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24 answers

True religions
was given by god only
(Islam,Christianity & Judaism)

and cuz it was hard to convince some 1
that its true,god sent a prophet with miracles
and a holy book contains all what we should know.

All that religions Given to save and guide
people to the truth in different ages

and the last religion was(islam)
Came because all other previous god religeons became modified and corrupted by the hands of men of religeon

And as muslims we believe in the
ORIGINAL jewish and christian bible which are not present .
Thats why Islam is the True Religion

2006-07-09 17:00:33 · answer #1 · answered by A|H|M|E|D 2 · 0 1

a question that i ponder myself. i have come to believe that there is no way of proving that any religion is correct or better than another, whatever you choose to follow is basically up to you. how could a just christian god persecute muslims or hindus who may have never heard of christianity? if you believe the bible then these people would go to hell, but is it really they're fault where they were born in the world? im sure the same is probably true for other religions, logically they do not make much sense at all

2006-07-04 23:13:32 · answer #2 · answered by bigsnowtoday 2 · 0 0

1)The true church must have the proper authority to perform the cerimonies (marriage and baptism among others) and a lineage of that authority all the way back to Peter James and John since they were the apostles here on earth given that authority...after all isn't that the point?? To act in Christ's name as if he were here?

2)The true church MUST HAVE MODERN REVELATION..God is no discriminator of persons...he loves us JUST as much as he loved the people during the time of Noah and Moses..so why, should we go without a Prophet who receives God's word? If you have a problem with the Revelations add to or subtract from..riddle me this...Deuteronomy 4:2 says the same thing! Plus the books of the NT, unlike the OT are NOT in chronological order..so if it was written BEFORE Ephesians but is the last book in the Bible..then what? exactly..you are taking things far too literally...

Finally as said, you should have a leader of the Church who has this authority and receives modern revelation in these days..who better than a man chosen by God himself by his apostles? AS IT WAS IN THE TIME OF CHRIST???? Christ may not have made a church but he laid down the groundwork, infrastructure and teachings in order for a religion to be done correctly..

NOT a man made church whose philosophies are mingled with scripture...which Isaiah prophecied as:
Isaiah 29:13
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

here are some requirements of the true church:
Christ organized the church. - Eph 4:11-14
The true church must bear the name of Jesus Christ. - Eph 5:23
The true church must have a foundation of Apostles and Prophets. - Eph 2: 19-20
The true church must have the same organization as Christ's church. - Eph 4:11-14
The true church must claim divine authority. - Heb 5:4-10
The true church must had no paid ministry. - Ish 45:13, I Cor 9:18, I Peter 5:2
The true church must baptize by immersion. - Matt 3:14-15
The true church must bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. - Acts 8:14-17
The true church must practice divine healing. - Mark 3:1415
The true church must teach that God and Jesus are separate and distinct individuals. - John 17:11 and John 20:17
The true church must teach that God and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bone. - Luke 24: 36-39 and Acts 1: 9-11
The officers must be called by God. - Exodus 28:1, 40:13-16, Heb 5:4
The true church must claim revelation from God. - Amos 3:7
The true church must be a missionary church. - Matt 18:19-20
The true church must be a restored church. - Acts 3:19-20
The true church must practice baptism for the dead. - I Cor 15:16, 29
By their fruits you shall know them. - Matt 7:20
Why are these things important? John 3:15, John 10:10, Hebrews 13:8

2006-07-04 23:32:26 · answer #3 · answered by juanes addicion 6 · 0 0

I know what you mean... I was lost too, and it took me years to find my way.
I can only show the path I went to find my truth but it is up to you to go after it

The Baha'i Faith is the youngest of the world's independent religions. It is based on the teachings of Baha'u'llah (1817-1892), Who is regarded by Baha'is as the most recent in a line of Messengers of God that includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ, and Muhammad.

Baha'u'llah taught that there is only one God and one human family, that all religions represent progressive stages in the revelation of God's Will, and that humanity is reaching its long-awaited stage of maturity, when a peaceful and just world order can finally be realized.

The worldwide Baha'i community, composed of people from virtually every racial, ethnic and religious background, is working to give practical expression to Baha'u'llah’s vision of world unity. We invite everyone, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity, to study, worship and work with us to bring into reality the vision of humanity as one global family and the earth as one home.

2006-07-04 23:48:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can follow any religion, but remain faithful, have strong convictions and in the face of adversity, don't give up or judge.
For religions, teachers, right conduct, knowledge, faith will help in seeking your soul where in lies the secret of who you are, why, how, wherefrom and from here on...
Your heart will tell you when you find the right religion, you will find your path through your teacher, who will come to you...seek and you shall find..

2006-07-04 23:16:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If I knew that, I would have ascended ages ago. ;) Seriously though, I don't think there really is one true religion, as faith is subjective, by that I mean that faith is going to be different things to different people. If you think the almighty is a giant talking peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then I say roll with it. Point is, go with what jives for you, and leave it at that, is what I say.

2006-07-04 23:16:34 · answer #6 · answered by Ryn 3 · 0 0

Everyone's spiritual path is different. You have to open your heart and see what resonates for you. There is no One Tru Religion... and those that say theirs is the one that is the tur faith for all are out of their minds.

After much reading, I learned that Wicca was right for me. You get a feeling... you will know when your find the right path for you.

2006-07-04 23:17:42 · answer #7 · answered by Onyx Dracona 3 · 0 0

I don't think that any religion is the "right"one. I believe that any religion involving the worship of a supreme being is right.

2006-07-04 23:14:48 · answer #8 · answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6 · 0 0

We must be lovers of light no matter from what lamp is appears. We must be lovers of the rose no matter in what garden it blooms. We must be seekers of truth no matter from what source it comes. Attachment to one lamp can prevent us from appreciating the light when it shines from in another....We must abandon prejudice and outmoded traditions if we are to succed in finding the truth....if we understand this , we will able to see that the Divine light of Truth shone in all the Manifestations of God-in Krishna, Moses,Zoroaster,Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab, and Bahullah.

I believe that each religion is good for its own time but no one can tell you what is truth you have to find it.
I give you 2 links that I believe can help you...\
just trust the God, and free your heart and mind ...
Good luck

2006-07-04 23:43:35 · answer #9 · answered by Me 6 · 0 0

jah rastafari because it is real and unless you see jah light you will never know true self actualization. also it makes the most sense.
H.I.M. (His Imperial Majesty) Haile Selassie I King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Look in Revelations 5:5 the same root of David is King Solomon's line

May jah be praised

One Love

2006-07-04 23:16:48 · answer #10 · answered by anonymous 2 · 0 0

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