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Pro-choicers justify their view by claiming fetuses are not living humans. In fact, (from what I have heard and read, many times) pro-choicers claim fetuses are more like parasites, because they take from the woman without giving.

Based on this reasoninng, is abortion a cure for fetuses? Since this "parasite" is only passed via sex, is pregnancy an STD? Since there are thousands of new pregnancies a day, is pregnancy an epidemic? Are born children evolved parasites, (such as viruses) that have learned to survive on their own, and duplicate? If so, how can we rid the world of them?

2006-07-04 13:59:36 · 9 answers · asked by man_id_unknown 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

9 answers

i'm sorry but i don't thik that abortion is acceptable in any case....period. If you wanted to rid the world of these "parasites" did you ever think that one of those parasites would be you? You were formed in your mother's womb therefore as you gave your explanation, a horrible one might i add, becoming an evolved parasite... think about that for a while....if you don't think that you are ready for a child...then abstain from sex until you are ready.

2006-07-04 15:12:27 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 6 2

Pro choicers never say that a baby is a "parasite," they say that some babies are unwanted and the fact that the world is already overpopulated. Abortion is a solution to unwanted pregnancies not a cure, and I'm sorry you think that pro choicers are trying to "cure" pregnant women.

But, really, I'm wondering why you would just dump your child in an adoption agency in the corner away from the view of single parents who want children and homosexual couples like damaged goods. I hear a lot of pro lifers say that adoption is good, but at the same time they'll say they don't want their child to be adopted by a homosexual couple or a single parent. Why is that? Don't they say that these babies deserve homes and love?

I also agree that abstinence isn't the answer. So people who don't want to have children but want to adopt children once they get married can't have sex? I can't have sex unless I want to have children, but I want to adopt the children that pro lifers are dumping in the adoption agency.

2006-07-05 09:27:05 · answer #2 · answered by balanced 2 · 0 0

I am glad to see so many pro-choicers answering this question. Even though you are heavily sarcastic and already have you own misconceptions, and already plenty angry about the words some pro-choicers have chosen to use, i should remind you that every fetus, born or unborn, was a miracle. Only approx. 10 sperm, out of the millions released, make it to the egg, and only one of those is strong enough to penetrate its tough exterior. Thus making every pregnancy a miracle in itself. But even with these miracles happening, women should be allowed to decide for themselves whether or not they are a) mature enough to raise a baby b) if it would be safe for the baby, depending on their lifestyle or where they live c) if it would be healthy for them to go through with a full term pregnancy. There are so many unwanted children in the world, and I think that if more young girls were given abortion as a viable option, and not brainwashed to believe that it was a sin, then more young women (and men) would be given the chance to grow up and live their lives fully, without the pressure of forced parenthood simply because a condom broke.

I personally have had 2 abortions, both with my fiance, simply because we were not ready in our relationship, or in our maturity at the time, to provide a suitable environment for a child. Then happily in January of this year we gave birth to our first daughter, finally ready for the responsibility. Every woman and man should be given the option of whether or not they are ready for parenthood, and abstinence is NOT the answer.

2006-07-04 21:32:29 · answer #3 · answered by myksha2001 3 · 0 0

Abortion is never a Cure. It may be a solution, in some cases, but you seem to basing this question on some opinions, as opposed to the millions that are out there. Do you have an opinion of your own?!!? I am pro-choice, AND I have children. I would never call a pregnancy anything but a miracle, and certainly not a parasite.

2006-07-04 21:06:23 · answer #4 · answered by Sarilisa 1 · 0 0

I've never heard that argument and do not agree with it, although I am pro- choice. Despite what you might think, abortion, for most, is not an easy deciscion and most have thought about all the options and they made the desicion not to have the baby and that was the best choice for their individual situation. Unless you're planning on adopting the baby that someone decided to abort, it's none of your business. It doesn't affect your life one bit. A lot of people who are so adamantly pro life aren't really pro life, but simply pro birth. They want the babies born, but then could care less after that. You don't see all that many of them adopting all the unwanted kids already born.

2006-07-04 21:09:04 · answer #5 · answered by First Lady 7 · 0 0

wow never heard such an explanation...

but uh.. i do not debate when the zygote or the fetus becomes a life. i think only god may know the answer to this specific question.
but, abortion - being pro-choice is about the right to chose what to do with your body by safe and healthy means. sometimes the condom breaks, or you missed taking the pill... you did what you could, the best you could to prevent conception, and bam!! there's a baby you are not prepared to have. abortion bottom line is a means of birth control, if it is not allowed as a legal option to a woman to prevent pregnancy than women will start putting hangers and god knows what up there vaginas to get rid of the baby (fetus or zygote)... abortion offers a safe means of ridding their bodies of an unwanted baby.

2006-07-04 21:09:16 · answer #6 · answered by the queen is here 3 · 0 0

People need to get educated about fertility- its really not that difficult to avoid a pregnancy in most cases!

Abortion is murder- period! One person cannot have two blood types, be two sexes, or have two hearts-(at least not tyically)

And, the big argument is about reproductive rights- yet women cannot even give birth where they want to or the way they want to in many states across the country!

Then, what about the rights to my body thing? I am forced to wear a seat belt even though it saves no one but me, as a lesbian I cannot get married and in some places homosexuality is a crime- even though it involves consenting adults! And prostitution- I cant have sex with who I want if it involves getting "gift"? What about the fact that I am not allowed to breastfeed in many places? or go topless for that matter, I can't smoke in my own bar,(If I own it).I cannot drink alcohol unless I am over 21, and- I cannot have a filling in my tooth without my parent's consent if I am under 18! I am also not allowed humane suicide should I become terminally ill, I cannot refuse to eat, or drink, or live without electricity if I have kids (even if I am rich I can;t choose to live without electrcity). I run the risk of being arrested if I am homeless. I cannot choose to get my tubes tied if I dont meet the child and age requirements-

This isn;t about rights, abortion is possible today because it makes money!


2006-07-04 23:40:37 · answer #7 · answered by Intuit Birth 2 · 0 0

Abotion is a sure fire cure of an unwanted baby.

There are already enough unwanted babies, several hundred thousand in the US alone, for every 'right to lifer' family to adopt one. So why aren't they adopting these babies? Life is so sacred, right?

At least until birth, then life suddenly becomes not so sacred.

The rest of your question is just semantic wordplay, it really means nothing outside of propaganda websites.

2006-07-04 21:04:48 · answer #8 · answered by ratboy 7 · 0 0

HAHAHAHA when I meet a pro-choicer the one question I ask is what if your mother used that "choice" on you? There would be one less person bitching about this issue at least.

2006-07-04 21:04:24 · answer #9 · answered by takeashot30 4 · 0 0

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