usually off, but i'd do it anywhere, anyhow, and any lighting!
2006-07-04 01:03:20
answer #1
answered by toni h 4
Depends on what time of day it is...if the lights are off then the tv must be on or it must be sunny outside so a little sunlight can shine through the cracks of the closed blinds so that it won't be completely dark. If the lights are on, then it's just a little lamp giving off not too much light.
2006-07-04 01:09:29
answer #2
answered by ♥Ms. Heart♥ 5
Depends on the mood. Well, for I would prefer them off because I think its better for me cause I don't want to having sex with my man with the lights on and found out that he does funny faces.....
2006-07-04 01:23:41
answer #3
answered by chocolateheaven84 2
Keep the lights on or dim, but never off, you can SEE everything, and it makes things much better. Not only the feeling but the eye pleasure too. ON!
2006-07-04 01:03:14
answer #4
answered by ? 2
if your out in the middle of now where, there aint no lights to put on, but it makes no difference whether the lights are on off, i know exactly where iam going even in the dark.
2006-07-04 01:27:45
answer #5
answered by traveller 3
it doesnt matter to me whether the lights are on or off! think it depends on a few things though...whether its day or night, if your in a field in the middle of nowhere, or if you dont want to remember what the person looks like that your having a bit with!!!
2006-07-04 01:31:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I prefer sex with candle light. If any it can't occur I chose light but deem with romantic music.
2006-07-04 01:28:31
answer #7
answered by Dave R 2
Have them on but dim.. put a lamp with a low bulb on.. best of all though is candle light, it's very flattering.
Have a nice time ; )
2006-07-04 01:23:44
answer #8
answered by kate 1
Never completely off. Usually quite dim but love to look at my fiance.
2006-07-04 02:03:32
answer #9
answered by Sasha 3
depends on how confident you r i guess! me and my boyf usually turn off the lights as we have been watchin a film or the t.v. b4 hand but dnt do anything u aint comfortable wiv xx
2006-07-04 01:02:22
answer #10
answered by charlotte b 2
On mostly, you need to see what you're doing, and whether it's having the desired effect. I have been known to fumble around in the dark on occasion though.
2006-07-04 01:02:07
answer #11
answered by fishy 3