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Ok, I am not completely familiar with everything in the muslim religion.
I am personally atheist/agnostic, but apparently when a muslim man enters heaven they get 72 virgins? Is that correct? Forgive me if not...
So, although Im not saying "muslims are wrong" all I am saying is has the religion been adapted by man. In the past there were no equal opportunities which could be why the men got a superior role in heaven than the women did.
Say each religion was correct (which I dont believe) then each religious book has been written by man so surely mistakes have been made?
I don't see how a "god" or important relgious figure would have granted muslim men 72 virgins on entry to heaven, thats not very holy, and women nothing!
Sorry, I dont mean to be disrespectful, I dont understand and want a insight.
Ta x

2006-07-04 19:55:14 · 27 answers · asked by becky_ms 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Well if people dont want to answer...why the hell bother?
If you dont have an opinion then dont.
Also, I dont even believe the bible is a holy book etc, I personally think its not true, however, some people who believe in it do. So, I wondered whether they thought it had been molded or not.

2006-07-04 20:09:36 · update #1

27 answers

Hello. I am a Muslim, and I would be happy to answer your question, and thank you for asking :)

Yes, men do get virgins in heaven, but the term "virgin" does not imply that we mean it in terms of sex. "Virgin" means "pure," and sinless. When we go to heaven, it is not only men who will get virgins. For women too will receive them, but there's will be male companions, rather than the females companions that the males get.

I would also like to note that this is not a reward only for Muslims. The Quran, teaches Muslims that there is no compulsion in religion, meaning no one can be forced into religion against their will. It says people of other faiths, even if they're not Muslim, will also go to heaven as long as they love their fellow man and do good deeds on Earth. So even if you're of other faith, you too will make it to heaven if you have goodness in your heart.

Another thing Islam teaches is that even those who do go to hell, will one day enter heaven, because God will not let anyone suffer for eternity, for he has mercy. So we believe hell is not eternal, and that one day everyone who has an ounce of good in their heart will make it to heaven.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to answer :)

Asalaam Alaikum (Peace be upon you)

2006-07-04 20:21:18 · answer #1 · answered by djmasseeh21 3 · 6 2

it is stated in the Vedas, the ancient knowledge that , by following some rituals and worship and good way of conduct a person may enter Heaven and thus they will be know as apsaras and gandarvas, they (female and male) will enjoy life a lot, since they will always will be young and there is not period or pregnancy either. Horewer, heaven, or paradise, is a very difficult place to enter and it is impossible for a person that commits sinful activities, as eating meat and so on. Also in this place people enjoy all kinds or comfort and a lot sex, but this is still a temporary world, and later the person will have to return to Earth.
The spiritual world, where the Supreme Personality of God lives is eternal. who get to that place will never be born again anywhere and it is even much more difficult to enter than Heaven.

2006-07-05 03:59:49 · answer #2 · answered by Jerome 2 · 0 0

Well, all I know is that when a b bachelor or spinster is dead..he or she get one of the most beautiful girl or handsome boy in heaven as partner...I don't know whether u r muslim or not...the question is a good one...Allah give both women n men equal rights it was who discriminate and underestimate the capacity of women...And there is no question for men getting superior in heaven when there was no equal opportunities....Remember Musa...era where the pharao was scared that one day a men might kill him since he believed that he was god...so he decided to killed all boys at birth...but spare as his wife was a barren and wanted a child so Allah had asked Musa's mom to leave him floating in a basket in the river that passed by the pharao's house....and then the pharoa's wife was delighted to raise up that child and finally he defeated the pharoa's pride and even asked him.."if you are god can make the sun rise from the west and set in the east"...there are lot's of thing about islam...and you better asked someone who knows more abt Qur'aan...etc..Allah said we have the right to marry as many women as we want but there must nikaah(religious marriage) and all wives should be treated equally give all the same right and no favoritism....if a men have favorite wives then it is sin....because you must all the same that what kno but there isa one question..how can the man makes loves to all at the same time...even I don't know I know the basics but not ther depth of Islam...sorry

2006-07-05 03:22:23 · answer #3 · answered by Artist * 2 · 0 0

OK , I'll tell you why . It's just because Koran is not a holy book , also , because Islam is a macho 's religion it doesn't care about women , women are in the second place .
When a man can marry 4 women at the same time _ I said 4 _ what are you expecting him to have when he gets heaven ???!!!!
I was Muslim once , I know what it's about when you're a woman in that society

2006-07-05 07:06:43 · answer #4 · answered by happy01 1 · 0 0

According to Muslim belief a man going to heaven does get some female virgin entities, I am not sure of the number. They are called houris ( not sure of spelling)
The three related religions Judaism. Christianity and Islam are all very patriarchal and sexist as well as being contrived and unbelievable to any rational being. One of the Danish Cartoons about Mohamed that caused all the rioting had a sketch of Jihadis ascending to heaven and Mohamed,standing on a cloud. is shouting at them, "go back we've run out of virgins".

2006-07-05 03:06:04 · answer #5 · answered by Vermin 5 · 0 0

There are many Religions in this World.

1-Some of them are given by God Himself (like islam)
2- Some are Made by Man

And Most of people trust the first type cuz it came with
a proof like

1-A messenger (Prophet)
2-A holly book like Quran and Bible

And that to proof :

1-god's existance
2-he is the only god of the
whole universe
3-existans of heaven
and hell

The holly book :
Contains the rules of the religion
It talks about mans life and end with alot of details
But It contains only information that god wants us to know
and no 1 but only god know more than what was written in it.

Muslims are not supposed to convert
non muslims to muslims

Quran talked about things like:

---no one will be forced to be muslim
every one can do what ever he wants
---and the judjment day will revale the truth
for him but dont blame any one but
yourself if you were wrong.

this answer copied and edited of 1 of
my previous answers for a close question to this 1.

2006-07-05 03:36:03 · answer #6 · answered by Master 1 · 0 0

There is actually some debate over whether the translation of the word virgins is correct. Some scholars argue that it should be translated as 72 raisins! Imagine the suicide bombers' faces when they get to wherever they think they're going and they get a plate of dried grapes instead of a constant supply of submissive women to abuse as they see fit! Ha ha.

2006-07-05 04:37:15 · answer #7 · answered by Roxy 6 · 0 0

Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a mumin, we will give them a good life.and we will recompense them according to the best of what they did. Qurr'an 16:097

Whoever does an evil act will only be repaied with its equivalents. but whoever act rightly, male or female, being a mumin, such a person will enter the Garden, provided for in it with out any reckoning. Qurr'an

According to Qurr'an Man and Woman are consider as same reward or punishment are equal to both. I think you misunderstood about islam. Islam is a garden may be you saw only the fence.

2006-07-05 03:43:21 · answer #8 · answered by Niya 2 · 0 0

it's amazing how not one single answer is by a muslim who actually knows something!!!
well why dont you go ask a sheikh if you are truly interested???
i'll answer your question but very quickly!
the answer is NO there's no 72 VIRGINS as many people claim!
there are women who are virgin yes but not 72 the number was never mentioned!!
they werent called girls or KIDS!!! or women!! they are called ( hoor-on-een) women for men and men for women. and it;s simply to avoid committing adultry and get rewarded in heaven thats the whole story!!! :) you like it?

2006-07-05 03:16:04 · answer #9 · answered by /\ 3 · 0 0

ya a man will get 72 virgins, but u dont know what a woman will get. our prophet said a woman who enters heaven will get that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no brain has imagined. and that will be so big reward that after getting it any women will not desire for more rewards. that reward will b much superior than what men will get.

2006-07-05 03:07:43 · answer #10 · answered by fresh face 1 · 0 0

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