yes you can but it takes time. start by paying off your credit cards and loans. make sure you don't have a ton of different credit cards. settle on just a few of them and make sure to pay your balance off as soon as you get the bill. late bills can screw up your credit as can carrying big balances. if you can't afford to pay for something, you shouldn't buy it
2006-07-04 07:31:29
answer #1
answered by cutelea 4
Prepare to invest a lot of time. It takes a whole lot longer to clear up bad credit than it does to make it get that way in the first place.
2006-07-10 04:16:24
answer #2
answered by ginabgood1 5
Yes you can clear up bad credit.
You might want to check out the link I've provided. It is a "free" do it yourself credit repair site. There is tons of info on that site on how to legally clean up your credit.
2006-07-04 10:18:37
answer #3
answered by echo 7
in 7-10 years your credit will be straight and u can start all over, but as for me, I plan on gettin out of debt before that happends, I'm currently 5 thousand dollars in debt, most of it from school loans
2006-07-04 07:28:16
answer #4
answered by BlkBeauty24 3
Yes, but it will take time.
2006-07-04 07:47:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous