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Such as being able to drink, no matter what thier age, and being able to get free meals now and then, ect.

2006-07-04 19:36:30 · 31 answers · asked by smnb213220 2 in Politics & Government Military

31 answers

ABSOULUTELY, I am doing everything I can to support, and Im only 12. Without them, we wouldnt be able to do the simple everyday things we always do, without them we wouldnt be free, so give a thanks and a helping hand to those who sacrifice their lifes for us and our freedom.

For all the free people that still protest, you're welcome, We protect you and you are protected by the beset. Your voice is strong and loud, but who will fight for you? No one standing in your crowd.

We are your fathers, brothers, and sons, wearing the boots and carrying the guns. We are the ones that leave all we own, to make sure your future is carved in stone.

We are the ones who fight and die. We might not be able to save the world, well atleast we try. We walked the paths to where we are at and we want no choice other than that.

So when you rally your group to complain, take a look in the back of your brain. In order for that flag you love to fly, wars must be fought and young men must die.

We came here to fight for the ones we hold dear, if that's not respected, we would rather stay here. So please stop yelling and put down your signs, and pray for those behind enemy lines.

When the conflict is over and all is well, be thankfull that we chose to go through hell.



2006-07-04 20:27:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Being a member of the US Army, I have immense pride and respect for all my brothers and sisters in uniform (yes that includes the Reserves and National Guard). We serve a job that for the most part is thankless and not noticed. Do I think that we should deserve special treatment, not really - except a major pay raise (lol). Heck if Senators can get a yearly pay raise that they want, then why can't we? Back on the matter at hand, I personally don't believe in using my status as a soldier to gain special favors, in fact as a NCO and part of the NCO Creed says "I will not use my rank or position to gain pleasure, profit, or personal safety" If someone or somegroup wants to give us a discount or item as their way of saying thanks, I'll take it, but I'll never ask for it - heck I don't even ask stores if they give a military discount. I'm an American who pays taxes like everyone else and that's the way it'll be until I die. As for the drinking thing - heck if I can vote at 18 and serve my country as early as 17, then why shouldn't I be able to drink (I'm 28 though). I believe that if you ask a man/woman to defend their nation that they should be able to drink every now and then

2006-07-04 20:32:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have the greatest respect for our Military, and always will. As far as drinking. That is not a privilege. No military personnel under 21 can purchase alcohol. If there drinking under age it is no different than someone in high school drinking. As far as there meals go, as long as their on active duty their entitled to 3 squares a day. Sometimes 4. And should not have to pay for them, ever. An Army doesn't move on an empty stomach. For the example's you gave I would have to say yes. They do deserve special treatment for meals and much much more. Any one that has ever served signed an oath to protect and defend this country with their lives and this should never go unnoticed.

2006-07-04 20:20:58 · answer #3 · answered by bankster 3 · 0 0

I have nothing but total respect for our military. There are very few people that could endure the lives that they live on a daily basis let alone to volunteer to do so. Im on the AKO and have met so many nice military people on there that I have became friends with and I'll tell you I have gained so much respect for these people that give unselfishly for us everyday. Whether you agree with the war or not there's no way that you could not agree that these people are definately some of the hardest working people in america. As far as them getting special treatment ....hmmm, I say that if there are people out there that appreciate what they do enough to want to give back to them than that's not special treatment, it's a gracious thank you for all that they have done. Now with the underage drinking thing....Im sorry but if you're old enough to fight a war than you're definately old enough to drink a long kneck.

2006-07-05 00:55:51 · answer #4 · answered by tmoondove28 2 · 0 0

Yes I respect the US soldiers. They do what most of us don't have the fortitude to do...defend and preserve our country. And your information is rather skewed...soldiers, when serving overseas in Germany, Italy etc have been known to drink, but that's because the drinking age limit is less in Europe in some places, then here in the States. So...as they say..."When in Rome..." And as far as the free meals etc. I assume you are speaking of certain patrons picking up the tab for soldiers when they are eating at a local restaurant...if so...that is what certain patriotic, respectful of the uniform and job civilians do. I think it's cool if someone has the means to do that, does it. It sure makes the soldiers feel better...and puts a smile on their face, pep in their step, and a good feeling of a job well done.

2006-07-04 19:43:10 · answer #5 · answered by shannon b 2 · 0 0

I have much respect for the military.

Because they are brave enough to give their lives for our freedom.

Yes in certain places they should be given special treatment.
There is nothing wrong with giving a service member a free meal when they are giving us months and years of their lives. There is nothing wrong with giving them a financial break on most things. I mean they pay taxes too so lets face it ladies and gentleman they pay their own wages as much as we pay their wages (new way to look at it). So what is wrong with giving them a break. I also think that it should be ok for an under age service member to consume alcohol with in the few weeks before and after a deployment to a war zone. They put their life on the line over there and we said go for it so why should we not give them the privileges of being a full fledged adult they have earned it.

2006-07-05 02:35:43 · answer #6 · answered by raynelley 3 · 0 0

This depends on which military force you are refering to. If you are refering to those American soldiers who volunteer their services/lives to defending democracy in the world, without raping the local women or abusing the prisoners, yes.
If you are refering to the military in countries like Singapore where, young men are drafted into the army without a choice, no. What pride is there in a military force that is unable to attract its own citizens to defend the country and have to rely on compulsory conscription?
Soldiers should only get special treatment in terms of pay, health benefits and pension, very much like professional sportsmen becaus they gave the best of their youth and health to their profession. But they should not be seen as being superior to other professionals because many people join the military because they are not intelligent enough to cope with a civilian life, where effort is sometims not enough.
Soldiers should not be allowed to drink at all actually, because this damages their health and increase the burden of tax payers in maintaining soldeiers. As for freebies, I think with a proper pension scheme in place, they should not have to obtain 'free' meals like those on the dough.

2006-07-04 21:11:34 · answer #7 · answered by Xanana 3 · 0 0

Sure. Those dudes rock. Except for the ones who were killin' babies back in '69. They just get a shirt that says 'I Kicked Ho Chi Min's butt at Danang and all I got was this stupid T-shirt, PTSD, cancer from Agent Orange, and a nation that hates me'.

We don't really respect our soldiers at all. Do you know what we were doing for them in World Wars I and II? We had goddamn parades for them in every town and city! We were making out with them in the streets! We never see that anymore, because of a few reasons.

One of them is a visible 'end to war'. Vietnam, for example, had no real end. Guys just flowed in and out like some fiendish heart pumping new blood into the jungle. There weren't any barges that would bring our beloved sons back from Hitler's Europe, where we could have a massive parade for them. And I have a feeling that our 'War on Terror' will be exactly the same way, because it doesn't end.

The second one is the end to 'total war'. WWII was a total war. America ceased to simply be a country and turned into a machine built for battle. And when it was over, we could do nothing more than to shine the weapons we had used and put them back up on the mantlepiece to look at for years. Wars that we fight now are no longer 'total wars' that vy for our very existence. They're more so simple irritations, bugs in our ear. And you don't just put a flyswatter up above the mantlepiece when you're done with it, do you?

We don't treat our soldiers well. We see soldiering as simply another option if your parents did it or you just didn't do well enough in school. No one straight up wants to go to Iraq and blast some terrorists-let the poor folks do it, I'm gonna stay at home. You won't find men from the upper echelons of America hopping on a boat with a gun up their butt to kill some Iraqis. We see them as below us, people who go out and kill things. We've gotten better since Vietnam, but we haven't gotten that far at all.

2006-07-04 20:33:22 · answer #8 · answered by Jack H 1 · 0 0

Yes i respect everyone in the military because they are fighting for our freedom. It takes a real man or woman to sign in the military and fight for our freedom. They deserve respect from everyone. I am suprised that there are so many people that put our military people down. I don't get peoples problem with todays soldiers. And of couse our soldiers should deserve special treatment.

2006-07-04 19:44:57 · answer #9 · answered by Armygirl 2 · 0 0

I was in the Army for 10 years, so I certainly have respect for the military. As far as special treatment, that is up to the peopple who could offer the soldiers free things.

2006-07-04 19:41:14 · answer #10 · answered by Greg 5 · 0 0

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