sometimes called the world's oldest prophetic religion. It's certainly one of the earliest religions founded by one person. Scholars are not certain when the founding prophet Zarathustra actually lived. Some believe Zarathustra lived in the 6th century B.C.E., while others trace his writings to the 14th or 13th centuries B.C.E.

India has been a veritable cradle for world religions -- in addition to Hinduism, both Jainism and Buddhism originated in India. The first of Jainism's sacred lords, called a Tirthankara, lived in the 8th century B.C.E. The last of these lords was Mahavir, who lived in the 5th century B.C.E. and was a key figure in spreading the religion. The philosophical teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, spread around Asia after his death in 483 B.C.E.

Oddly enough, the two religions that dominate the world today are relative newcomers to the spiritual scene. Christianity began with the teachings of Jesus Christ around 30 C.E., and Islam started in 610 C.E. with the prophet Muhammad's revelation.

2006-07-04 22:41:03 · answer #4 · answered by sashwat 4 · 0 0

First, are we only counting organized religions? Or are we counting belief systems as well?

We don't know a lot about really really early religion. Cave paintings indicate that most of them worshipped a supreme goddess with many other gods. For some it was just the goddess. However we don't know how these religions are organized or really what they did. Some godesses like Inanna in Sumer were well documented (3500-2334 BCE), others we have lost the names for. So honestly, godess worship is the oldest KIND of religion. And there may be entire faiths that have just been completely lost to us.

Now if you're only counting organized religions (religions we know a lot about, understand, can assign neat dates to),
Hinduism is generally considered to be the oldest religion still being practiced today. This ancient religion was born when the Aryan peoples migrated to Northern India and first put their religious tradition into writing. The texts they created are the Vedas, which were written around 1,500 B.C.E, but the religion existed in oral form before the texts were written.

Several other religions are almost as old as Hinduism. Judaism traces its roots back to the patriarch Abraham, who lived around 1,800 B.C.E. While the Jewish people are descended from Abraham, it was Moses who first recorded the Torah, the Jewish holy text, in 1,400 B.C.E. Most sources consider the date of the Torah as the beginning of Judaism.

Zoroastrianism is sometimes called the world's oldest prophetic religion. It's certainly one of the earliest religions founded by one person. Scholars are not certain when the founding prophet Zarathustra actually lived. Some believe Zarathustra lived in the 6th century B.C.E., while others trace his writings to the 14th or 13th centuries B.C.E. Since we don't know for sure, it is hard to place.

India has been a veritable cradle for world religions -- in addition to Hinduism, both Jainism and Buddhism originated in India. Jainism began with Tirthankara who lived in the 8th century B.C.E. and the religion really took off in the 5th century B.C.E. The philosophical teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, spread around Asia after his death in 483 B.C.E.

The two religions that dominate the world today are relative newcomers to the spiritual scene. Christianity began with the teachings of Jesus Christ around 30 C.E., and Islam started in 610 C.E. with the prophet Muhammad's revelation. You'll see Muslims in this thread claiming it began with Adam, which is their right, but no one was practicing Islam before 610.

ne authoritative source that has collected data from all over the world, The Ethnologue, listed the total number of current languages in the world as 6809 (1). These languages have come from about 20 “proto-langauges.” A “protolanguage” is simply: a ”recorded ancestral language.”

Based on the criteria of your question the answer is:


Aramaic is one of the world's oldest languages. Last year, Aramaic was heard by large audiences in the film "Passion of the Christ", which portrayed the last 12 hours of Christ’s life. Today this ancient language is spoken by around 15,000 people and is in danger of dying out.
Aramaic precedes Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Sanskrit and is also older then the “proto-language” from which Chinese originated.

2006-07-04 22:30:32 · answer #5 · answered by www.Razackonline.com 4 · 0 0

Hinduism is also known as "Sanatana Dharma" to Hindus. In Sanskrit, the original language of India, 'Sanatana' means Everlasting and 'Dharma', by a crude translation, means Religion. The Everlasting Religion, Hinduism was founded, exists and flourishes in India.

or see for yourself


2006-07-04 22:30:50 · answer #6 · answered by Joe_Young 6 · 0 0

Good question and valid!

Judaism is the oldest religion and Hebrew is the oldest language.
Makes sense as their is only one true God and Jesus is documented to exist. Other religions have no such evidence of truth and geneology.

Moses wrote in the wilderness the book of Genesis the first religious texts in the world instigated by God and completed in 1513 B.C.E. The first book of the Holy scriptures that was to make up the Bible we know today.
It covered the eons of years from the beginning of creation to 1657 B.C.E.
The timelines of the lives of people, history and events prove no other book is older.
The first break away from the True religion began at the time of Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, the son of Cush who opposed God and was building the cities of Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. (see Genesis 8:10 onwards) Nimrod who displayed himself a mighty hunter in opposition of God went forth into Assyria and set himself to building Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah and Resen between Nineveh and Calah. Nimrod established the first Babylonian Empire of false religions.

2006-07-04 22:26:12 · answer #7 · answered by Gingerbread Man 3 · 0 0

Can you give Time to Gods Teachings? God is Eternal so his teachings or religions are eternal ...

Now a days they divide it by the time of when their Spiritual Heads revealed it to them. Like some think Christianity only arrived after Jesus... But did God not Exist before that ??

And if Christianity is teaching of God then how can you say it did not exist ?
This applies to All the religions. One Muslim friend once told me that Actually Teaching of Quran are eternal too..
Bhagavad Gita itself was written about 5000 years back, but we get from Great Sages that the teachings existed eternally .....

So if the religion exists eternally so does the languages whose main purpose is to convey those teachings ....
they simply manifest and then becomes unmanifested and then again manifest ...

2006-07-04 22:55:00 · answer #8 · answered by Parsu 4 · 0 0

well all the pagan religions are very old. Zoroastrianism is also very old. Language is an always evolving thing so it's hard to pinpoint. But sandscrit is generally excepted as one of the oldest.

2006-07-04 22:27:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It was the basics of all religions
* God is one *
and all the things in the universe are created by him .
the oldest language is of emotions.

2006-07-04 22:39:51 · answer #10 · answered by Asad 1 · 0 0

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