christians should have the fruits of the spirits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control. Plus the Beattatuides-look that up--that is how you learn, as far as dealing with non-believers they need to associate with them in a manner that portrays christ. Pray for your leaders, give 10% to the Lord it is a matter of trust-trusting God to provide for all your needs, there are many books on the subject just go to you local christian book store. Everything you do can be an act of worship to God, from cleaning your living area to feeding pets to getting up and taking a shower every morning; how-you do everything with a heart of Thanksgiving and remebering that nothing on this earth is truly ours, we are aliens living on this planet and we will eventually go home to be with our Father in heaven, when you can finally grasp that you will understand that concept you will see how even the simplist thing you do like brushing your teeth-taking care of yourself (or taking care of what God has given you)-can be an act of worship.
2006-07-01 16:14:32
answer #1
answered by Rocky 2
Hard question,
The first good thing you realize is that there is a God. In the bible he does state a couple of things, "Study to show thyself approves" and "forsake not the assembly".
Cant get around the Study one, you must read and study the bible, the assembly , there are bible study groups you can attend which will help you understand what you read and what it means. I am Non Denominatiol and struggle with the same thing every day. Pray about it, seed Gods will of where he wants you, If you tried church and did not like it you weren't being fed there. God has a place for you that you will learn and enjoy if you seek his will. this may not be what you want to hear but it is from the heart. God Bless you and your family.
Char Donn
2006-07-01 23:08:06
answer #2
answered by chardonn55 2
The Bible says that you should respect all men, after all God was not a "respecter of men" meaning that God's salvation is open to all men and women.
The Bible does say also, that you are not to "cast your pearls before swine for they will trample them". That means that you should have some discernment when talking to non-Christians. If you are talking to someone you know has an extremely hostile view of Christ then do not throw Bible verses at them, for they will only mock and (so to speak) spit on them.
There are lots of things you can do to worship God. The first thing (above all else) is to believe on Him (Jesus) whom the father sent. The other things you can do is to try (we all stumble for they are impossible to keep) to obey the ten commandments.
Give to the poor, pray all the time, and love God with your whole heart, mind, body and soul. Also, love your neighbor as yourself.
2006-07-01 23:07:47
answer #3
answered by J-Artist 2
Luke 6:31-Treat others as you want to be treated. That goes for Christian and otherwise. john 14:14-16 says "If you love me you will keep my commandments" What better way to worship God. You have a lot of questions, I would suggest that you peruse the bible for yourself as there is no better way to find out than by seeing it for yourself and not relying on others. You can look up key words and phrases to make it easier for if you're not an old pro!
2006-07-01 23:25:35
answer #4
answered by babygemini261 3
The Bible tells us to do many things. Besides going to church you may want to try Sunday school and or Bible study. One of the things we are expected to do is be a witness for God. Being a witness is done by telling others, the way you carry yourself, how you talk, conversations you participate in etc..
I hope this Helps. and i pray that God will show himself to you and send someone your way to help you grasp a better understanding. God bless you.
2006-07-01 23:07:29
answer #5
answered by JazzyJ72 2
Kisha... you ask way more than can ever be answered in this kind of forum
Much of what you seek is spread from front to back within the Bible. The Christian Faith is a life style in one respect. And to learn you need to be a participant. .
All can be summed up in the commandment of Jesus to " Love thy neighbor as thy self"...But even to understand that fully takes a good study of all the rest...
I have been of the Christian Faith for just over 6 years. I am 59... I am still just begining to learn what you seek to be answered in a few short words on a very un-christian forum...
Short of God's inspiration through a bolt of lightning to you I know of no way to answer you.
I accept email questions from all honest seekers concerning the Christian Faith, Or, you can check me out at:
another referenced
That is a good place to read online... I have links to it on my website for reference. I do recomend it if you do not have a bible.
I believe they have The New American Standard Bible (updated) but I recomend The King James... will admit that the NASB is a bit eaier for modern youngsters to read... but I like the KJV
2006-07-01 23:11:59
answer #6
answered by IdahoMike 5
This is what God says about Christians and non christians .
2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
I believe that God is speaking about us praying for our government officials here...
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
This is the best thing we can do to draw you closer to God that you can add to your present routine of going to church and reading your bible...
1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
God wants us all to me in constant comunion with Him every day. Turning to Him for every need we have in life, and not just when we get our selves into trouble. If we asked Him for advice before we made a decision with out God's imput, perhaps we wouldn't get ourselves into trouble to beging with, if we had Him lead us through everthing.
Here is an awesome free online bible link that is so easy to use. All you do is type in your search word or words in the box provided on the left and it will take you to all the scriptures with that word in it. Or you can go to the King James bible link on the left and it will take you to any of the books in the bible you want to go. It's great! Here is that link....
All you have to do is ask... and the door shall be opened to you!!
God bless you!!
2006-07-01 23:11:06
answer #7
answered by Carol M 5
you may praise through music.. prayer.. dance ( in the spirit) and just living your life as he says in his word... as far as dealing with non Christian's love everyone but don't let them pull you into the world.. witness share our Lord. As for Political i would say stick to moral issues.. don't argue about things with others we all have our own ideas and should be respectful of others, tithe... our monies... and as for social always act as if God were in the room..
2006-07-01 23:03:49
answer #8
answered by sandi4551 2
The Book of Proverbs has fantastic answers for most of these questions.
2006-07-01 22:56:00
answer #9
answered by Proverbs2-2 2
act like a civilized human plus love, my opinion of what God wants from us
2006-07-01 22:55:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous