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I can't stand it. In some ways I see it as emotional teasing- it screws with your head to try and figure out if a comment is heartfelt or not.

2006-07-04 16:24:53 · 58 answers · asked by C. S 4 in Society & Culture Etiquette

58 answers

I also hate people that are stuck in the sarchasm. You know, the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn't get it.

2006-07-04 16:28:16 · answer #1 · answered by rattwagon 4 · 0 0

Oh my, no!! Sarcasm is a great technique to break the ice in social situations or to cheer people up when they are sad or to flirt or to have fun. You are saying you hate sarcasm in general. Taken to extremes, sure i can see why you dont like it. Anything is bad when taken too far. But in moderation, sarcasm is healthy and necessary!! Without a sense of humor and a positive outlook on the world, dont expect to get very far in life!! Laughter is one of the best ways to remedy any situation - it is a fundamental part of being a human being. But you are thinking "but sarcasm is usually someone's idea of a sick sardonic screwy joke." If that is how you have experienced sarcasm, then someone is being very mean to you and i feel bad. In all of my experiences with others, if we have a friendly relationship where we can be sarcastic, joking, and teasing, then we know we have a good relationship. Sarcasm should never hurt anyone. If it does, then it is wrong. You should rephrase your question to "do you hate hurtful sarcasm." Everyone should love well-placed witty comical sarcasm among friends and relatives. If you cant tell when your significant other or friend/relative is being sarcastic or heartfelt, then you are obviously not good enough friends yet. It should be easy to tell if someone is being sarcastic or not. You should always know how someone close to you will react to something. And always remain openminded. Some human beings like to play fun mind games on others, but its all in good fun.

2006-07-04 20:24:11 · answer #2 · answered by surfer2966 4 · 0 0

I believe sarcasm comes from people who have unhealthy self-esteem. If they don't feel good, they don't want anybody to feel good. Sarcasm is used when the person could be a good listener or observer, rather than air their "dirty laundry," and anger to others. Nobody is responsible just because we could be having a bad day and throw out sarcasm rather than be kind. I also believe sarcastic people are really self centered and could care less about other's feelings. Our world is so hard today and we need people to be kind. I ignore the emotional teasing as you call it and I do hate it. It could be construed to be emotional abuse. I know sarcastic people have few friends, other than those who also throw out their "barbs" and cruel statements and words to others who could be hurting. It's amazing how a few cruel words can burst some people's bubbles. The older you get the less you will listen to such barbs and cruelty and actually say a little prayer that they might develop a conscience and quit hurting others.

2006-07-04 16:51:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

..damn, these ******* fireworks are driving me nuts.. I'm trying to answer **** in here.. Let me see.. It depends on who is giving me the sarcasm.. I mean if they are an asshole, anything they say's going to bug me. If they say like me and are also funny (hell, witty even) and I LIKE them, they can tell me any damn thing they want! (and I'd luv it..) Right? right! I think this is the perfect answer. So who's been doing this emotional teasing? It must be a dude you like (maybe you don't know how he feels?) That sux (if it is so.) You have to get to know someone.. (if you want to, that is..) You can tell after a while, hon if it's 'sincere' (or heartfelt) or a bunch of 'e'tl. teasing' (or bullshit.) I can tell anyhow... (Write another question w/more details about what you are really trying to ask all us 'strangers' out in Yahoohland here, K?)

2006-07-04 16:31:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It isn't just teasing, it is a glancing blow of the obvious, without the injuries of the real. The idea is to make the person think. Does he mean this, or does he mean that? Do both fit? If he simply said I was stupid I would feel worse than I do with the big hint by way of that backhanded insult.

Is that hat ugly? No, I think things chewed up by my dog are interesting. Is that hat ugly? It is the absolute worse excuse for putting something on your head. Which did you like? Didn't you understand both? I thought so.

2006-07-04 16:31:07 · answer #5 · answered by Rabbit 7 · 0 0

"The more intelligent women will already know that in ways such as described above women ultimately gain full control over men . Men cannot forcibly be made submissive - but feminine charm will disarm him leaving him as submissive as a puppy on a lead ." Certain Absolute Truths pop out of Y!A sometimes that are startling in their clarity, like a bell being rung during a period of utter silence. I want to thank the confessor of this comment. This is what I've been professing all along, and (unfortunately/fortunately?) learned it while still very young: The words in quotes are what women subconsciously and sometimes vocally seek from a relationship, and precious little of it has to do with love...for if you loved someone or anything would you seek to make it submissive to you? would you seek to control its behavior and thoughts? would you think to wrestle power away from the other? We don't understand the meaning of love, and marriage proudly and defiantly perpetuates the ignorance.

2016-03-27 04:14:30 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Sarcasm is considered not only the lowest form of humour (what sort of brains does it take to be overly agreeable in a snarly voice anyway) but it is also a form of anger for people who don't have the guts to come out and talk about what's really on their minds. It's childish and cowardly and I've seen friendships end because of one of the parties unrelenting sarcasm!

2006-07-11 11:47:00 · answer #7 · answered by Littlefox 1 · 1 0

I use sarcasm to make things funny. I may nack on people from time to time but I target everyone and I never do it to make anyone feel bad and I know everyone involved knows that's.

But yes I have seen it hurt feelings and bother people. But there is more then one type of sarcasm.

Here is a stupid example that's a little funny because of this topic.
"What's Sarcasm?" I was going to awnser this question with just that because I am very sarcastic.

I like Melancholia comment on page 2. I agree with him dead on.

2006-07-04 16:28:39 · answer #8 · answered by Jay 2 · 0 0

Some people love sarcasm/sarcastic people.. Sometimes I will say sarcastic things but I can't stand ''sarcastic humor'' and people that are like that all the time... I just dislike it a lot, I don't really have an explanation........ I guess it just doesn't feel right?!?

2006-07-04 16:29:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Noooooo! I love it. It gives me this warm and fuzzy feeling, like hugging a soft, cuddly teddy bear! Sarcasm is like a wonderful gift to humanity from some benevolent God who knows how perfect and calm the world is all over. It's so kind and caring, loving and warm. How would we ever survive without the gentle touch and reassurance of sarcasm in our daily lives? I shudder to think!


2006-07-04 16:29:57 · answer #10 · answered by But why is the rum always gone? 6 · 0 0

I LOVE sarcasm! Sarcastic answers tend to be shorter -- they save time.

But I'll take pity on you. If you can't be sure the comment is heartfelt, then chances are it's not. There, that wasn't so hard, was it?

2006-07-04 16:29:25 · answer #11 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

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