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if they dont believe shouldn't they keep their opinions to themselves, instead of tring to start things with people that do believe...?

2006-07-04 15:48:37 · 22 answers · asked by Tiana 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

So that you can answer their questions and help them find the Lord. Don't think of it as stupid. Use these times as opportunities to minister to someone who may need it.

2006-07-04 15:52:45 · answer #1 · answered by Madame Butta-fly 1 · 1 2

It's all a game of tennis, (now it's Wimbledon season again I can't resist the analogy :P) and the ball's back in our court!

We don't live in a society of mute individuals, we form connections with people through communication, sometimes you may not like that communication but it is a connection all the same. If we all kept our ideas to ourselves in fear of someone disagreeing with us what kind of world would we live in, I suggest you read George Orwell's 1984 to find out.

We care too much about what other people think, it is not a personal attack, except from a few ignorant people, debate and questioning is what underlines the human psyche, curiosity, even the bible highlights that fact by showing we were curious even before taking a bite out of a metaphorical apple. If we weren't a curious race then we would have behaved like sheep and never taken the steps towards learning. Without debate, without questioning each other and everything we are little more than sheep following the herd.

Debate is a tool, use it to further your own understanding, that is all the rest of are trying to do...

2006-07-04 16:04:56 · answer #2 · answered by psicatt 3 · 0 0

First of all ignorance is not a bad thing if you accept that you don't know and seek to know. I don't consider questions about religion to be stupid because if you don't know, the only way to find out is to ask. Remember at some point all of us were unbelievers, we had to ask questions to learn about God and to get to the point that we believed. You never have to argue the scriptures, they are true period.

2006-07-04 16:00:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some are seeking. Be gentle and use some common sense when sharing. Some people just aren't ready to hear the gospel and Jesus said "Don't cast pearls to swine". Others put on a confrontational face to hide the fact that they don't know and want you to tell them. So do it.

Don't let it get to you. Read Matt 7. I will know you by your fruit. The way you live your life. The way you answer/handle the unbelievers.

2006-07-04 16:00:45 · answer #4 · answered by ScottyJae 5 · 0 0

Well, there's freedom of speech right? And, the best way to handle ones who you think are trying to stir things up with regard to your Religion/beliefs is,....know your bible. Don't give answers your not sure about and can't prove by scripture. Knowledge is power. There are those who simply don't believe. It's their choice. God doesn't force anyone into anything. He gives all a choice. (Duet. 30:19-20)

2006-07-04 16:19:20 · answer #5 · answered by ktltel 3 · 0 0

Some people like to stir up others with comments they know will upset a person who believes in God. Your way of living and talking on here and other places is your testimony to others.

2006-07-04 16:03:09 · answer #6 · answered by laurelbush28762 4 · 0 0

The truth needs no defense. Don't worry about your beliefs if they are real they can stand up to any question. If not, you don't need them anyway. God loves you. be certian of this. The rest does not matter, that alone is enough to carry you through. Love and blessings. Your brother Don

2006-07-04 15:56:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What greater opportunity has God given us to witness - regardless of their purpose or intent in asking, ours is to share the gospel - Jesus always knew that when the Pharisees or Sadducee's asked him questions it was not with sincerity, but he always knew how to respond - that is why we must not be hasty in our responses, but rely on the Holy Spirit to guide our answers.

2006-07-04 15:57:22 · answer #8 · answered by dph_40 6 · 0 0


Do not let your soul rot away in the darkness of ignorance & superstition. Embrace the truth and it will set you free.

Atheism is the only logical choice.

Asking and answering questions from all viewpoints is valid, why do you object to honest, truthful answers? Perhaps you should stick to church if you want sermons and lies.

2006-07-04 15:55:24 · answer #9 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

people are just needing too know that there really is someone that they can believe in, and wanting more religion in there lives.

2006-07-05 03:28:59 · answer #10 · answered by patti311 1 · 0 0

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