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I am in my twenties and in average shape, not overweight. How can I get myself to stop making excuses and start going to the gym that I already pay membership fees to? Some of my excuses are that I don’t have time, I’m too tired, I’ll go tomorrow, etc. They are just excuses though, and they won’t do me any good when I’m lying in a hospital bed from a heart attack or when I’m trying to catch my breath after walking up a flight of stairs. So how do I force myself to go since it is important for my short and long term physical and mental health?

2006-07-04 20:51:48 · 117 answers · asked by M 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

117 answers

Gym Motivation is Necessary to Start An Exercise Program
Gym motivation is needed for those who want to start an exercise program for improving their health and bodies. Exercise is not only effective in helping with weight loss, but is also effective for reducing stress and improving how you feel about yourself. Getting motivated to go to the gym is the first step in any exercise program and the trained professionals can get you started on a healthy weight loss or body building program. Gym motivation is often hard to find because you have to make time in your busy day to go to the gym.

Getting the motivation you need to go to the gym must come from within yourself. You know that exercise is beneficial, but can't find the gym motivation you need. After working all day it takes determination for you to avoid watching television and putting on the sweats for a workout. After you get started, however you will find that the exercise and work out are great stress relievers.

Gym motivation can be as simple as having a friend to go to the gym with you or the possibility of becoming involved in some competitive sport. Losing weight to fit into an outfit for an upcoming special occasion also works well. If you do need that extra boost, self help is available in the form of tapes and CDs to get you going and give you the motivation you need. Therapy sessions also provide motivation through hypnosis and the power of positive suggestions. You can get the gym motivation you need to take that next step to a healthier you..

2006-07-04 20:58:47 · answer #1 · answered by dafauti 3 · 1 1

When you know what you should be doing, don't think, "Just Do It!" That Nike saying works for about everything. Just do it and you'll feel a lot better when you're done. Start slowly though, you can't make up for weeks of not exercising in just one day. A little each day will go a long way.

No matter what you are doing, you'll always have time for a five or ten minute jog. That's not that bad. If you're a morning person, there's nothing better than getting your workout over with before or after breakfast. That way you won't have the burden of exercising hanging over you for the rest of the day. If that's a problem, just exercise at random points in the day. Leave an exercise outfit out at all times so that it's one less thing to think about before a workout. The easier it is to get started, the easier it will be to get finished. Take it one step at a time.

2006-07-11 14:25:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Go first thing in the morning, before work, and before you can find any excuses. When your alarm goes off, get up and go. Don't hit the snooze. Don't complain. If you need more sleep, go to bed earlier.

2. If you have to go after work, go immediately to the gym. Do not go home first.

3. Join a gym within 12 minutes of where you will be coming from, whether it's home or work.

4. Pay for a personal trainer. If you have an appointment you paid for, you might be more likely to go.

5. Eliminate as many distractions as possible. Save time by showering at the gym and going straight to work. Brownbag your breakfast. Get a lower-maintenance hairstyle.

6. Go every day. No matter what. This sounds circular, but if you adopt the mentality that you will go every day, no matter what, eventually you will go every day, no matter what. The habit builds on itself.

7. Go with a friend or meet a friend, but don't depend on your friend.

2006-07-11 12:16:58 · answer #3 · answered by KP 2 · 0 0

Gym motivation can be as simple as having a friend to go to the gym with you or the possibility of becoming involved in some competitive sport. Losing weight to fit into an outfit for an upcoming special occasion also works well. If you do need that extra boost, self help is availa

2014-09-16 01:26:11 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

A lot of people go to the gym to lose weight, look better, feel better, etc. But these types of motivations will only last so long.

What you need to do is get past the visual motivations and work on the performance motivations. Set a goal like 'I want to run 4 miles without stopping' or 'I want to run a local 10k. That way when your running, cross training, or lifting weights, it's all for a common goal. The visuals will come automatically, but your improved performance and overall fitness will drive you and you will want to consistently improve your fitness level.

Good luck.

2006-07-11 16:57:04 · answer #5 · answered by WestCoastin4Life 7 · 0 0

If I didn't know better, I would swear I post this question. The best thing that I can recommend is playing some sort of sports with friends. If you get some friends to participate in some physical activity on a regular basis, such as basketball, football, or even synchronized swimming (if that's your thing), the pounds will melt away. (But for real, swimming is like the best activity you can do).

If you are not a naturally active and outdoor type of person, the gym that you are a member of, do they have classes you can sign up for? With a gym membership, you are allowed to go to the gym anytime you want, but there is no sort of commitment to go at a scheduled time. If you sign up for a class with a fixed schedule, it would give some sort of a sense of responsibility towards exercise. If you have the money, personal training sessions are a good commitment. They'll take your money whether or not you show up for the session, so you better go and get your money worth.

It helps if your gym is close by, and if you have someone to go with. Be careful with bringing a friend. If your friend doesn't want to go, he may compel not to go. With the variety of different activities you can do for fun exercise (basketball, football, swimming, jumping rope, martial arts, biking, mountain climbing, shopping, gymnastics, yoga, stretching, furniture moving, etc.), you should be able to find at least one that interests you.

2006-07-11 10:09:18 · answer #6 · answered by Jr 2 · 0 0

i too went through this same problem and here is what I'll suggest based on my experience.
1.post good pictures of yourself (when u were fit) on your dresser mirror,so I'll c that pic the first thing in the morning and plan the day accordingly.
2.again post similar pics of yourself on the kitchen cabinets and the fridge.that will help u avoid unhealthy food and will keep u motivated.
3.never go to a grocery store when hungry.
4.always keep fruits and other healthy food choices at home.
5.if u enjoy TV,get a treadmill facing ur TV and make a habit of using it while watching ur favorite show that u c daily.
6.if u like reading ,u can read a book while walking on the treadmill.
7.in parking areas,park ur car at a distance so u'll b able to walk more.
8.if u have a choice of using elevators as well as stairs,use the stairs.chances r u'll b at Ur desired level of building before the elevator arrives.
9.keep Ur gym equipment in the car or keep two bags.one permanently in the car so that u can go to gym directly from work and if u r outside and get in the mood.going home to pick up the bag spoils the gym plan a lot.
10.find some good outdoor activity that interests u a lot and can help u keep in shape,like bicycling,gardening,running.it should b something that u ENJOY.that's actually the secret of staying fit.i hope u'll find the one that suits u the best.good luck

2006-07-11 08:09:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I had a similar problem. The classic answer is to find a buddy, but workout buddies are hard to acquire when your friends are just as lazy as u are. I suggest that u try finding what kind of classes ur gym has and joining one that interest you. Maybe try something new, but don't push your self to hard at first because u will cause you self to want to quit.

Alot of gyms have programs that allow u track your status of your work outs. I suggest that if u have that option you should use it because a visual progress can be encouraging.

This one may seem kinda weird, but try buying yourself something and it can only be used at the gym. Buy work out clothes, MP3 player (Ipod) or something along those lines just to keep yourself going.

Why does your workout have to be limited to the gym? Keep in mind that if you keep your body guessing it can't get bored. Change your workout every few months. Do cardio outside. Start swimming, wall climbing or something. Get outside sometimes.

Have a back up plan for everything. Full gym class, late to class, bad weather or whatever just know what your gonna do instead.

Good luck and let me know how it goes. :)

2006-07-11 16:06:34 · answer #8 · answered by Sunflower 2 · 0 0

If you are a guy, take aerobics and think about the pretty women all around you. Do not cut classes short or think that one class is enough. spend the night if you can. Bring lots of water and pace yourself. You can do it and in time it will get easier. Pretty soon the pounds will begin to drop off as you need less and less fluid to maintain your exercise. Remember to check your pulse after each class and keep stretched out. In time this will become your substitute for food. It will also give you more energy and more time because of your energy. Plus, it will get you those girls you are looking at.

If you are a girl, do the same things but stand in the front of the class. This will help you to focus on you and remind you that the guys are thinking "what if". Don't worry about if you are attractive. you will be. Just keep showing up and doing what they say as best you can. Do not do the whole night thing until you are in shape. you have your bones to consider and are more succeptable to stress fractures. If it makes you feel better start out in the sweats and which to the lighter clothing later and wear dark fabric in case you perspire alot.

For both, keep your gym bag with you at all times, in your car or wherever. Get enough clothes for at least four days so that you can launder them as you please. You need the bag for your shoes and combination lock. Do not weight lift until you get your cardio in line. Focus on your breathing and your stamina. Also bring a towel, you will need it, alot, and a water bottle. Gatorade is a good idea if you are affraid of a heartattack. It will elevate your potassium and help prevent one. Keeping some aspirin in your bag doesn't hurt either.

As for your work, it may suffer at first, your social life as well, but; in time they will both make more sense to you as you become more balanced and your schedule becomes more manageable. Whats more, a lot of the people you know may want to join you. This is cheap entertainment if you think about it and while you are at the gym you are not wasting electricity like I am right now. Enjoy.

2006-07-11 11:54:40 · answer #9 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 0 0


It is such a funny word. You can't expect someone or something to motivate you. Find an exercise you like to do and do it well. Who loves to go to work? Not to many people, but the end result is a paycheck. You have to "JUST DO IT"! You have to treat working out like a, "must do". Let nothing stand in the way of your paycheck (physical health & looking good). Excuses...

Listen to me, if anybody ever had an excuse its me. Stop complaining people. There is no reason unless, you are too sick to exercise. I have 4 kids, ages 6, 5, 4 and 1 years old. When I get out of work, I pick up the kids and bring them all with me to the gym, 3 times a week. Then I go home and sure I am tired, and I have to make dinner (if not prepared the night before), & wash kids, & prepare for the next day. AFTER, I collapse in bed, I am happy because people expect me to fail. Because they think I will get out of shape because of my kids. No way... Why will I use them as an excuse. When I am feeling down and I don't want to go to the gym. I just go anyways, I bring good music, water bottle, good support bra and I am on my way.

I get motivated because I realize, although sometimes I rather be somewhere else, I am doing more than most would in my situation. Be happy for yourself, that you have made a commitment to continue in good help. Your body is an asset, most valuable. Just as you would supply your brain with good knowledge supply your body with good food and exercise. If you show to others how much you value yourself, they will treat you as such. They will appreicate you better, sounds silly. But its an area most people fail in. Sad, but lack of motivation (excuses) is usually the cause of failure.

I am 30 years old for the record and a single parent. What excuse do you have not to stay in shape?

2006-07-11 11:13:25 · answer #10 · answered by mornings_sunshine 2 · 1 0

Just walk down any street or go out to any public place and look at the people for a short while. You will see the Ugly Fat Americans we have become all over the place. The obesity in our country has become rampant. Take a good look each day. That should prompt you to head straight for the gym. Remember, half the battle is just getting there. Once you're there, it's fun. Good luck!

2006-07-11 20:00:32 · answer #11 · answered by cyndie 2 · 0 0

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