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1Tim 2:11-1211 "Let a woman* learn in silence with full submission. 12I permit no woman* to teach or to have authority over a man;* she is to keep silent"

22 "Slaves, obey your earthly masters* in everything, not only while being watched and in order to please them, but wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord.* 23Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters,* 24since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you serve* the Lord Christ."

2006-07-04 13:32:09 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

Because it's the biggest load of hypocritical propaganda that I have ever read. I have no idea how women can be into religion if it preaches this sort of crap.

2006-07-04 13:35:19 · answer #1 · answered by Aussie Chick 5 · 1 2

I am not justifying those passages but remember the world has changed a lot in form since then. Slavery was common enough to be accepted and given lesson to. Also remember that the abolitionists were what we would consider Christian fundamentalists today. Jesus not only spoke to women, but also ministered to them, something that was taboo at the time. Only so much change can happen at once. It's like detoxifying, if you go too quickly you'll get sick. In short there were cultural dysfunctions which influenced the times including the bible which by the way, is not inerrant. At best the bible is conflicted with itself. Take what is good forget about the rest.

2006-07-04 13:40:34 · answer #2 · answered by Love of Truth 5 · 0 0

It's a product of its time. Slavery was common-place so it took slavery as given (it does have some rules for being a good slave owner though, which I guess is something).
Also, be careful of the new testament...it's makeup is much more political (I hate to cite garbage like the da Vinci code, but it does give you the idea)...
but Christianity thrived and grew so much because Xian women wouldn't put out (often on Church orders) unless their pagan husbands converted, so that 1Tim line obviously has some issues.

2006-07-04 13:42:59 · answer #3 · answered by QED 4 · 0 0

Faith, what is it good for?

People the Old Testamate was scribed by monks no more then a thousand years ago.

It just shows you the Bible is not something to stake to much stock into. It has to change with culture shifts and science. Not the word of a GOD, but a person to lead and control the masses that can't think for themselves.

The greatest minds did not believe in a God

Question Everything, Dare to Know

2006-07-04 13:36:29 · answer #4 · answered by Olivia 4 · 0 0

sure it does. The Christian Bible, and pretty a lot another holy e book, condone all way of atrocity contained in the call of whichever god the e book takes position to declare to represent. in reality, interpreting the Bible is the most perfect recruitment device atheism might want to ever favor. that would not propose, notwithstanding, that all Christians condone the habit contained in the bible or that they'd have interaction in it. in straight forward words a fundamentalist will be worried with following such outrageous examples and, because the bible contradicts itself always, fundamentalism is fundamentaly infantile. very similar to the god of Abraham.

2016-11-30 07:16:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please, Read and Study the entier Bible and then compair it to its self. Don't just take little parts out of their proper context.
About sexism read Proverbs 31: 10 threw 31! That lady dosen't seem opressed! She has her own sucsesful buisnes, cool clothes, her own money and property, her husbands admeration and respeck, as well as the comunities admeration and respeck. She sounds happy to me and her home sonds like some were good to live. Her kids and hierd help praise her and respect her. How many kids do you know who talk their pairents up, insted of down?

As for slavery. 1 Timothy DOSE NOT SAY to inslave or take slaves. Read it again! It is at the top of the page still. It basicly states that if you happen to be a slave with the choise of DEATH or LIVING as a slave. Hay! Why not serve God, make your owner happy, and be happy, blessed, and rewarded. Oh and not abused and not dead.
Think about this. If I am a slave, I do not want to be misstreated or killed. If my master is happy, I am likely to be closer to happy!
If I decide to freely and willingly serve my master (because of my free choise) am I not free any way!
History lession! The Roman government was in controll of Isreral and most of the rest of the world during Timothiys time. Rome impossed and inforced slavery. Not God!
In the Old Testamant, a man could sell himself and his family into a type of indentured slavory to WORK off the families debts.
This was MANS idea! Not Gods!
Even so if you make bills, you have the responability to pay them. If you make bad choises, there are bad out comes.
God made a way out by comanding that every 7 years every indentured person should be set free and their debt be wiped clean! God's grace. Every 7th year was called the Jubalie year.
You would probably find it in one of the books of law: Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. What chapter? You really want to know? Read it for yourself and finde it. That's what I did.
The Old and New Testament both are full of the ways God proveded for us to have freedom. We just don't want to pay attention so WE mess up our lives as well as othre peoples lives.

2006-07-04 15:58:13 · answer #6 · answered by laremyz 2 · 0 0

It doesn't CONDONE them. What it speaks about is the FACT THAT THEY EXIST, and that as Christian Slaves you should set an example for your Masters to follow. It wants Christian slaves to become someone their Masters will be so totally comfortable with they will place their lives in their hands and no one elses? Why? Because this reflects greatly on the worship of Jehovah/Yahweh. If a man or woman can turn over their wealth and care to a slave instead of a family member and know their safe, what a glorious thing this says about that persons God, that it inspires them to be so kind and honest to someone who owns them and their very lives. In this way, I'm sure many servants shone as outstanding examples to people through the ages, not by critisizing their masters by serving them humbly and lovingly without complaint.

Women are encouraged to do the same to their husbands and for the same reasons. So that after years of following her husband and his wishes he should see that she truly is a humble servant of her god and perhaps she has a point in worsipping such a god, when other men are perhaps married to wives who are not so kind to them. By remaining humble she can inspire him and keep his love. This is an important reason the bible says "do not become yoked with an unbeliever" because God doesn't want you to suffer the hardship of living under an uncaring or unloving husband. He wants only whats best for women.

2006-07-04 13:48:25 · answer #7 · answered by AdamKadmon 7 · 0 0

The Ohaspe Bible does not condone slavery. It quite explicitly explains how Lincoln was influenced to act to free the slaves and how the medium, Nettie Maynard was led to help in this.
I don't believe the Christian bible condones slavery; however when it was written, writers brazen enough to write the truth were sometimes brutally killed for doing so. Isaah for example was rent in twain, sawed in half. it is a wonder anyone dared write the truth.

2006-07-04 13:40:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not a bible scholar, but I think the intent of those verses were to teach submission and not hate who your work for, or are a slave to. Even though we Americans NOW think of slavery as a bad thing, it is still in many cultures around the world. What happened during the "bible times" and what happens now are two very very different cultures.

2006-07-04 13:40:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Slavery has always been the number one job in the world. In the past you were either very rich, a slave or about to die from starvation. We must not judge slavery by what happened in the USA 200 years ago.
Sexism-you are grabbing at straws and jumping to conclusions. Read the Bible in context. There was a reason for commanding the women to be quiet in church, and it was not sexism.

2006-07-04 13:47:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because it was written 2 thousand years ago and was written by humans. Men still don't have it all figured out. Our values and cultures are far more advanced today but I'm sure that you agree, are far from perfect! Anyone who thinks that every word in the bible is the way things should be now is a fool, and you are just looking to nit pick trivial points that don't even matter.

2006-07-04 13:35:56 · answer #11 · answered by Tact is highly overrated 5 · 0 0

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