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Okay, if he loves us all, he would make himself known to every one in the world. There are a lot of people who are supposedly going to hell, just because they don't believe in him. The concept of a god may seem like make believe to some and is that their fault? Just because they think of things happening in a scientific way. What about all of the religions other than christianity? Just because they were brought up to believe in that specific religion and that is all they know, how would they know to convert to christianity? What about atheists that supposedley reject him and won't follow him? Is it their fault that they don't believe in fairy tales like god and jesus. We don't know who would really reject god, because the people who you think are rejecting god would most likely reconsider if god came down and was evident to every one in the world. If that happened we will see who really rejects god and if they choose to still go to hell then let them go!

2006-07-04 14:57:29 · 34 answers · asked by jeff a.k.a JJ 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

From all these answers, I think y'all are not getting what I am asking. Not all humans think alike. What may seem like a miracle to you, I probably think that are just normal things. How many of y'all were around to see jesus crucified? None of y'all ******. I'm just saying why let someone find out he's going to burn in hell on judgement day when GOD can simpy lead the man to salvation right now?. Is there actual evidence of the crucifying of jesus? Can any one get a history book or lead me to a website that proves it. In all of my years of school we studied stuff Before Christ and after but nothing about the actuality of his miracles and so on. I'm not being sarcastic, I really want to know!

2006-07-04 15:23:14 · update #1

34 answers

What are you talking about? God makes himself known everyday. He reveals himself in many ways in the sun that shines in by day and the moon that shines by night. He is in the very air that you breathe. If you can't see the air how do you know it's there. I guess you can say God is kind of like the wind. You can't see Him but you sure can feel him. As christians we learn to walk by faith not by sight. Think how much better the world would be if everyone conducted themselves by the word of God. The world would be free of hatred, violence, sex crimes, fornication and drugs. The family unit would be as strong as ever. There would be no adultery, no unwed or single parents and every child would have responsible parents. The world would be a much better place to live than it is now.

I once asked myself the very same questions you are asking but you know what? I have learned to simply embrace the word of God as the truth and walk by faith not by sight. Since surrendering my life to God I have been blessed in ways you can't imagine. Before surrendering my life to Christ my life was upside down. My financial situation was in total disarray. I had a hard time finding a job and I found my self in one meaningless relationship after the other. My life was taking a downward spiral. Then one day I accepted my mother's invitation to attend bible class at her church. It was then I opened my mind and heart and began to accept the Lord. After a couple of weeks I found myself attending Sunday morning services as well. For about a year nothing really happened as far as my financial situation. I was still working with a temp agency at a pay rate of $12 per hour. However, I had adopted prayer as part of my daily routine, put and end to my fornicating and found myself in a much happier place. At this point in my life I had never earned over $32K per year and I prayed to God and informed Him that I would be satisfied with a job making as much. No so long after that I was blessed with the job I have now earning more than twice the amount which is not bad for someone without a Bachelors Degree. The Lord has also blessed me with a wonderful wife whom I love with all my heart and who also loves the Lord. You may want to chalk this all up to chance but I have never been as blessed and as happy as I am now until I made the decision to accept Christ as my personal saviour. The key to life is for us to love one another and be happy. If you are right about God and you are happy then more power to you. But what if you are wrong? What if God is Real and you chose you not to believe? What if heaven does really exist? If I am wrong then all I have done is falsely accredit God for the happiness and blessings that I have found in life. But what if you are wrong? This is the Caveman signing out and swinging his club in the name of Jesus. Remember God loves you and I do to. Peace.

2006-07-04 15:35:51 · answer #1 · answered by cave man 6 · 1 0

There have been Jewish and Roman scrolls found that do confirm that Jesus of Galilee was crucified, so yes, Jesus existed and yes, Jesus was killed. As to whether or not Jesus is God, that is the question. Yes, I do believe he was, but I understand what you're saying. If I was born in Tebet and grew up in a Tebetan family I would probably be Buddhist right now. I don't think that all non Christians go to hell. (I may be wrong) but i believe it says that when Jesus comes all will know who he is and know that he is lord, and he will take all of his faithful to heaven and the other people will be left on Earth. Then he'll allow the devil to take over for a few hundred years and those that resist the devil can go to heaven also and the others will be destroyed along with the devil forever. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't read Revelations in a while. But anyway, so I think that the non believers who are good won't be sent to hell, but they will be in hell on Earth, and if they then accept God then they can be taken to heaven, but it will just be harder for them. Why wait to be put in a second hell, when you can just accept Jesus now and go straight to heaven?
Also, God is very evident in the world today still, at least he is to Christians. Christians see all of the good things, and even some of the bad things that happen to them as God being in their life. God is there if you will just open your eyes and see him! If you would just reach out to him, ask him to wash over you, ask him to give you understanding and really mean it, IT WILL HAPPEN! The bible says ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! If you Truly, Truly want an answer to your question please just get on your knees tonight. Go somewhere quiet where you can concentrate and not worry about anyone else. Put all your skepticism aside, and just talk to God. If you keep thinking over and over you wont receive and answer, then you're not listening enough to receive one. You have to believe, and you have to ask God for understanding. Believe me, this might sound crazy, but MANY people have been saved this way. Just give all of your problems to God, everything you're worried or scared about, just let it go. God won't let you down. I hope I helped, and I hope you're saved tonight. God Bless you Brother, God loves you always

2006-07-17 12:38:44 · answer #2 · answered by candy 3 · 0 0

Romans chapter 1 verse 19 says

For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see His invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.

Eternity is set in the heart of man the Bible also states.

We are more than our body - we are body soul and spirit, the greatest purpose of anyones life is to seek God. The Bible also states that those who seek me shall find me, when they seek me with all their heart.

If you would like to know more go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/seeking_reality

2006-07-17 10:25:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God DID make himself known - remember that whole immaculate conception, the miracles, and dying on the cross thing? Yeah that was Him. Amazing how even then people choose not to believe. We have several accounts of Him making himself flesh and walking among us (ever read the Bible? The whole thing wasn't written by just one person, but the writing was directed by the Creator, God himself).

2006-07-04 15:05:43 · answer #4 · answered by Damaila 2 · 0 0

Look around you take a deep breath and really look and more importantly SEE what you are surrounded by. Don't worry about others beliefs and relationships with God. Take in the sky, trees, grass, water people and you will actually see God. Why do feel the need for God to come down and show himself. It's called faith. You have to have faith

2006-07-04 15:03:11 · answer #5 · answered by whirlwind_123 4 · 0 0

God has made himself known. He does so through the bible and through missionaries.

Additionally, nobody is going to hell for lack of knowledge. Everyone will be given the chance to hear the truth and decide, even if they died before they learned the truth. That's part of the purpose of judgement day. Hell is for those who reject the truth, not for those who didn't know the truth.

2006-07-18 10:54:51 · answer #6 · answered by Privratnik 5 · 0 0

He made himself known and if you want to get detailed about it even his son.
He set up nature in a way that all humans (if they arent total morons) will notice that there is a creator who made all the stuff.
You wont be able to find ANY human civilisation that didnt realize about at least one god. And those people that didnt have a chance to get to know the real god will be judged accordingly.

Besides that:
Imagine you set up a nice bithday table for your kids and left for work, wouldnt you expect them to be a lil greatful though you havent been there in person?
Most kids would be grateful, maybe not you.

2006-07-04 15:08:35 · answer #7 · answered by ganja_claus 6 · 0 0

Despite what you think, all humans do think alike. By nature, all humans are self destructive, selfish and greedy. The only spiritual belief system in the world that offers hope, faith, mercy, righteousness is the juda-christ faiths. Through belief and faith with all of your heart, the Lord changes people, what you once loved you start to hate and those things are the things that are wicked in the human race.

2006-07-18 09:21:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you not noticed that in every culture of the world there is a belief in some type of "god"? People are born knowing there is "something" greater" than themselves. A higher being to answer to.
The best proof we have of God's existence is ourselves! We are walking, talking miracles!
The next best proof is the world around us. The sky, the tree, flowers............
He's there for us to believe in and know but it's up to us to make that decision of faith.

2006-07-17 16:07:11 · answer #9 · answered by midnightBlue 2 · 0 0

The Bible has a good answer as always to your question. "The evidence for God are the things made" Do you really thing it all came about by chance? From one supposed cell came every variation of animal species and insect, plus US with a brain that is so unbelievably constucted its not even really possible to debate. THINK man!

2006-07-04 15:07:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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