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I was wondering how to find myself a girl friend? it is very hard to me ask some one to go out...i always see women but i never tried to ask some one out...some body tell me how?

2006-07-04 20:30:55 · 13 answers · asked by 10101010101010 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

13 answers

Here's how to ask a girl out. It can be as easy as uttering a few words or it can be the hardest thing you have ever attempted. It's all up to you.

Get to know her. Hang with her friends. Find out about the activities and hobbies she likes. The more you know about her interests, the more things you'll have to talk about.

Approach the girl you like. Try to dress fairly decent, but don't overdo it. For example, if you're a T-shirt and jeans person, wear that. Don't show up with button-ups and ties, because you want her to like you for you, and you don't want to give her any false ideas. Just don't have a million stains or wrinkles, and you'll be fine.

Engage her in friendly conversation. Say "Hi", tell her your name and make a compliment about her. Anything to start conversation.

Don't launch into your invitation right away. After you've been talking for awhile, though, say something like, "Hey I'm going or doing whatever this weekend. How would you like to tag along? I promise it'll be more interesting than whatever you had planned."

Say this with a small smile, teasingly. Do not use a cheesy pickup line! Think about how you want to steer the conversation around to asking her out.

Ask her out for something specific if she's demonstrating interest.

Remember, even if she says no, don't take it personally. Still make an effort to hang out with her and get to know her. Once she knows you better, she may grow to like you. Given enough time, she might even end up asking you out.

If it is the first time you're talking to her, simply say you like her.

Honestly, gently and calm. You can't make anyone like you. If she doesn't react nicely, then let her go, she was not the one.

Get to know her well. The more you know about her, the better.

You might find out that you don't really like her that way.

Be nice and treat her with respect. This is a must. If you can't treat a woman right, don't even bother trying. You're just going to end up hurting both of you.

Go out with a group of people to somewhere fun. Make sure all the people are people she likes and will get along with, you want to make her feel comfortable. At the end, pull her aside, and just do it! If you cant do it right then, ask her something to put her at ease and make her feel like you care, like "Was this fun?" "Did you like hanging out with your friends" etc. Then ask her!Say something like "We should do stuff like this more often."

Girls love to be complimented by guys. Most girls love attention from the opposite gender! It's not hard. Start with some simple things, like saying her hair looks nice or that you think she's funny.

Be kind. Most girls do not want some hot-shot who thinks he's
God's gift to women.

Be calm and confident. If you're sweating and stuttering, that girl will feel nervous about going out with you. We want guys that are confident, but not cocky.

Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel confident, whether it's getting a haircut, making sure your breath smells good, or something else.

Above all, do it in person. It is not romantic at all on the internet, its barely tolerable on the phone. But try to do it in person. Look into her eyes too, unless she looks away. Don't stare, but continue to look at her face. If you are really shy, you could try a handwritten note (possibly with perfume!). Try to stick around after giving it to her though.

Keep your hands to yourself! Trying to get physical with a girl right away just tells her that you consider her to be an object and not an actual person.

Be persistent, but not too persistent. If she turns you down gently, then she's politely telling you she's not interested. If she flat out refuses, back away. You don't want any girl to think you're a stalker..

If you have to ask her out through a friend, you will get a no by default. Girls do not enjoy hearing "hey! I'm asking you out for (Name of guy). He doesn't like you enough to overcome his lack of confidence" And they will hear this regardless of how tactful your friend is.

2006-07-04 20:34:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

GIrls are usually just as edgy as us. I found out that I'm attractive so it is especially easy, but back in high school when I had zero confidence (computer nerd and labeled as such) I thought girls were so confident and wanted a guy that is like perfect like Brad Pitt. Then I realized they are slightly less superficial than that, but still vain. I found that asking a girl about her interests will likely make your ears fall off, but if you listen you can get a great amount of clues and possibly see what you can do to ask her out.

K I'm getting tired, but basically if you see a girl that is attractive you have to come up with something adapted to the situation and open to her interests. Talk briefly, and leave a mark. Be vocal, but not overly-outgoing. Be smart but not snubbish (bring up and expand slightly on ideas, do not rant or run tangents). Be confident, as if you are the last guy left alive and you know the girls are wanting you. They'll fall for it likely and give in for one date, where you can show your true colors and if they like it then you have a decent girlfriend, otherwise your better after the experience.

Good luck, god knows it took cajones to do it my first time (talk with confidence, i'm referring to).

2006-07-05 03:40:13 · answer #2 · answered by nihilum99 1 · 0 0

You should try to do it quick. It's hard almost everyone to ask a girl out. You are not alone if she says no than at least you tried instead of just looking at her. Everyone is different towards girls you must be shy like I am. Some people you see ask a girl out are probrally usually scared on the inside. If you don't, don't worry. It doesn't mean that you are a pansy but shy to girls.

2006-07-05 03:36:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You just have to Take a deep breath, Count to 10, Think to yourself "here I go" Walk over to a girl and introduce yourself. talk for awhile about school, or the fireworks, etc. and then just do it, ask her to a movie or something. You need to do it regardless of the outcome. If you don't you will be 22 like I was when I first asked a girl out. I was too afraid all through highschool, I now know of 4 girls who would have said yes back then. (one of them was the girl I liked)

You just have to do it.

2006-07-05 03:34:50 · answer #4 · answered by lovpayne 3 · 0 0

Go up to a girl you like and ask her if she would honour you with her company for a short amount of time. If you both seem to like each other ask her out on a real date. Take her out to dinner or a movie. but maybe you should just work on getting her to spend time with you first.

2006-07-05 03:35:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go to abercrombie and fitch and ask a cute girl to help you around, delay for as long as possible and talk to her at the same time. then tell here you dont see anything you might want and then you can ask her for her phone number and ask her to see if she wants to go out some time.

2006-07-05 03:34:29 · answer #6 · answered by samurix7 2 · 0 0

You better speak up if you want somebody or find a girl that is really bold about coming onto guys or doesn't mind speaking first...There is someone out there!!
Good Luck!!

2006-07-05 03:35:22 · answer #7 · answered by AAP0305 5 · 0 0

be urself... be courageous and wise... woman are not gods.. in fact they are just like every other being including u. i tell u, u must have come across the one that feel for u, but bcos u are slack and timid.. she walked away. be bold to say hi to a lady... u will be surprise to see that is the most simpliest thing on planet earth,,,, goodluck!!!

2006-07-05 03:36:22 · answer #8 · answered by kinsbuk4love 1 · 0 0

well the best way is to let her get to know u!and the only way is hat be friends...then after a while like few weeks(show her who u are)! when u feel that she likes u...ask her out cuz u are sure that she's not gonna say no!

2006-07-05 03:33:55 · answer #9 · answered by /\/ 4 · 0 0

it takes practice bro.... youll have a couple of rejections at first, but as you get experience itll be easier, and eventually youll get a hit.... just swing and miss...
word of causion, dont wait to long, the older you get the more experience the women expect you to have, and if you lack the confidence once you get out of your teens, itll be dam near impossible to find someone

2006-07-05 03:34:11 · answer #10 · answered by jim20032003 2 · 0 0

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