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19 answers

A diplomatic response to sabre-rattling by Pyongyang is in order. Military action should be a long ways off and a last resort.

Incidentally, they're not firing nuclear missiles. There's nothing nuclear about the missiles they're firing, as far as we know. They don't have warheads, nor do they have the technology to convert their very small existing arsenal into something that can be used with the missiles they're developing.

Doesn't mean that nothing should be done about the whole thing, though.

2006-07-04 22:03:01 · answer #1 · answered by Tom Lillis 2 · 0 0

Aside from an 'Act Of War' (such as an attack on another sovereign nation no matter what we think of it) what would you suggest? Especially since there is no proof that it is not a launcher for orbital devices. Say, pirating cable TV signals. All the evidence presented, about the same worth as a dingos' kidney as a friend once expressed it, has been from VERY long range photos (our orbital cameras for the most part) as that is one of the tightest governments in the world. It would have been like going in and destroying the Soyuz launchers when the USSR was a going concern. Not a great idea when the only real difference from a research (include the word manned here) and an ICBM launcher is the payload. Check the list of our boosters and you'll find that we didn't have a purpose built until the Saturn. You don't attack until you know why and then only if you are willing to fight a war in Korea (South) because of it. Even the Chinese think those people are nuts.

2006-07-05 05:16:33 · answer #2 · answered by Draken 2 · 0 0

North Korea didn't fire nuke, it fire long-range missile. And no, I don't think the world should just stand by and let NOT ONLY North Korea BUT ANY OTHER countries which fire missile, or nuke or those chemical weapons which could harm the rest of the world!! That's why we have the UN, right??

2006-07-05 06:06:20 · answer #3 · answered by savedbymercy 3 · 0 0

From my point of view, Korea wills never launching their nuclear missile. It will cause Mass Assured Destruction (MAD) that leads to destruction of human being and this planet. Just imagine N. Korea start firing their nuke, what will happen united state, Russia, and several nuke power country will detect the missile from their radar. This is the crucial time, where every one will retaliate by firing their nuke to N. Korea. Just imagine 2 atomic weapons that dropped in Japan cause the melting of iceberg. What will happen if all country firing their missile at the same time?

2006-07-05 05:45:56 · answer #4 · answered by Voltage Transformer 33kV 5 · 0 0

N. Korea isn't firing "nuke missiles," N. Korea is test firing missiles.

So long as any nation has missiles, any other nation has the right to have them, too.

The arrogance of the US & Israel is only going to lead to an eventual World War. The US & Israel do not have the right to tell others what weapons they may develop or possess.

2006-07-05 05:20:47 · answer #5 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

That's a touchy issue.
Part of me says NO, we should not. But another part of me says, "who stopped us when we not only tested nuclear weapons but USED them?"

But the world's a different place than it was then, but I can't get around the fact that Hiroshima and Nagasaki set a perecident, and like it or not, that has a profound effect on what rights other countries are willing to embrace in regard to nuclear proliferation.

On the other hand, I absolutely agree that EVERYONE should do EVERYTHING to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of people who are overtly rattling their sabres so to speak, but I think that we should use other means...not weak diplomacy, and not military threats that aren't gonna do anything more than make countries like North Korea say things like: "We're gonna do it anyway, so there!"

Based on developments around the world, nuclear proliferation is a pretty dangerous thing to have to deal with, but it's also a releic from another age. This doesn't make it less relevant, it just means that as something of a relic, there ARE other ways to fight against it and we need leadership smart enough to see and utilize that. Since everything is driven by money these days, perhaps the way to fight against North Korea developing a nuclear weaponry program is do do two things...render nuclear armament irrelevant, and hit North Korea where it hurts...in its wallet.

Easier said than done, and well...this is all just my opinion anyway.

2006-07-05 05:11:08 · answer #6 · answered by chipchinka 3 · 0 0

They didn't fire a Nuke, they fired a Missile that would be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. And for your information, that particular missile failed 30 seconds after launch and fell into the sea. This is just that foolish little dictators way of trying to force the Gov'ts of the world to lift sanctions, and he is a tempest in at teapot.

2006-07-05 05:02:55 · answer #7 · answered by Crowfeather 7 · 0 0

Why can USA have nukes and not N Korea ?
When leaders are misguided they waste hard earned Peoples money in these ways...
USA is number one in that ... May be N Korea is trying to follow the leader...
What are you going to Do ? destroy N Korea Economy ? Create Fear Among N Koreans? Wipe out N Korea?
You are simply Jealous.. USA already has many nukes pointed at us, so what does it mater if another nuke comes up to point ?? does it makes my situation more worse then current ?
When USA points their Nukes on All other country, they are very happy... but when some one else points Nuke on them they Panic..
As you sow so shall you reap ...

We have to understand that even though there is stock pile of Nukes enough to destroy the whole world many many time ... Still God is in Control ...
And God will allow destruction if we continue to engage in Sinful Activities.. but if people simply engage in service of God, that will solve all the problems including Nukes... But people will not take that Up.... They will praise the Scientist (who make Nuke and other weapons) and will dishonor God who gives life...

The purpose of Human Intelligence is to Realize God.. if not used for that, then its used for Destruction of Environment or Humans themselves...

Nukes or no Nukes ...wont you die ?? what is your remedy for Death ??

2006-07-05 05:33:54 · answer #8 · answered by Parsu 4 · 0 0

First, they did not fire Nuke, they only fired Missiles.
Every country have the right to any power for protection from super powers who are Bulling the small countries.

We should ask North Korea to stop if the super powers through away their Nuke arms.

2006-07-05 05:20:49 · answer #9 · answered by Abdulhaq 4 · 0 0

I think that someone should have done something about it before they did it. But now if all the countries don't do something they probably will actually do something that does work (if they can). No. Korea is like a bratty child that needs firm but loving discipline. If that means they get sanctioned then hopefully they figure out they don't achieve anything by thier big tantrums.

2006-07-05 05:06:22 · answer #10 · answered by Riddle Me This 2 · 0 0

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