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...do you have any religious friends that despite your telling them directly, or in some form, that you are an atheist (or other) they always seem to forget? And like me how likely are you to not even say anything if something negative is said of non believers?

Generally it may not matter much, except when the subject is religion or they happen to mention the "atheist" term negatively, forgetting that you are one. Friends of mine just don't ever seem to remember, I think most people just assume we all believe what they believe. I think "atheists" are these imaginary "other" people to them that they don't even associate any kind of real person with.

2006-07-04 17:21:42 · 16 answers · asked by Indigo 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

You're right. It's an abstract bogeyman for many people. It depends on the spirit in which the statement is asked. I usually try to reply with humour.

We have to accept our friends even with their inadequacies...

2006-07-04 17:25:30 · answer #1 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 0

I have many religious friends. I do have a handful of religious friends that forget I am atheist. I don't recall an incident where they have used the term negatively. The only time it has been weird is when they pray before eating. Everyone bows their heads and closes their eyes. I don't do that, I just wait for them to finish praying before I touch food. Sometimes they give me a weird look, then you can see in their faces the expression of "Oops! Sorry! Forgot about you!"

It's humorous because they will come to me for information on the Bible since I am well versed in it's writings, but they don't really say the word Atheist when talking about me. They just use my name. I guess I am fortunate.

2006-07-05 00:30:43 · answer #2 · answered by cute_valley_boys 3 · 0 0

I like what another answer said about "then they ask you but are you saved?" Thats the point! Being a christian isnt going to church, being a good person, the word Christian means Christ Like. So, when they say are you a christian they are asking you "are you christ like?" They are asking you if you know the one true way to eternal salvation through Christ. Its not rudeness, its the joy of Christ and they want you to feel that. The rude and nasty part would b if they never told you of it. Think of it this way, if you are in a race, and their is an easy way to win with a shortcut, would you want someone to tell you the shortcut so u could win? Of course! So, thats what we are trying to do, tell people an easyer way thn what they are doing, a better way. Its Gods way or no way ot Heavan.

2006-07-05 00:34:27 · answer #3 · answered by gospelguy 2 · 0 0

Actually, I've never had any friends try to convert me. Those that are religious respect my views on religion. Though I do like the debates, so when some complete stranger comes up to me asking a religious question like, "Are you living your life for God?" I can't help but answer honestly, which inevitably gets me drawn into a debate.

2006-07-05 00:27:47 · answer #4 · answered by Kitti 2 · 0 0

Sadly, this is part of the stigma that atheists face. Atheism, thanks to the church, has become a derogatory term. People spit the word out like it's a bad thing when it plainly isn't. Just keep holding your head high and don't be afraid to tell the world that you don't buy it.

P.S. Unless you live in the South like I do. These people are crazy.

2006-07-05 00:27:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would absolutely love to talk to you more, I love your point of view on religion. I have nothing against anyone of any religion, or ppl of absolutely no religion. I would not dream of pushing my religion on anyone, and I absolutely hate having religions, ESPECIALLY christianity, pushed off on me. I hate ppl (especially friends, I completely understand where you are coming from) reciting bible quotes to me, when they know full well I am not a christian...and even if they don't. That is not another's place to act that way, especially if they do not know whether or not you are christian. ppl need to stop assuming that everyone in the world is christian, or whatever religion they believe in. THERE R DIFFERENT RELIGIONS IN THIS WORLD!!!! Deal with it! Feel free to email me if you have any other opinions to share, as I said, I love your point of view.

2006-07-06 03:31:43 · answer #6 · answered by oreana69 2 · 0 0

Most friends I have don't care about my atheism, and they have never referred to atheist negatively. But then again, most of my friends are post-grads and are of many different religions, some practising, some not.
When religion is discussed it is a 'subject of discussion', no judgmental or disparaging, but with genuine interest.

2006-07-05 00:29:49 · answer #7 · answered by J9 6 · 0 0

nothing meaning of non religious people i say first u confirm that from this temple or from this church priest is good to u and this place and this god is good to u and if u dont know any thing and going on then u definetely go into hell and i kknow every thing in the world who is good and who is bad u tell me any body any person from any where i can tell immediately what he is and what he will do for u and which place u are standing what that place do for u and i can never go on blind route so person tell me non religious only thing u are in imotion and i am on p ractically and scientifically

2006-07-05 00:31:33 · answer #8 · answered by name of spritual tantra horr0r 3 · 0 0

I have friends that are atheists, wichens, shamans, and I am a Christian. We found the best way to handle it is to be open and honest, and to freely discuss our points of view. This requires the willingness to listen and to not take offense, to speak and not be prevented from voicing your belief, and to not attempt to convert to atheism, whichen, shamanism, or Christianity. Maturity and honesty in your relationships makes this work.

2006-07-05 00:34:38 · answer #9 · answered by Wishin' I was 2 · 0 0

People can be real jerks like that. What I find even more offensive than these types of slips, is when people use the word 'retarded' in a derogatory fashion. It makes me want to beat the living crap out of them.

2006-07-05 00:25:14 · answer #10 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

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