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I've known a girl for a few weeks. I met her at a party, and she was very sociable towards me, but she acts that way with everyone. I went to a kareokee bar with her and her best friend. She seemed excited to see me and gave me a big hug. In the bar, she seemed to want me to stay near her. She touched my bicep so I put my arm around her and she didn't do anything or show any clear emotion. She kept begging for me to sing with her, but I refused. She clearly appreciates attention, but when I text message her she almost never replies. She said her phone was screwed up and she was getting a new one. Also, she doesn't always respond when I IM her. When I talk to her on the phone she talks about party plans, but she doesn't talk to me about anything personal. Is this girl just looking for a friendship or is it possible that she likes me?

2006-07-01 19:14:17 · 3 answers · asked by SQRD 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

3 answers

Sometimes the direct approach is best, just ask. But if that seems too bold for your liking, look for the following signs. Pay attention to your conversations with the person in question.
1) Does this person show a special interest in having a conversation with you and, once started, make an effort to keep that conversation going?
2) Has this person taken a sudden interest in your life and hobbies? This is a sure sign that he or she is interested in something.
3) Other elements of body language include frequent eye contact, holding your gaze and looking down before looking away.
4) Does the person you're wondering about just plain smile at you a lot?
Just remember, take each moment like it will be the last. This I feel will be a good start for you in knowing. Good Luck!!!!!!!

2006-07-04 03:59:13 · answer #1 · answered by Wolfie 7 · 4 0

It sounds like she is just going with the flow! Kinda like she just wants to have as much fun as possible...if she doesn't talk to you about anything personal, she's just a party girl. Let her go!

2006-07-02 02:23:54 · answer #2 · answered by n8susieq 1 · 0 0

she may like you but she doesn't think your available that's probably why she doesn't text back she doesn't want to act available towards you if she thinks your not interested

2006-07-02 02:23:54 · answer #3 · answered by B-E-A-UTIFUL 2 · 0 0

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