stay away for awhile and don't say anything.
2006-07-01 19:04:55
answer #1
answered by Pacman 3
Often when men think, there is no reason, there is a reason that does not seem obvious to them. Men and women think differently. Try and find out. If nothing, it will at least make her feel that you care enough to try and find out and this might put her in a better mood quite by itself.
If she's grouchy, irritable, gets angry, chill. You already know she's in a grouchy mood, so don't let it affect you.
2006-07-02 02:10:49
answer #2
answered by Vidyut Kale 2
if it is only PMS, it will go away.. let her be, speak kind words to her, and wait.
If it is not pms, perhaps something else is really bothering her. It could be you, and it might NOT be you at all.
Once she settles down a bit, tell her you get really concerned about her moods at times, and wonder if you have said or done anything to upset her. If she says "no", then say, "okay, that's a relief, just know I really care, and want to be there for you, and if you ever want to talk, no matter what it is, I am here, just don't shut me out"
I think this will do the trick. Be yourself, be sincere.
2006-07-02 02:11:26
answer #3
answered by DivinePath 7
ya i know it is my week for my pms, but it is controlable to some extent but we need you men to be extra carefull of what you say and do around those times, my husband is in bed right now cause i was in a bad mood at something he said and i feel bad but at the same time i mean common we are sensative when we are not on our pms so how do you think we feel when we are bleeding for 7 days or so and cramping all the time with hotflashes? be more compassionate for us please! ya know we only go threw this cause we want to have children from our husbands or we would have gotten a hystorectomy, wich means to have your uterous taken out so you dont have pms anymore, but we dont we suffer just so we can have children.
2006-07-02 02:08:51
answer #4
answered by Blonds Rock 4
Make her a camomile tea, run her a bath with lavender oil or bubbles in it.
Buy her chocolate.
NEVER EVER say to her - is it PMS, or worse, I UNDERSTAND. It may be the last thing you ever do.
You are right, we can't control it. We don't even know it's happening until afterwards. Lay low, and do the best you can!
Good luck, you know you can't win. LOL
2006-07-02 02:08:02
answer #5
answered by Fuzzy Wuzzy 6
just give her some space. dnt ignore her though. there is a difference between the two. let her be on her own for a while. dnt get stuck up to her. let her breath. especially if its because of her pms.
2006-07-02 02:07:08
answer #6
answered by shelldugout 2
There is always a reason. I suggest you ask. One of you may be tired of the other.
2006-07-02 02:07:11
answer #7
answered by adlo 1
Give her a midol, and chocolates quick and just leave her be for a few days.
2006-07-02 02:06:31
answer #8
answered by bratttykat_2005 2
slide some chocolate under the door and get the hell out before you lose an eye!
2006-07-02 02:05:55
answer #9
answered by catsup 4
oh she could be pregnant. u never know unless u havent slept with her then u should just stay away but yet let her know u are here for her..
2006-07-02 02:07:07
answer #10
answered by ERICA J 3
0⤋'s probably just give her space..when she's over it she'll come to you.
2006-07-02 02:06:36
answer #11
answered by c@ramel_m@mi 3