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I'm a Muslim..and I am very happy with my religion..and of course I think it is the most perfect!!

But I think every religion has truth..and something for me learn :-)))
I think it important for us to respect one another and our beliefs...and for us to learn form each other...

So what does your religion (or belief system) teach me???

2006-07-04 18:55:17 · 29 answers · asked by Kraljica Katica 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

I'm a Quaker

Quakers are also called The Religious Society of Friends. Most of us feel we experience Christianity in an alternative way, as we do not exactly fall within the traditions of Catholicism or Protestantism. Quakerism originated in the 17th century as a non-conformist dissenting group from the Church of England.
We believe that God, also called 'The Inner Light' is in each en everyone of us. Love is the recognition of that 'Inner Light' in another person. We also believe that there is no need for sacraments and rites; our religious services, called meetings, take place in silence, and there is no priest or vicar or anyone to tell us what we should or should not believe. Every person in meeting has the right to speak up and say something to contribute to the inner experience of worship of the other people.
We believe in Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Concern and Equality.... take the first letters of these terms and SPICE up your life :)

Simplicity: we should not use more that our fair share of the Earth's resources
Peace: violence is always wrong, everything can be solved in a peaceful way
Integrity: to do what is right and to tell the truth
Concern: compassion for all that surrounds you, the world and everything in it
Equality: the believe that every human being is of equal spiritual worth

We do not try to convince other people to believe what we believe in, and all the above are not THE believes of Quakers, but they are my experience and upbringing in Quakerism.

Also, you are always welcome to a Quaker meeting!! Just look us up on the net. And if you want to know more about us.. wikipedia is a good starting point with loads of useful links!


2006-07-04 22:13:32 · answer #1 · answered by QuakerGal 2 · 3 0

This is the type of question I like to see!

I am personally agnostic, and if you already know what that means, ignore the rest of this paragraph. It means I do not see any evidence of a deity, though I do not deny the possibility that one might be there. I don't believe that humans know anything about whatever power may or may not be out there, and at this point, it's just not possible to know any religious "truth". I am not offended, however, to be called an atheist. Lately I've been leaning atheistic anyway.

The most important thing you can learn from my belief system is to question things. Do not accept what you are told blindly. Be reasonable and thoughtful in your view of the world. And never be afraid of the unknown.

2006-07-04 19:01:14 · answer #2 · answered by Jessica G 3 · 0 0

People like you make this world a nicer place to be. Someone who does not judge/hate others for believing something else and does not ram their beliefs down their throats.
Also, you are interested to know more about peoples beliefs. I think we should judge Muslims etc on people like you as we only see the image the media portrays, which is generally incorrect. Every society etc has people like that.
Myself I am an atheist (I don't know if you count that but o well). I think my personal beliefs are to listen to everyone, to never push my religion (or lack of it!) onto anyone else,
Without people like you, everyone would be dead from war in my opinion.
You have a lovely mind,
with knowledge comes acceptance.

2006-07-04 19:46:24 · answer #3 · answered by becky_ms 4 · 0 0

Throughout history, most religions have at one time or another been the center of a major war. Either because of the religion itself or the people who are fighting against it.
Religions were all created by men/man,and therefore are subject to the external influences surrounding it. No religion is perfect, as is no human being is perfect.
I call myself an agnostic as I have no specific belief. I like to see proof of things in life, not just the murmerings of people who believe in many handed down stories, fables and traditions.
Lets face it , you know when you sit on the grass, you can see it, you can feel it literally, you can smell it, if you are so inclined you could even taste it,you can even hear it rustle in the wind. That is a large amount of the sences proving it is actually there. Ones relegion is a very personal and private thing. You can only get the sensation in your head or heart that what you believe in is true.
If people for whatever reason; weakness, tradition, familly pressure for example feel the need to hang on to something they can not see, feel,(literally), taste or hear, that is up to them. Personally, I like to have a belief in me, the earth, the people I love and who love me. The people I can help who need help, who are less fortunate than myself. Taht is my outlook on life, it is not a religion, it is a purity of the soul I guess. Being happy with oneself, being able to sleep at night with a good concience.
What ever you are looking for in your life, I wish you the best of luck and a happy life to boot.
Finally, dont be easilly led, you are an individual, think for your self, ask deeper( even if unpopular and embaressing) questions.
Take care and may your spirit stay true to itself.

2006-07-04 20:20:26 · answer #4 · answered by simonc12345 2 · 0 0

My religion is Hinduism and inspite of what many muslims think you can learn a lot from it. Meditation, a different way of understanding God(not talking about polytheism), hindu view on the purpose of life, lot's of philosophical insights into different kinds of people. Thank you for being so open minded. If everyone was like you the world would be a much better place.

2006-07-04 19:03:37 · answer #5 · answered by avik_d2000 4 · 0 0

The proper answer to this question would be endless. . . I never let any religion or philosophy goes without benefiting from it!

Judaism taught us to be scholars. Christianity: never to judgement anyone and to be more empathetic. Baha'i: to realise the unity of the whole existence and to know that we all are equal in a sense. Buddhism: To get the best we have out of ourselves and to make it works. Agnosticism: to have a critical vibrant mind, who is always willing to learn and never to consider anything true 100%. . . . . That was just a sample, there are too many other religions and too many other things we can learn. . . .

2006-07-05 04:46:10 · answer #6 · answered by Romeo 5 · 0 0

what a wonderful question , thank you for posting
my belief is based on spirituality , i believe that the spirit is eternal and that life here is only a learning process for those emotions that we cannot learn in spirit such as , without hate you wouldn't know love , without pain you wouldn't know pleasure , without fear you wouldn't know harmony
i also believe that via a medium , a spirit can contact us to prove the existence of eternal life ( which i have the pleasure to witness as a medium and also as a recipient of such messages )
i also believe that what i believe is up to me , and not for me to put upon anyone else .. each to their own and all equally wonderful
i also believe that ( through spirit teachings ) we progress in spirit , evolve and become higher spirit , and keep on evolving till we reach the god part , the great energy .. and we join eventually with that energy as we return home
you can find out more about spirituality at the spiritualist centres or at snu.org
and of course i have found out so much about other religions and faiths through these boards which has been awesome
ty again for this post xx

2006-07-05 03:19:12 · answer #7 · answered by Peace 7 · 0 0

All religions are false. Yours is the worst. Yours is the cause of all the religious problems on this earth. How can you be very happy to be part of a cult that wants to convert everybody through the sword. I am agnostic. I believe there is a god, but I do not believe in any religion. They are all man-made and don't make any sense. Your men get 72 virgins in heaven. What do you get?

2006-07-04 19:15:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to be in a religion, but the day I met Jesus and knew that He was real,that religion was no more.
Now, I just have a personal relationship with The Heavenly Father and Jesus.JESUS said The truth shall set me free. That is how I felt and still how I feel..... There is so much liberty in knowing Jesus. Jesus also said He was the way, the truth and the life.... I have it all.

2006-07-04 19:08:35 · answer #9 · answered by hearts 2 · 0 0

First of all, the range of answers here is truly inspiring... 95% answering honestly, and with a wide array of beliefs represented.

I am a religion of one... for better or for worse. I tend to call myself a secular humanist, but excessive labelling does nobody any good really. I am myself. That's about all I can say.

However, what I think my personal belief system offers is true insight into the ideal nature of moral responsibility and altruistic behaviour. If I can be a moral person despite the fact that I have no religious compulsion to be so, it implies that all people - regardless of their belief in God - can still strive to act in a way that benefits humankind as much as possible. It shows us that 'being responsible to humans, not to God' is in no sense a cop-out but in fact a great responsibility that we should be proud to bear.

My belief gives me hope. Some people use the word 'miracle' to describe the beauty of this universe. Whichever word we use, this is a very great place that we live in, and I think my belief makes me more able to recognise that. Because I don't look forward to a different world, I can dedicate all of my love and all of my spirit to this world here. I can have faith in humans to make this world a better place, and I can do whatever possible to help that cause.

My belief allows me to accept people for who they are. It allows me to accept any lifestyle that doesn't harm others as legitimate, and it allows me to view people based on their actions, not on their beliefs. It allows me never to write people off and to search for the is good in everyone.

2006-07-05 01:46:29 · answer #10 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 0

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