Even lots of Catholics that say they aren't christian... strange but true.
Like Flipper saying he's Flipper not a dolphin.
Bush saying he's the president not a politician.
But then again... They think they are right and as we are not them... they could be right.... I guess.
2006-07-01 09:08:03
answer #1
answered by Puppy Zwolle 7
Ive met people like that too, and it is annoying. Im catholic, and its the same thing as being a christian, we just have different ways of worshiping is all, I dont know whats wrong with some people!
2006-07-01 16:07:31
answer #2
answered by silverblack12345 5
Dear junm,
The catholic religion has so many traditions and commandments that are contrary to the Bible. Some of these include worship of statues, praying to people rather than God, believing that a priest can forgive sins (only Christ can forgive sins), not eating meat on Friday (the Lord tells us we can eat anything but blood), priests cannot marry (if you read 1 Tomothy 3 God tells us that pastors and deacons are to be married with children--this is why the catholic priests are molesting children), the Bible tells us that we are to keep Sunday as the Lord's Day (the catholics use saturday sometimes), the catholics believe in holy water--what is holy water,
For further info type www.familyradio.com into your web browser. I hope this helps you.
2006-07-01 16:19:32
answer #3
answered by pilgrim_153 3
I've never met anyone personally who thought that, but I"ve heard evangelical preachers state that before. One guy went so far as to say that Catholics aren't Christians because they don't read the Bible...that's odd because if that's a fact, then how do I as a Catholic know that the Book of Esther doesn't mention God? Pat Robertson has stated before that Catholics aren't really Christians because they have too many creeds and doctrines, and the 700 Club interviewed people who "converted from Catholicism to Christianity."
The next time you see your "Catholic-but-not-Christan" acquaintances, ask them if they believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior and that he died for their sins - if they do, then THEY ARE CHRISTIANS. The difference between Catholics and Protestants is in belief in Mary; who has the final say in Church teaching; and most importantly, tracing their Church directly from the Apostles.
2006-07-01 16:19:17
answer #4
answered by krissydahs93 4
It is extremely sad to know that there are people who think about faith in their own individualistic way. A Christian is a follower, or should be a disciple of Jesus Christ. A Catholic is a Christian but not every Christian is a Catholic. Note: Catholics are also divided into different groups - Roman Catholics (members of the Roman Catholic Church), Orthodox Catholics, Catholics who do not observe the Pope (Vicar of Christ) as the head of their Church, etc.
2006-07-01 16:23:13
answer #5
answered by Lucas W 1
Weeelll, they are. All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics, and non-Christian Catholics have a lot of different points of view/beliefs/ideas than Catholic Christians do. For instance, non-Catholics don't need an intermediary, like a priest or pope, don't go to confession, don't particularly hold Mary in the same regard, and may not have the same attachment to concepts like immaculate conception and transubstantiation.
also, since a lot of what is passing for "Christian" in the U.S. these days is a very fundamentalist form, many sane Christians don't want to be associated with things like the "Christian Right", or the whole image of Christians in America.
2006-07-01 16:09:50
answer #6
answered by kimba 2
I'm Lutheran Missouri-Synod and find it stupid when people think they're different. The word catholic means universal or general as in the one true universal or general christian church.
That's why in the creed it says"
I believe in the one holy Chrisitan* and apostolic church
*or catholic
The proper term to use when referring to someone of the denomination catholic is Roman Catholic so as not to sound as though you are referring to Christians in general.
Also you don't have to be Roman Catholic to consider Mary Blessed, it calls her that in the bible, they simply consider her to be of an immaculate conception, never had sex with Joseph thus Jesus not having any half brothers or sisters, and they believe in the assumption of Mary, which is that after the disciples laid her body to rest, they returned to it shortly after and the body was gone, assumed to be taken to heaven.
James was the half brother of Jesus, father was Jospeh and mother was Mary.
2006-07-01 16:13:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
the individuals may have the heart as a disciple, but the relgion is not christian. Constine dabbled both with Pagans & christianity after puttnig them together & God doesnot want us to mix with pagans.Also even if you donot "worship" your saints statues you still say prayers to them (I have seen this at a RCC )& the ONLY mediator between mankind& God is JesusChrist. So based on Gods word catholics are not christians, but hey you can give up the church & turn to the real God instead of dead saints, because the bible also said no one but Jesus camefrom & went to heaven, & the dead will be raised on the ressurection day by Jesus, IT HASN'T HAPPENED YET!! YOU'RE PRAYING TO DEAD PEOPLE!!!!
2006-07-01 16:13:23
answer #8
answered by candices1999 2
I guess when they say they are Catholic they follow the Catholic religion and doctrine. Christian is anyone who believes in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Religion doesn't have anything to do with it but its a group that they most identify with.
2006-07-01 16:09:59
answer #9
answered by AlwaysLaughing 3
Yes some people are confused i have a friend who Say's He is a catholic not a christian i tell him you believe Christ died for your sins YES he says and the virgin Mary but he wont claim to be a Christian because he worships his church and it rituals. i am not going to argue with him he believes he is saved.
2006-07-01 16:15:52
answer #10
answered by jamnjims 5
I sure have.
I even met someone stupid enough to ask if Orthodox (Greek or Russian) people are part of the Hindu religion. The person didn't even know that Orthodox was a branch of Christianity.
2006-07-01 16:08:13
answer #11
answered by lookdontlook 3