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Being a High School Student, I have noticed high religious battles between students & how it has not only become just a personal belief, but how it is also how students judge their peers by. In High School, religion is used by & against students just like the judgement of one another's choice of clothing. Most of the time, those kids that everyone bows down to, basically the Preps & Jocks, are the type of kids who say that they are much into their religion of Christianity or whatever it is they may be, & they use it against the kids that they don't like, who usually are your social outcasts, whose religion is usually Wiccan, Agnostic, or Atheist (Me being Atheist myself), those people also get kicked out of school for expressing their religion as well, such as wearing a Pentagram. What I've come to see is that those who take their religion very seriously are truly the most stuck up & snobbish people I've ever met. Do you believe that this is not right?
-James Decker (16 Y/O, Junior)

2006-07-04 21:25:40 · 15 answers · asked by MetalFreak 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

There are constitutional rights for the freedom of religion. However certain schools have valid dress codes in effect to supposedly prevent gang violence. It is a difficult time to be different. Stay who you are, no matter what your beliefs. Those who do not understand are just ignorant. Those who do not accept you are not worth your time. Be a good person, do good things, it will all come back to you.

2006-07-04 21:31:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First let me say, I am very religious but I don't go around shoving it in people who don't care's faces. I also am not part of a religion you have probably heard of. I am a Sabbatarian.

Well in the matter of religion being banned from school;
Christmas is religious for catholics, babtists, christians and so forth - the schools celebrate it openly.
Passover is religious for sabbatarians and Jew's - I am not allowed to celebrate or express my views on it in my high school.
I think that is very wrong. Why should my feasts and beliefs be shunned from schools when the more commonly known hollidays aren't?

As for the pentagram thing;
If a Christian can wear a cross into the school building and not be kicked out or even looked at wrong, then by all means anyone else should be able to wear a Pentagram to school, too.

The last thing I see to say something about is the "What I've come to see is that those who take their religion very seriously are truly the most stuck up & snobbish people I've ever met" ;
Like I said before, I am quite religious, but I have never been called stuck up or snobbish. I do agree though, that there are some who think that just because they have read the bible once or twice, they are better than everyone else. I have run into that type of person before. But you shouldn't steriotype us all as 'stuck up and snobbish' We aren't all half bad :P

- Asherz (Also 16 junior) ...haha I kinda felt like I had to sign mine like you did yours :)

2006-07-04 21:37:44 · answer #2 · answered by Angels_Wear_boots 2 · 0 0

I think they are using their religions irresponsibly, they are treating it like fashion clothes or sports memberships and trying to turn it into a social distinction. Becasue of the current debate over religion and things such as the war on terror they feel jsutified for doing this when in fact they don't. It's a personal choice and should be a matter for discussion not exclusion. Note how the people getting the short end of this are the ones most likely to feel ostracized in American high schools anyway because of the social structure. Not saying it doesn't go on in the British Schools but by the time we reached about 16/17 the barriers started dropping away for one reason or another, i found I could be friends with people that had previously been from lots of different groups, maybe I was just lucky though.

I don't think there's mnuch you can do, american high schools are not going to change anytime soon but don't be afraid to get your oppinion out there. Your school got a paper? Maybe you need to write an article on this.

2006-07-04 21:33:54 · answer #3 · answered by jleslie4585 5 · 0 0

Some religious people are snobs only because they think they are ultimately right and everyone else is wrong. Also, there is a difference between someone who is religious and someone who is spiritual. You could also theorize that the religious kids in your school feel persecuted because of issues such as the removal of the Ten Commandments from the courtroom or other stories I hear on the AP wire; like the story about a high school valedictorian who mentioned God once in her speech indirectly and was immediately gagged and removed from the stage. Not to mention the Supreme Court hates to take any cases on expression of religion in public arenas. My point is, if they are snobbish, then I believe their actions do not justify that of a truly religious or spiritual person. People have plenty of time to express their religious beliefs without making a big deal out of it. Maybe tell them to transfer to private schools where such persecution doesn't occur often...

2006-07-04 21:46:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First off may I compliment you on how articulate you are and for the fact that you did not use foul language. It's nice to see some maturity in a 16 y/o that most of the adults on this site have not acheived.

For your question. In High School I would say I was confused more than anything. On the one hand I believed there was a God of some sort but could not define my beliefs on the other hand I wanted to do whatever I wanted so what I believed I ignored to please myself however I could. For sure there are snobbish people in school in every category. Everyone believes their click is better than the others the jocks the rich people the druggies the nerds the social butterflies and the social outcasts. Everyone believes they are right. But that really can't be because of absolute truth. There are absolutes in this world and there can only be one truth. Jesus is that truth. When I came to know Jesus as my Savior when I was 20 then all my confusion left and what people thought of me in High School didn't matter as I was a new creation in Jesus forgiven of my sin because He died for me so I could be. You seem to be a person with a good head on their shoulders who is looking for the truth that will set them free from social stereotypes and prejudices. Jesus holds that truth for you. Seek it in Him and you will find it.

2006-07-04 21:35:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is not right for people to use their religion to put others down. But it really sounds like you are very judgemental also since you stated that what you've come to see is that "those who take their religion very seriously are truly the most stuck up & snobbish people..." Not everyone who takes their religion seriously is that way although you may perceive them to be... Have you tried to befriend these people or are you leaving it up to them to come to you? They might think that you are the stuck up and snobbish one since you don't do the things they do, hang out with the same crowd, or make an effort. Being different isn't a bad thing but when people are different from each other they tend to focus on the differences - as you say they are and as I see you doing as well. Try getting to know these kids (and they should try to get to know you as well). Good luck!

2006-07-04 21:34:53 · answer #6 · answered by desmartj 3 · 0 0

Like you, I am an atheist, and I want you to know that you should not judge all these religious people base on the people from high school. As you grow up and see more of this world from traveling, meeting more people and through college, you will know there are nice people out there that are religious or not religious.

2006-07-04 21:38:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its not a new issue, but at least most people have stopped killing eachother for it. what it boils down to is that the social atmosphere n high school is largely predatory, so it makes sense that people would use any tool at their disposal to gain dominance. Is it right? Sort of. Its human nature to self segregate, but its also not one of our most endeering qualities. In a nutshell, just remember that people at the top of the social pyramid have no where to go but down, while those at the bottom can always go up.

2006-07-04 21:32:43 · answer #8 · answered by questingjester17 3 · 0 0

I know that people who believe in the hoax of religion do not have the intelligence/ability to think for themselves.

They become snobbish as a protection mechanism for their low self esteem.

2006-07-04 21:30:10 · answer #9 · answered by csucdartgirl 7 · 0 0

What you have described has been the case since I was in high school (30+ years ago).

That's the way it is.
It's part of the beast.

Now, that we know that. Let's move on.

Living on the planet requires that we put up with a lot of nonsense and noise. Some of us get it, and move on. Some don't.

2006-07-04 21:30:21 · answer #10 · answered by My Big Bear Ron 6 · 0 0

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