I really hate that. It makes me feel like I am somehow supposed to control ALL elements of fate - and that by being a good person & working hard, it isn't enough. Now, I am "cursed" by fate, the gods, karma, God, whatever you believe.....! I find this to be such an insult. Help me think of a good comeback, please! BIG THANKS!
63 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Etiquette
You guys are SOOOO awesome! Your answers are killer funny! I have laughed my head off.....
18:31:22 ·
update #1
Read your question again... i did... again and again and stood back to look at at it again and again... until i could see... and what i saw was not a question.but an answer!
Your answer is in your question... You say..."you hate";
you "feel like"; you are "cursed"; you are "insulted".....
...all of this..you say..of yourself...YOU are the providor of these words.
If i tell you..."Don't be silly..your fine..your luckey"...it probabley won't help much....because then i would not be listening! You are telling me/us how YOU "FEEL" and nomatter what we say..to you this is a reality that is depressing you. (correct me if im wrong)
Well i can tell you..that you are Lucky! You are Lucky that you know what hurts you..you have the insight to recognise bitter sentiment! So you have answered your own question... you should feel good..that you are you.. and not some bitter spitefull person... THEY are to be pitied but not so much to be frowned upon, rather to be side-stepped as you would dog poop.
So you must keep your eyes open and be aware...just as you walk down the street to avoid dog poop. Incidently i was told that that was Lucky. Ha Ha..so hell what do i know!
Good Luck.....and i feel Luckey to have met upon your question/answer. You decide whats Lucky for you!
2006-07-15 11:42:19
answer #1
answered by El Mariachi 4
Zen.. Take a deep breath Exhale.. You Gotta Let Dat Go !!.. Then just shake your head and walk away..
Besides.. That statment is rarely heard anyway.. If you are hearing it fairly often .. then it's from the same person or group of people.. Then it's a conspiracy maybe? Humm..
Ahhahahahahah ask the simple " Do You Need A B*%ch slap from the Great Beyond To Reset yourself?? and smile sweetly as you walk away
2006-07-15 07:46:00
answer #2
answered by thevred 2
Just say "Yeah I no! would you want to be standing next to your for this long??"
"Really Cause looking at u i must be doin' alright!"
"Dang...and you call yourself what?"
"Yeah sometimes...whats your story?"
"I guess I'm unlucky sometimes but hey we can't all be as perfect as you now can we!"
"Yeah ok cya."
Get a penny out of your pocket and throw it on the ground without them noticing and pick it up and say "Well it must be turning for the better...although this is nothing compared to the 20 i found last week!"
Some of them are mean though so choose wisley I made them up but when i get mad i tend to take it out on the wrong person...try not to let it bother u if you can..but if you can't these should work.
2006-07-14 13:28:00
answer #3
answered by Got_a_question? 4
Develop a more positive out look it will chase the gremlins away from you. Read a book by Dr. Maltz called "psycho-cybernetics" It's great for this. If someone says you are just unlucky. Tell them that is just today and they will need to get out or your way tomorrow.
2006-07-01 18:09:12
answer #4
answered by Elwood 4
How can anybody say you are unlucky?How can they decide?
Don't believe in luck.Believe in God's grace.Through God's pure grace I'm 100% sure every thing is going to be alright and you're
not hurt anymore.
2006-07-15 07:22:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Someone else's evaluation of your "luck" or "unluck" in life is irrelevant. Sure, what some call luck may play a small role in your life, but your own skills, talents and gifts will take you much farther.
My answer to them would be ... gee, I'm glad you don't get a vote in MY life! I'd be in real trouble.
2006-07-15 10:33:21
answer #6
answered by Myrna B 3
Unlucky? Who's Unlucky? Me? Really? Tell me why am unlucky and I will give u a quarter to go play in the traffic.
Now, that's unlucky hahahahah
2006-07-14 11:11:40
answer #7
answered by Princess Amerindienne 2
I agree with you...it is a nasty feeling to hear that...I heard it once or twice myself.
I don't know what to say really but I did think of rubbing them on the arm or something and saying Thanks for the good luck! I need it!
I also hate it when people say I look tired, that is a real downer.
Thank you for asking.
2006-07-14 16:52:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Unlucky...you mean you believe in that.? I've always thought that to be on the uncouth side. Well with much to do today, see ya later..
Hope this works for you.
2006-07-14 13:27:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Tell them, you don't believe in bad or good luck. That it's just part of life, but God's watching out for you, and He'll turn your calamities into blessings. Repeat this aloud at least once or twice, and believe it, "I am Blessed" "God has great things planned for my life" He's blesssing my life" "God's placed angels to watch over me." Just believe God, because He does love you. for He created you. Anything bad the devil does, God can defeat him, and turn things around to the good.
2006-07-01 17:55:57
answer #10
answered by Salvezza 2