are you still living in one of those asian countries? or are you living in the US or the other western nation? If you're no longer in the old country and are here, you can forget those old quaint customs if you wish and have fun. If you still feel inside tht you wish to respect the ways of your old country or that you personally aren't ready for sex until marriage then wait. You have the power.
2006-07-01 03:34:00
answer #1
answered by RAllen1st 5
You DEFINITELY should make love before marriage. This is because the two of you need to see if you are compatable sexual partners. If you are not, then rest assured your marriage will be a bumpy, difficult ride at best, and a complete disaster at worst.
You can be totally in love with someone and your sexual dissatisfaction can still cause a meltdown. I strongly recommend against waiting until marriage to begin having sex.
If for you it is a religious thing and you just absoultely could not live with yourself if you did have sex before marriage, then you need to find a man who feels the same way and is also a virgin. If it isn't important to him, then you are incompatable.
2006-07-01 03:39:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's definitely not essential... it's a personal preference, some people choose to wait and some would like to know what kind of bed partner they have before they tie the knot. You just have to remember to stay true to yourself... If your background or beliefs tell you that you want to wait until you are married, then you need to be with someone who will respect that... if your boyfriend doesn't, maybe it's not a good idea to marry him.
2006-07-01 03:34:02
answer #3
answered by lizwatson109 4
You have to do what is right for you. Do not be pressured into a situation that is going to make you feel bad about yourself. If you do not want to have intercourse before you are married then dont. It is your decision and if he can't except that then maybe you should end the relationship.
2006-07-01 03:34:01
answer #4
answered by Hopie 1
It is certainly up to the individual and their beliefs whether or not it is OK to participate in intercourse before marriage. You must be certain that you are comfortable of the idea of sex with this person, physically ready to participate, and morally responsible for your actions. Some cultures sex is free to pursue before marriage with no penalties, others sex before marriage is a major taboo and highly looked down upon. In your situation do what you think best and what your ready for. Sex will happen, before marriage or after. It is for you to decide whether you want to attach regret to it or not.
2006-07-01 03:35:17
answer #5
answered by Michael H 3
If you believe in abstinance, then no you shouldnt have sex before marriage. If the man you are with truely loves you then he should understand your wishes and he should respect them instead of pressuring you into doing something you dont want to do. If he can't respect your choice, then he obviously can't respect you as a person, and you might want to consider other options. On the other hand, if he does respect your choice then you are set to go.
2006-07-01 03:38:32
answer #6
answered by Kevin 2
It is essential to be true to your self and to your values. If you moved to a country where premarital sex was a standard what would you do? If you want to wait, just wait. Discuss it with him. If he feels differently end it and look for someone that shares the same views as you. Don't be afraid.
Good luck
2006-07-01 03:44:49
answer #7
answered by pitsouni 2
If you want to wait, then wait until you're married. You should try to be sensitive to his needs by pleasing him by other methods than intercourse. Give the man a hand!!! If he doesn't respect your decision and can't wait for intercourse then he doesn't love you enough anyway.
2006-07-01 03:39:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Love without committment is purely an emotion. No you purely have intercourse with a individual yet whilst youre married you're committed to them and then its love made complete.The committment is what makes love any different case its purely a emotional unfastened cannon.
2016-12-10 03:09:05
answer #9
answered by ? 4
Well, sweetie, only you can make the final decision. If you are not comfortable with the thought of premarital intercourse, then be true to yourself and don't allow yourself to be pressured. If your boyfriend loves you, he will respect your wishes.
2006-07-01 03:34:43
answer #10
answered by NanChiat 2