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40,000 children starve to death everyday, our seas are dying from our waste, arable land is disappearing at 2% per year,finite resources (like oil) will soon run out and people have the stupidity to say the world has room for more people.

2006-07-04 14:42:38 · 27 answers · asked by iknowtruthismine 7 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

27 answers

Finally someone with common sense!

"Choosing to refrain from producing another person demonstrates a profound love for all life."

Thank you...and check out these sites!

2006-07-04 16:32:11 · answer #1 · answered by Becca 3 · 0 1

Perhaps this may be a surprise to you, but many countries have a big problem with declining population numbers. And governments there are desperately trying to encourage their citizens to have more than two children per family.

Italy is one good example. The birth rate there is so low that in a few decades the population there may be less than half of what it is today. And the average age of those remaining there will be a lot older than it is now.

All european countries, Canada, and Japan have such low birth rates that they need to accept hundreds of thousands and millions of new immigrants every year in order to maintain their populations at current levels.

And the problem with using immigration to maintain population levels is that over long time new immigrants and their culture end up replacing the local population and their culture. For example, a hundred years from now England may end up being populated mostly by people from the Indian subcontinent. Or France may end up being populated mostly by people from North Africa.

Such immigration is bound to make local populations minorities in their own countries over the long term. And neither the Europeans nor the Japanese want to see this kind of thing happen to them.

The earth's population is growing because of the high birth rate in Africa, South Asia, Indonesia, some Latin American countries, and the Phillipines. But in most other places and countries the population is either constant or is declining significantly.

And whether overpopulation or underpopulation is the problem depends on which country you are talking about.

Perhaps for the whole earth, the population is increasing too much. And something needs to be done. But the earth is divided into many independent countries and cultures. And none of them are willing to sacrifice their own national and cultural interests in order to deal with this problem.

The Europeans will not agree to have their populations replaced by immigrants from high-birth countries. And high-birth countries will not agree to change their religions, cultures, and family structures in order to decrease their birth rates.

Very few people identify the whole earth as their home. Most people identify only a small part of earth where their country and their culture is their home. And that's why there is no easy solution to the overpopulation problem. Every nationality is acting in its own interests. And no nationality wants to let others gain some kind of advantage over them.

2006-07-04 15:30:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have 2 kids and I want more. Why, because I have 2 daughters. Their father and I would like at least 1 hcild to carry on our name. Who's business is it to tell me how many children I should have as long as I am able to provide for them? I plan on adopting because I DO know that there are starving children. What I do is really no one's business

umm heaven, I had my oldest when I was 18...she's no a welfare baby though...We should stop the lazy people from breeding, not the ones that actually work to support their kids withOUT assistance.

2006-07-04 14:53:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree that this world is in trouble. Our resources are in danger. However, I think the problem is much bigger than how many children someone has. People (ADULTS) are careless and wasteful. They use resources like they will never run out. They do that whether they have one kid, two kids or 10 kids. If they are going to be wasteful then they will be wasteful regardless. However, you may be surprised to learn that there are many families with several children who do NOT waste rousources and who DO act responsibly. A person with several children knows the importance of not being wasteful. And who knows, one of those many children just might find a solution to the state of affairs of this world.

Good question though.

2006-07-04 15:54:08 · answer #4 · answered by Sparky 2 · 0 1

Children are a gift from God. and yes I have more than two, I have four and one on the way. I find no better way to spend my time than with my children.

My question to you is what would you do with the children? Kill them. Get rid of them before they have a chance to live even one day.

Yes some are starving and we all can do a little more to help. If the were educated they could brake the cycle. However some are starving because their government is not using their money to help they are getting rich while the poor children suffer.

So have many children is not the problem, It may actually be part of the solution.

2006-07-04 14:52:28 · answer #5 · answered by james121400 2 · 1 1

Because it is our inherent right to have the number of children that we want to. Bearing children entails responsibilities from parents, and this is where the problem lies. Parents have the responsibilities of giving their children good education, proper nourishment, decent shelter, good moral values, etc. If parents could not give these basic needs to their children they should postpone having another child in their family until such time that they will be able provide these needs to them.
The world problems you mentioned are not brought about by the number of children that couples decided to have. These problems are happening because of our irresponsibility to protect our own environment. If rich nations will only learn how to share their resources with other nations, there will be no starvation. I think the main problem is not over-population but the greediness of the people to share what they have.

2006-07-04 15:44:52 · answer #6 · answered by Seeker 1 · 0 1

I dunno but that really makes me angry... I mean... they want whats best for their children but whats best for them is to not have more! because, with all of this pollution and overpopulation, our world will be horrible by the time we(im 13) become adults and it will be worse just because people chose not to use protection to avoid having more kids. I mean, when a couple has multiple children at a time and cannot control it, then thats fine, and even three kids is fine, but those families with 4,5, 6, or more children really need to stop and think about what they are doing to our future. I also think that it has to do with how they grew up. If you go and ask a kid with only 1 or 2 brothers and sisters how many children they want when they grow up, its more likely to be only 1 or 2 or 3... whereas the children from larger families(and a good childhood) will probably want to have a lot of kids. and if you think about it, a family with 8kids, each wants a big family when they grow up, thats 8x6/7/8/or more... thats way too many for just 2 generations... it upsets me also to think that my future is out of my hands for now. i would like to think that I can be rich, successful, and live in a clean safe world when I get older, but at the moment.. thats not happening. thanks for listening to me rant...

2006-07-04 16:51:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you've not protected sufficient information on your question to calculate the reply. initially, the delivery cost (fertility cost) in 2005 became in person-friendly words a million.seventy 9 children per lady. subsequently, in case you managed to achieve precisely 2.00 per lady, then the inhabitants would upward push. besides the undeniable fact that, you're able to component in immigration. If immigrants were restricted to 2.00 children, then the speed would stay an same, besides the undeniable fact that the shape of children would upward push. This assumes that immigration consistently exceeds emigration. Then, there is the wild card of a virulent disease inclusive of poultry flu which could kill weaker human beings inclusive of children. besides the undeniable fact that, given the info, i'd say that the reply on your question is probable that the shape of stay births would develop.

2016-10-14 03:19:27 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I know what you mean.People (especially immigrants,Mormans,catholics )dont seem to realize)or care about overpopulation.Other groups are just as bad.
I decided years ago having children would be a no go for me.I personally do not want to bring a child into this world ,The way it is now.Everytime I see a pregnant (forgive my wording)Mexican woman ,who also has alot of other children ,I want to ring her neck.What are you just a Baby machine.I am hoping that are welfare system will get it together and quit supporting these people who keep having children they cant afford.Its a choice people.

2006-07-04 14:51:42 · answer #9 · answered by andyin137@verizon.net 2 · 0 1

Look God put us here on earth to mulitiply. What gives you the right to tell someone they can only have 2 kids. If i want to have 10 kids then i can cause guess what i'd make sure i could take care of them before i have them. why not stop young girls 10-18 from having kids. Stop black women from having 7 kids when they cant afford themselves. Stop mexicans from having 10 kids when they have to come over here and get food stamps. and that 40,000 childern that starve to death everyday is from the goverments only helping certain people like why cant some people with low income go get Food stamps but if you are mexican or black they throw them at you. Fix the problems with the goverment first then we wouldnt have starving kids. And lets be honest the people who get food stamps dont use them to feed their kids they sell them so they can buy CRACK, RIMS, CD's,TO GO GET THEIR HAIR AND NAILS DONe, Their BLING BLING. FIX those issues first.

2006-07-04 14:57:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, when born from love and into a secure loving home where their parents care and nurture them it can be a wonderful thing.

One night stands, rape, perverted old farts, lack of sex education and molestation can account for some of the starving and unwanted children.

Hopefully the world is raising some caring responsible future adults who can help change the world It is too big to change so many areas.

Are you doing your part??

2006-07-04 14:51:36 · answer #11 · answered by Mommytothreein20months 2 · 0 1

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