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A world with pain, death, illness, hunger and all the bad things... it seems that this God is quite imperfect, so we reach the conclusion that the God people pray is imperfect... or doesnt exist... so it's time to become ateisth.... come on it's good for you!!

2006-07-04 19:43:25 · 31 answers · asked by drchristian 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

the whole idea of afterlife, and judgement is absurd.
our minds are flawed, and could not handle an afterlife, even if their was one.
also, we can't REALLY be held responsible for all our acts of "sin" when our minds are flawed, and we only act a certain way because of how we grew up and preceived things that were thrown at us. and that can be any number of things.

there is no god, there is nothing. we're all going to just simply be "shut off" when we die. same with bugs, or any other living thing,

2006-07-04 19:50:15 · answer #1 · answered by light08th 1 · 8 9

Hello drchristian,

It is indeed heavenly to dream about a perfect world. A world without pain, death, illness, hunger and all the bad things....

Personally I believe that God in all his perfection, deliberately created an imperfect world. So that we, his best creations can always have something to work for, something to bring about the best in us all, something to enable us to strive and attain the perfection he meant us all to have...

That would be the very source of all great achievements. There is pain, so we can appreciate happiness. There is death, so we have only so much time to make our lives meaningful and attain our potential. There is illness, so that striving minds can work on cures for diseases and bring a smile of relief for the suffering. There is hunger, that we may find ways and means through scientific endeavour to feed the hungry.

There is imperfection, so that we always have a dream, a dream of a perfect world to strive and attain.

2006-07-04 20:12:16 · answer #2 · answered by Navin Q 1 · 0 0

This is my personal opinion (it makes sense to me): God did not "create" an imperfect world; he let it become imperfect. The worst thing he could do would be to interfere and try to force behavior. He has to sit back and let these horrible things happen because he wants us to learn how to solve our own problems. This is the only way we can grow and learn. The worst thing he could do would be to take away or interfere with our freedom to make choices. And naturally, those choices come with consequences, hence all the sh itty stuff that happens every day on this planet. And besides, God has an entirely different perspective on this life than we do. Since we currently only have a perspective on this life, we see death, suffering and injustice as ultimate and catastrophic. Whereas God, who has the perspective of eternity, sees this life as miniscule in comparison to eternity. This life is not even a pinpoint compared to eternity. I personally believe that we are also able to gain this perspective once we die and able to see the bigger picture.

2006-07-04 19:52:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God being perfect in no way mandates that he create a perfect world.

There appears to be a breakdown of logic here...

In other words, the existence of an imperfect world does not necessitate that God the creator is imperfect.


2006-07-04 19:54:11 · answer #4 · answered by John 6 · 1 0

God didn't create a imperfect world. In the beginning it was perfect until man got tempted by Satan (Lucifer a fallen angel) and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (forbidden by God.) As a result we caused our fall and this led to us being cursed. Read the book Genesis for any questions.

2006-07-04 19:51:51 · answer #5 · answered by DoomFrost 2 · 1 0

everything that God created was of His perfect design. God knew before the existence of the earth that we would sin and fall short of His glory but He loved us so much that He created us anyway knowing we would be imperfect. as for the "bad things" He purposely makes these things happen so we will turn to Him for help and hopes we will love Him back when He heals us and continue to need Him always.

2006-07-05 08:22:57 · answer #6 · answered by 4hym 2 · 1 0

nicely there is not a god so the international is as acceptable with the aid of the indisputable fact that's, a suitable paradise for some, and a international of sin to others. yet to respond to your question extra right away, evaluate the ridiculous fable of Noah. you'll imagine a suitable fashion designer/author would create a international and society that runs like clockwork. yet by using the time Noah got here over it become all going so awry, god had no determination yet to drown all his loved little ones and start up all yet yet again. and what's worse than claiming to be acceptable once you at the on the spot are not? Why pushing the duty of your mess united stateson others. interior the Noah fable, god blamed us dumb clucks people for "turning out too sinful." It had not something to do with how he created us apparently....

2016-10-14 03:28:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God didn't create an imperfect world. Man did.

Eve ate the apple and decided she didn't like the way her breasts looked and ever since then Plastic Surgeons got a perfect lifestyle.

(It's an over simplification, but it is 3 AM!)

2006-07-04 19:57:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

EXCUSE me. The world is perfect. The imperfect man, messed it up.

You take man out of the world, what do you have?

Nut'n personal, but you have the Rationale , that of a fencepost. That's probably a insult too fence posts everywhere.



2006-07-04 19:51:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As God was creating everything, He said it was "good". You might understand this as perfect. And then sin came and made everything imperfect.

2006-07-04 19:45:13 · answer #10 · answered by Flaco 3 · 0 0

Maybe at one time, the world was perfect.

1. God created life, such as plants and dinosaurs. Life was damaged.
2. God created humanity. Life was destroyed.

You see? We came along and destroyed everything with Sins and guns and wars.

Sure, life before us wasnt perfect, but we made it worse, its our fault, and its our job to make it right again.

Atheists should rot in hell.

2006-07-04 19:48:47 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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