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Why don't you "followers of christ" convert to Satan?
And don't ***** at me, think about it. Your "God" is a hypocritical, judgmental prick who, if you mess up ONCE, wants to smite you in a split second. He doesn't accept you as who YOU ARE, but who HE wants you to be, which is infact impossible to be perfect.

Satan, on the other hand, doesn't care what the hell you do. He's not going to judge his followers and force you to be what you can't. Come as you are, hell is open. At least you can be YOU in hell, not some prissy angel that you slaved away at trying to become, only to floatfor eternity in peaceful boredom.

Fact is, "God" hates you all. You're born into sin, you ARE sin, and no amount of repenting will fix that as you all like to think. You can't be good enough in his eyes, so be who you are and be perfect in the Devils'.

Why not convert to the Devil?

2006-07-04 16:06:27 · 23 answers · asked by boo_6917 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Another thing I don't understand is this: he "created" you, and yet he wants you to turn yourself into something else for him. Now is it just me, or is that pure asinine?

2006-07-04 16:07:36 · update #1

Ahahahaha, I want not the "love" of your Gods. I'm just making a point. Didn't say I worship anything, now did I?

2006-07-04 16:13:07 · update #2

Okay, okay, to all you "he gave his son!!!!" people, here:

Who gives a ****? If he loves us so much, why'd he send his son and not himself? Hmm? Why did he let his son suffer instead of giving his own immortal life?

I have no real problem with "Jesus". It's "God" who created and bitches at us all.

And thank Lucifer there are some sane people who agree with me. Congrats you guys, see you in hell. I'll bring beer.

2006-07-04 16:24:43 · update #3

Oh my ******* hell, don't you people go "praying" for me. That's about the most useless thing I have ever heard. You'd have more of an effect praying to a tree. At least it'll blow around (given the wind speed) and LOOK as if it cares.

Hahaha, later fellow maggots.

2006-07-04 16:32:20 · update #4

23 answers

True. Satan is liberal, tolerant and easy-going. He’s a nice god actually and the Christians have demonised the poor fellow. But why? I mean he likes people to be free, to have a great life with lots of things, a big comfortable house with air-conditioning, great sex, you name it. God on the other hand is against every enjoyment, he gives bitter slavery and calls everything people like doing “sin”. I think people are confused and have their gods mixed up, Satan is cool and god is a slave-driving grudger. Well at least that’s how it appears. I prefer Lucifer to Satan however, she’s even nicer.

2006-07-04 16:15:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 15 14

this is about the most warped piece of supposed logic i've ever heard. our God is a mighty and just God. He is slow to anger and quick to forgive. He loved us SO MUCH that He gave us His only Son to pay the price for our sinful nature.

The devil, on the other hand, was thrown out of Heaven for wanting to take the place of God. For the life of me, I can't understand why a third of the angels in heaven would follow the devil in this lunacy. How can a 'created' being---and thats what Lucifer is---created----take the place of the Lord? To me that shows a serious defect in thinking right off the bat.

The devil won't judge his followers? I beg to differ. I think that the least infraction will earn his followers extra punishment in hell, if there could be such a thing.

Let's face it, you serve a lunatic angel who was cast out of Heaven by the Almighty. I serve the Almighty.

I don't think there's any comparison.

2006-07-04 16:15:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe in Christ, but I will admit some of your points have merit. I won't say which ones, but as to "converting to the devil", why would anyone want to? For one thing, God, my Father, loves me, and I know I disappoint Him with sin, so He sent His Son for me to wash that sin away. Therefore, it does not "count" against me if I repent.

As to smiting you in a split second, actually, He is very patient. His Patience is so far (thank Christ) is limitless. Yes, He wants us to be perfect, which is impossible, but it's the attempt that counts, not the fact that it's unattainable. (like anything easy, it doesn't mean anything to people if we don't work for it)

Now, of course satan cares what you do in hell. Do you really think he wants you down there to do anything positive or good? Of course not! Lies, deceit, hate, and all the "dark side" (sorry Star Wars fans) is what he covets. This is where his strength comes from. Look at the people around you, now do you really want them being themselves as your neighbour in eternity? The child molester next door, the murder down the street or God forbid, the politician you voted for? (now if they repent, sure, I wouldn't mind them for eternity)

Peaceful boredom (not that that is the promise of Christ) sounds blissful to me after a hard days work or after watching the local news, not sure why you don't want that. Maybe you need "excitement" to feel alive, but remember, in hell and Heaven we are already dead, so that doesn't count.

Now we already established God, our Father loves us, so we won't go into it again. Look deep, even a want to be "devil is okay" person He loves. Just trust that feeling. That's all I can say, and realize every christian on this site will now pray for you, and you WILL become a believer because of that.

2006-07-04 16:29:03 · answer #3 · answered by Katie 4 · 0 0

God loves all his children even if you don't love him. Maybe if you take time out and read the bible then you'll know because it seems to me you don't have your facts straight. He sent his son to die for you and this is how you repay him by telling people to convert to the devil. the devil is evil and if more people convert to the devil then the whole world will be in more trouble than it is now the only reason why you are not dead is because of god's grace and mercy what if he just let you go you would be dead on your way to burn in hell for all eternity being tortured, so think about what you are spreading over the internet and may god have mercy on your soul.

2006-07-04 16:22:15 · answer #4 · answered by KATY 2 · 0 0

I really hope you don't mean what you say. You have a really warped concept of who God is. Either someone has misinformed you, or you choose to be very close-minded. God doesn't hate any of us. In fact, it's just the opposite. Satan is your enemy...ever hear of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" Yeah, satan has heard that one, too. In fact, he's done a bang-up job on you. If you are so set in your beliefs, if you believe soooo much that satan is so great, then read the Bible -- Old and New Testament -- go to a few Christian church services -- then spout all of your pro-satan garbage.....I really hope you change your mind.

2006-07-04 17:14:39 · answer #5 · answered by rabecky 3 · 0 0

WOW, aren't you an angry soul.

Im not perfect, but I know God still loves me. I've messed up a whole lot of times but yet he still loves me. Besides, I can barely stand the summer heat right now so I don't think I would enjoy the fires of hell. I imagine it would be much more lovely floating as an angel in heaven..I think it's cooler up there with all those wings fanning through my hair.

2006-07-04 16:17:19 · answer #6 · answered by Sydney 4 · 0 0

As Jesus spolke to the Pharisees, so I speak to you: YOU ARE OF YOUR FATHER, THE DEVIL. And this asshole, Satan , whom you think is so great, will turn to you in the pit, and mock you for being such a fool. Even the devils believe in Jesus and tremble. You are not even up to their snuff on this point. Repent of your blasphemy and serve the winner who defeated the devil: the LORD God Almighty, Jesus Christ (Y'shua HaMeshiach).

2006-07-04 16:15:34 · answer #7 · answered by Shalom Yerushalayim 5 · 0 0

when God created humans, he gave us a choice. we have a choice in everything we do. that is why eve was able to choose to eat the apple, and that is how adam was able to choose to have some too. think about it. they were allowed to do anything they wanted - yet they chose to disobey the one thing that god had asked them not to do.
god doesn't expect you to be perfect. where did you hear that? he created you. he will take you as you are. the world expects us to be perfect, we're never 'good enough' - but God loves you with all your faults and weaknesses. his love is unconditional. it is boundless and has no seasons. he is just like a parent watching over his children - basically wanting them to stay out of trouble.
you think we're "perfect" in Satan's eyes? let me tell you this.. perfection in Satan's eyes does not even come close to the perfection in God's eyes. it is worthless. yet that's exactly what he wants you to think. it's true we can never be perfect in God's presence, in fact the bible says that our "goodness" is like dirty rags in the sight of god. because he is God. because He is so perfect himself. if he wasn't perfect how could he be god? how could some ordinary being be God?
God is not a "prick" who wants to smite you in a split second if you mess up. we already messed up in the garden of eden remember? and from then on the human race kept sinning and sinning, our souls destined to hell. and yet after all the pain we caused him he still sent his only son to die for us. and not just an ordinary death. jesus went through everything before being nailed on that cross - and when he was on the cross, you and i were on his mind.
jesus didn't have to come. God could have "let us do what we wanted to" and go straight to hell - but he sent his only son to die for us so that we might have salvation. salvation is not forced upon you - you get to choose.
i'm from sri lanka, a land that is full of witch craft and basically worships satan. there is a lot of "rebirth" and witch craft - curses, spells, demon possession, etc going on. trust me, if you choose to follow satan, your life will not be yours. your soul will not be yours. once you make a pact with the devil, only god can save you. for your sake, i hope you don't. i've seen with my own eyes what can happen - and it's not a pretty sight.
as for me, i'd rather be a "prissy" angel than spend eternity in a fiery lake of sulphur.
god bless you. choose wisely the path you will follow. the easy one doesn't necessarily have the best ending. satan is all about lies and deceit. i pray that god bleses you, that his love will touch your life as it has done to millions of people around the world. but remember - god does not promise a bed of roses. the path will be difficult but the reward is worth it.
god bless.

2006-07-04 16:42:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i can only think that you were once a christen yourself....i was not born into sin,i was a gift from my maker to my people,my creator understands that i am only human,who may make mistakes,but knows my heart is pure.why would worship a devil,a mythical creature who was invented to scare people into being good.i am in good spirits and deeds because,it is the right thing to do.you sound so angry,i wish you peace of mind.

2006-07-04 16:14:51 · answer #9 · answered by deerwoman777 6 · 0 0

I agree and accept ...but with one stipulation : Don't go tearing up kitties , or harming any critters in my name ... I abhor such ... If you do such you are acting like a Christian relearning Leviticus ... I was nature's keeper long before given this role ...Yes, we're plotting how to get some central AC down here, we try and keep folks comfortable as best we can ...and we accept everyone ...

2006-07-04 16:15:28 · answer #10 · answered by gmonkai 4 · 0 0

God only wants us to find the true meaning of happiness! He lets us fall into sin and suffering just so we'll realize that we need Him. It is not true that Satan doesn't care what we do.. coz he does. He wants us to be mean. He wants us to abhor God the way you do just so he, Satan, will prevail. Fact is, GOD LOVES US ALL! and He wants everyone to know that!

2006-07-04 16:13:15 · answer #11 · answered by ivandrake83 2 · 0 0

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