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If a homosexual takes this title, does this make him/her an example of a oxymoron moron or a true example of God's inifinite forgiviness?

2006-07-04 17:44:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Though I believe homosexuality is a forgivable sin and no worse than fornication among the straight people I think its as dumb to call oneself a "gay christian" as it would be say "fornicating christian" or "drunk christian"

What ever it is that you are... if you are a Christian, be a Christian first .... the rest is secondary.

2006-07-04 17:49:14 · answer #1 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 1 0

Please remember that GOD loves us all, HE only hates our sin.
For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, JESUS (John 3:16).

You must repent and stop committing your sins. Then remain celibate, until you marry a member of the opposite sex. If this seems difficult, remember that JESUS knew exactly how HE was about to die and the pain that would be inflicted upon HIM, but HE loved us so much, HE fulfilled the sacrifice.

Adultery is a violation of 1 of GOD's 10 commandments. Homosexuality is an abomination, and fornication is a sin. All of these sins are against your own body. The other sins are outside of your body.

Remember that JESUS is coming back soon, and you don't want to be caught without being repentant, therefore have to remain here during the Tribulation (the worst time that the world will ever know).

May GOD Bless you, and give you wisdom & self control for the correct decision.

2006-07-05 01:18:00 · answer #2 · answered by Ja Le M 2 · 0 0

Being gay and a Christian makes that Christian an example of God's unmerited, and limitless grace.

Unmerited is the key.

Many people who call themselves Christians like to think that salvation is based upon their own actions, that salvation happens because of something they DO or somehow earn, and not on the saving activity of Jesus Christ. This is called works righteousness, is an insult to Christ and his sacrifice on the cross, and has a LOT more in common with Islam than it does with Christianity.

Christ after all came for the sinners, and not for the righteous.

People like to think that the sins that they commit are somehow not as bad as the sins that others commit. The truth is certainly different of course. Being gay is no worse than any other sin, IF being gay is a sin.

But you have to be a part of a well educated church to experience grace as unmerited. Your average ignorant Baptist for example, will tell you are going to hell because you have sinned - ignoring their own sin, and ignoring completely what happened on the cross, of course.

Look into the Episcopal church - they have at least one openly gay bishop.

Good Christians those Episcopalians.

2006-07-05 00:58:31 · answer #3 · answered by ***** 6 · 1 0

Homosexual acts are incompatible with God's revelation. What you are saying is that you are "giving up" on your efforts to do God's will.

Let me tell you something. Don't give up. God, if He is God, can do anything. Don't say "yeah yeah". I'm serious. I've seen it happen, and I am the product of God's miracles. God will appreciate your efforts to confront your sin and give that sin to God. If you do give up, then don't expect to witness any of God's forgiveness. He never forces Himself on you. You can choose. But if you try to fight this demon, He will help you.

I'm telling you. It can be done. The problem with most protestant Christian churches though is that there is no procedure to "give it to God." You may want to consider the eastern Orthodox faith because there are many processes for giving your sins to Christ. You are not alone in this battle. As a matter of fact, it is completely impossible for you to fight this by yourself.

By the way, being Gay is no worse than being a drunk or being a fornicator or anything else. These are just things to keep you from being close to God. Could it be that your (our) sins are demons? I know all this sounds a bit nutty, but maybe you should research this. ( I used to preach about eastern Orthodoxy, but I really don't anymore. I'm not good at converting people. But I am into "solutions". So maybe there is something there you can use.)

Good luck!

2006-07-05 00:58:06 · answer #4 · answered by Jmurr 2 · 0 0

While there are many who believe that all gay people are going to hell (after all, the Bible does condemn homosexuality), I believe it is hypocritical at best to blanket all gay people as hell bound based on that criterion alone.

After all, the Bible condemns a number of behaviors and lifestyles that seem very commonplace in today's society. The Bible even goes so far as to say that the penalty for anger is the same as that for murder (see Matthew 5:21-22)

Let us not forget that we as Christians are nothing more than sinners who have been saved by God's grace.

So if a homosexual takes the title "Gay Christian", that is quite honestly a matter between that soul and its Creator. We are all much better off tending to the dirt in our own houses, rather than trying to make a determination about someone else's.

2006-07-05 00:54:58 · answer #5 · answered by Rev T L Clark 3 · 2 0

I guess the best analogy I could think of for you is the term "Hitman Christian" as oxymoron. Murder is a sin and a hitman makes his living from murdering people so if he is not willing to turn from this sin then he could not continue to be part of the fellowship of Christians. They would eventually have to turn him out if he refused to give up killing people.

It is the same with homosexuals. Within Christianity, homosexuality is considered a sin and an abomination. Now to be considered a part of the Christian fellowship these individuals must give up sin. By giving up this sin and asking for forgiveness they would get God's infinite forgiveness and salvation.

2006-07-05 00:59:01 · answer #6 · answered by rhutson 4 · 0 0

Well, in Judaism, homosexual inclinations are permissible but not homosexual acts. I'm not sure about Christianity. Apparently, even lust in the heart is a sin and beliefs are also highly valued. Perhaps gay Christians are indeed oxymorons.

2006-07-05 00:47:38 · answer #7 · answered by rayndeon 2 · 0 0

Why not.

I'd like to hand out some titles to Christians I meet:

Nasty Christian
Bigoted Christian
Hateful Christian
Fornicating Christian
Womanizing Christian
Lying Christian
Spiteful Christian

People with a lot of "flaws" seem to have no problem calling themselves a Christian, so why should anyone else!

Don't forget the Chaplin blesses those in the Army before they go off to kill people in war!

If there are "get out of jail" free cards for killing in war, there must be other "get out of jail free" cards for everything, including Homosexuality!

2006-07-05 00:51:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It just demonstrates a rejection of human interpretation of human words that falsely explain what God thinks, wants, loves. God is infinite and has many incarnations by the eyes and minds of man and none of which come even close to the vast openness of his or her mind. God is a being that mere humans cannot comprehend. He is more evolved than we can ever hope to be and thus, his processes are much deeper and greater than ours. To claim to know God's ideas and wants are is blasphemous and void. No amount of LITERATURE or DEBATE will ever come close to revealing God's plan or purpose. So before anyone passes judgement on anyone for the way they are or live, stop and think to yourself, is it possible for me or anyone to comprehend the plans and ideas of this higher power? Can my brain even process the kind of information that God can? No. The truth is, no one will ever know anything about the powers above us until we have the same make-up as it.

2006-07-05 03:23:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are either Christian or you are not. There is no such thing as gay-Christian, or African-American-Christian, or Mexican-Christian or even conservative-Christian lol.

What you are asking is how is it possible to become a Christian and still be a sinner? lol are you serious? All Christians are sinners, it's not about following every letter of the law. That's sort of the whole point about grace. Jesus' entire message centered around that very thing, that it's not about following every law, it's about following God with your heart.

So yeah, a gay person can be a Christian, no problem :)

2006-07-05 00:50:25 · answer #10 · answered by arewethereyet 7 · 3 0

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