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Our family pet is dying......I posted (hoping for someone to tell me.......something good). Instead I get an anti-illegal comparing my dog's life to the immigration crisis. My dog is VERY important.....believe that.....but not nearly as important as this subject. When people use analogies (like my dog's tumor) in their GAME.....what does that do? What does that do? So my question to ALL of you.....does this help? I am smart, educated and would probably be an asset to your cause.......what did this do and how did it help your cause?

2006-07-04 17:25:29 · 18 answers · asked by sqwirlsgirl 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

I POSTED ON THE PET SECTION.....he followed me there!

2006-07-04 17:41:52 · update #1

18 answers

I'm sorry about your dog. I had a dog with an operable tumor who lived several years happily before getting another and finally dying. I'm sorry.

Just because someone is a jerk is no reason to take a position on an important issue.

However, I know you have other reasons for your point of view.

And you know you won't change sides for all the arguments in the world, however well put. Your personal sense of fairness goes the other way. I respect your position. Mind you, I don't always agree with it...

2006-07-04 17:55:06 · answer #1 · answered by DAR 7 · 5 2

Yes I did it! I was the one. but for the people who think that I have not made any kind of intelligent case about being anti illegal immigration, you should read all of my questions and answers.

Then read squirrelly's comments.

NOW tell me who is blowing cmoke and being ill willed!

I told her I was sorry for the dog's condition.
I also thought that this might open her eyes, as she lyingly said before that she needs to have it wxplained to her in a manner that she can understand and she would gladly change her position.
So I gave her a VERY good analogy that was VERY close to home for her.

I am sorry that any family would have a pet that suffers. Really I am

I am even more worried and sorry for My country that is suffering with all of the illegals and it turned out to be a very good example (that is not my fault!)

operate on the dog!
deport the illegals

she should have understood that was my stance, as I said the tumor represented the illegals and the dog represented the USA.
so I say it again
Operate on the dog
have your pet for a long time
enjoy your dog and be glad you got rid of the illegals, err tumor.

2006-07-05 01:55:11 · answer #2 · answered by athorgarak 4 · 0 0

I agree with Americans1st here: In EVERY answer you post in the Immigration category to a questioner who expresses any anti-illegal immigration stance, you respond in an extremely snotty, condescending, smartazz manner and you sound like a boorish know-it-all! Why would you expect people to express sympathy to you when you have such a horrible attitude toward others?

I can understand why Americans1st would go to your question in another category here to communicate with you because sometimes that is the only way to respond to someone here after they have spoken about an issue or given a response to a person's question in a very snotty way, such as you ALWAYS do!

If you want compassion and understanding for your issues and causes, then express the same to others here.

Most people have had and lost pets and anyone who has will know the pain and distress you are going through.

As well, you are very narrow-minded if you will let the post of ONE person cause you to stick with your stance on an issue, regardless of the logic and reasoning from the other side of the issue. How about if we let ONE azzhole pro-illegal immigrant poster cause us to stick to our beliefs, regardless of any reasoning and logic explained by hundreds or thousands of others? What if just because I saw ONE illegal immigrant chanting in the streets of the USA in a very militant manner, "Yes we can!" while waving the flag of the country he left, I let that ONE illegal immigrant represent the feelings and beliefs of ALL illegal immigrants?

Stop and think, before you spew out things on here!

2006-07-05 12:19:09 · answer #3 · answered by Daisy 6 · 0 0

Arthogarek, he's the dude...the sick dude...

He's the "sensitive" one doing a slow burn talking crap because Yahoo busted him on one of his wretched questions...sore loser has been looking for approval since.

This goes to show you that the side of ugliness spoils people's focus and perspectives.

What does his action do for the immigration debate? Nothing, it feeds his attention deficit and his sore losing radical ego at your expense. Take the high road...don't despair. Stay the course. Pet's are family members and I'm sorry to hear about his illness.

To hadenough: back, yep; great holiday, regards.

To Arthogarek:
Quit reaching, buddy. Even a dog knows when to give up.....an analogy has to have flow. It comprises exemplification of two similar ideas. While analogies play a big role in problem solving, you sarcastically forced the issue on this one perhaps out of a personal vendetta? You did follow her to the Pet Category, didn't you? Targeting the wrong particular created a problem rather than solving one. Your non-analogy is UNDERWHELMING!

2006-07-05 01:39:19 · answer #4 · answered by Stomp 3 · 0 0

With the USA being one of the worst industrialized nations with poor health care for its citizens, why would you focus on pro amnesty. Should you not worry about serious illnesses that affect humans who are legal in the USA? If illegal immigrants use our health care system and no reimbursement is made, those working Americans that can't afford health care will suffer because of the lack of concern from our government. I'm stating my opinion because I don't get your question about your dog with a tumor.

2006-07-05 00:40:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm very sorry to hear about you dog,I still have my very first dog (she's 12 yrs old now)and I know when the day comes I will be heart broken*tearing up*.
I had to stop asking questions in other categories for that same reason.Once I asked a for some advice on my nephew who was staying with us at the time,and Cherokee Rose followed me and her reply was,"kinda like an illegal,huh PANCHA".
I've just about had enough of this board.I'm starting to get reported over and over again so I will be suspended soon ,AGAIN.I wonder why "princess" and "seals" and the indian are so afraid of if they insist that they are "winning"."Winning" what?

2006-07-06 15:30:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no amnesty maybe ur dog get free healtcare like all illegals.

Not one comment from those concerned about illegal immigration has mentioned skin color, race, religion. Most comments have been based on economics or the impact on our shared society financially. Discussing a financial impact or our rights as citizens to determine an appropriate immigration level is absolutely fair.

1. Who is going to pay for the $10,000 per student per year for education of all these new children.

2. Who is going to pay for the $12,000 per year of welfare benefits for children of these immigrants born in the US.

3. What percentage of these “low wage” immigrants have health insurance. Who pays when they don’t have it?

4. What will happen to the sheer number of these immigrants as they gain citizenship and want to exercise their right to bring in their families left behind?

5. What kind of social security demands will these tens of millions put on the system as they retire?

6. According to the IRS the bottom 50% of wage earners in America pay only 4% of the taxes. If most of the new people fall into this group - who will pay for the services they require like education welfare assistance health care?

7. Because many of these "low wage workers" will qualify for the “Earned Income” tax credit, if made citizens. These new citizens would recieve money instead of paying income tax - what will the impact be to existing tax payers.

Again I would like to stress that not one of these questions has to do with race. Are these not valid questions to ask? As a tax payer wouldn't you like to know the answers?

2006-07-05 00:37:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not surprised that your question doesn't make sense and I don't believe for one second that you are educated.

I'm really sorry about your dog. We have a little dachshund and she is about 13 years old. We will be devastated when she passes.

One has nothing to do with the other. You should listen to Americansfirst below me. I have never been able to post one question without you being rude or intolerant. Hypocrite.

2006-07-05 02:46:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I dont get it either...

But then I dont understand amnesty either. I wonder if I could get forgiven for all the laws I may have broken by claiming I'm not a legal citizen?

I'm really sorry about your pet. Its hard to lose something that loved you unconditionaly and was always there when you needed some company.

2006-07-05 00:30:28 · answer #9 · answered by werk2much2000 4 · 0 0

I am sorry about your beloved dog. I have a dog myself and I know someday she will have to leave me and it will hurt me so much. If a person has no feelings for an animal, don't expect them to have feelings for humans. Please don't judge all anti-illegals with this jerk. I am against illegal immigration because its not fair for those who struggle to come legally and go through such a long costly process.
Once again, sorry for this soon- to- be- loss for you and I'm sure he was as happy to be with you as you were having him for the time he was here.

2006-07-05 01:35:21 · answer #10 · answered by diehard0603 4 · 0 0

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