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I mean it can't be because your moms keep teling u that christianity is good, is it?

2006-07-04 19:22:34 · 19 answers · asked by iam_an_elf_archer 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

My mum never tells me Christianity is good, because she agrees with me that it isn't. I'm not technically an Atheist. But I am a non-believer. I don't believe just because I don't need to. Why should I believe in something that I cannot see, or whose presence is not proved? And don't bring up the creation of the universe, or the lots of other alleged indirect proof of his existence. Everything I've read as "evidence" that he exists, can be explained in many other ways. And the fact that some things haven't been explained yet does not mean you have to put them down to a god. Not long ago, people thought god made it rain. Now we know better than that. Why can't we believe that whatever people still contribute to attribute to god, will be accounted for in natural ways, in a few centuries?

2006-07-04 19:29:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well, let's see...

I don't believe in the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, George Bush, The Pimpin' Pope or God. I never give money to drug dealers and I don't buy shares in the Brooklyn bridge. While my Mother has tried to convince me that I should become Christian, she has never been able to explain why. When I ask Christian preachers, the best they can come up with is I just have to believe in things I can't see. When I tell them that I think it's all BS, they tell me that I'm blasphemous. And, I say, "Oh, you mean like Copernicus or Galileo?"

If there is a God, why doesn't he revise that 2,000 year old book of fables? And, why the hell is he so damn mysterious. Can't he just make an appearance once in a while?

And, if I were inclined to believe in supernatural beings, why would it have to be a Christian god. I mean sitting at the right hand of God for eternity doesn't sound very attractive to me. Why wouldn't I rather go for the virgins offered by Allah? or, If I chose Mormonism, I could get the virgins while I was still living.

But, it just happens that I have found no reason to believe in any of that crap.

2006-07-05 03:04:55 · answer #2 · answered by RON C 3 · 0 0

I'm not an atheist, but an agnostic. Which means I don't believe in god but I don't not believe in god. I cannot prove that god does not exist but it seems very unlikely. I have read the bible many times and there are so many contradictions in it it is obviously mostly fiction. Also religion doesn't work. It is unscientific. If you are ill you can pray all you want you won't get well. What will get you well is medical treatment based on science. Also many studies have correlated religiosity with low intelligence and lack of religiosity with higher intelligence. So basically the faithful are stupid. Why waste your life grovelling to something that doesn't exist because you got conned into believing it when you were too young to know any better. Christianity isn't good it is evil it divides People and makes them violent.

2006-07-05 02:35:33 · answer #3 · answered by Vermin 5 · 0 0

Why do you believe in God? Surely Atheistism is just another religion, so your question must also apply to muslims, buddism, etc etc.

Why do some people believe in Ghosts? Yet others don't?

For me, believing in God will get me no where. I am happier than ever with my life. And I'm the one living it, not God. You may say that he influences me, but considering it is my life, I can say that he doesn't.

Sure it's good that you have something to believe in, it gives you hope and something to live for, look forward to. I find that in my family, my friends, my pets.

For me, I believe in the Dinosaurs, because it's been proven, evolution, because yes, that too, has been proven. There has been so many scientific facts that can't be disputed that put flaws in Christianity (that is my opinion, I'm not critisizing) that for me, believing in God is not possible. I have never believed in God, not even as a child, and my father is Christian. So it wasn't my upbringing.

I think it's just something that each person can feel. You feel that God is with you. I am happy for you, where-as I don't, I don't want it to be. My mind is closed to the possibity. I'm sorry, but it's who I am.

2006-07-05 02:33:57 · answer #4 · answered by Clueless 3 · 0 0

I became an atheist at 11 years old because I finally thought "Hey, why am I believing that just because everyone else is?"

I think religion was created by people who just can't comprehend the fact that we're normal beings on this earth, nothing special. We die and we become nothing. Our sole purpose is to reproduce and survive, just like other species. Yet, because we don't always go with natural instinct-- such as, we can truly think and communicate and whatnot-- clearly we are more important than the other animals.


I'm very realistic. If the Christian god is going to send me to Hell just because I don't blindly follow his teachings, then so be it. I will burn.

Such a nice, loving god you Christians worship!

Oh, and. My parents are both Christians and can barely stand the fact that I am atheist (my mom refuses to believe it...).


2006-07-05 02:31:57 · answer #5 · answered by Kittyfish 2 · 0 0

Why do you believe in god?
This question is so broad I cant even begin to explain this…
“god” is energy…divine energy some call it god…some goddess…some great spirit…some krsna…so really its just a label for a divine energy…the divine consciousness….
I don’t on the other hand believe in noahs ark or any of that non sense in the bible…its just tales metaphors for something larger and what I don’t get is why Christians don’t dig deeper into their own religion and see the metaphors and not take everything so literal.by the way im pagan…

2006-07-05 03:19:35 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Why do you believe in God? Is it because it's all you know so you blindly follow it or it is because you honestly choose to? It's the same with atheists, they choose to not because they want to just like Christians choose to believe in God. Not all Atheists have the same cause as to why they don't believe in a Deity so, you'll get many different answers.

Why do Christians always have to worry themselves about Atheists not believing in God? Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Shintoists, etc. don't ask and don't bother Atheists when it comes to their beliefs but Christians must always preach "The Almighty Word". I want to know why Christians refuse to accept Atheists when Atheists accept Christians.

2006-07-05 02:28:29 · answer #7 · answered by juun_yukiko 5 · 0 0

Because they are ignorant to how powerful the Lord is. Many people are ignorant when it comes to certain things in life and so it should be expected that those who don't believe in God dont know about his perfect will and his divine power to guide you and comfort you. Christianity isn't something to be played with but a need to deal with the sinful ways of the world. The Bible instructs us on how to live, how to believe and who to believe in. Both the choice still lays in the hand of the individual.

2006-07-05 02:28:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because it seems like a silly fairy tale for children. Though the bible is pretty cool. It cant seriously be taken as the word of some super being.

I believe the question was directed to atheists. I don't answer questions directed to christians or dudes.

2006-07-05 02:28:18 · answer #9 · answered by firefly 2 · 0 0

I was an atheist because I was taught (by people I respected and Atheist authors that I read) that Christians and other Theists are stupid, and that Belief in God (Faith in God) is for weak-minded weak-willed people of questionable character.

Over a period of time however, I grew convinced of the existence of the Christian God, and ultimately committed my life to Christ.

For a draft-version of my journey from atheism to Christ, see http://www.godsci.org/gs/chri/testimony/seek.html


2006-07-05 02:25:42 · answer #10 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

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