some guys prefer "women" who are sexually agressive... others prefer to be the agressor... depends on a guy's mood or personality. most guys if they're smart and want to stay out of jail stay away from any sexual contact with "girls" capice?
2006-07-01 03:28:17
answer #1
answered by RAllen1st 5
If they're sexual at all, that's preferable to asexual or non-sexual women. Both ways, however, the woman should be saying, "I want sex" in some way.
I imagine statistically, more men want the submissive ones, but it's like a flavor of ice cream; sometimes you want chocolate, sometimes you want vanilla.
The only thing that's NOT cool is when the woman is so tight-lipped, they don't say or do anything to telegraph their sexuality, and then the guy is left to figure it out completely through guesswork. Not saying or doing anything isn't being submissive, it's being opaque.
2006-07-01 10:35:28
answer #2
answered by electroberry1 3
It all depends on the guy. What is important is what you want.
Most guys.......90%+....would love it if you are aggressive. They do not have to second guess what you want.
But at the same time there are many guys who would love a submissive girl because they can satisfy thenself when ever they want and it can be a big turn on. Those guys you may want to steer clear of because they may not be in your best interest.
But if you find one that just enjoys you then you have found something.
2006-07-01 10:34:41
answer #3
answered by John B 5
Well girl i guess it would all depend on the dude but 4 me it would be nice if they some times feel aggressive and sometimes submissive that would make thing more interesting
2006-07-01 10:34:57
answer #4
answered by Hea Dude ! 6
Most guys I know are into submissive girls, and although I'm not a guy, I personally prefere my chicks to be as aggressive as I am. It often leads to some very interesting situations, if you know what i mean......
2006-07-01 10:42:55
answer #5
answered by leslie k 2
My answer to this question is YES! That's as good as it gets...i like women who are sexually aggressive and who take what they want...and i also like women who are submissive. Both behavior can be the same woman. I know women who also prefer their men both ways.
2006-07-01 11:18:24
answer #6
answered by larryI4 1
As for myself personally I prefer both. At some point you would want a woman to take control and show you what she got to give and at others you would want a woman to be submissive so you would feel more in control. A man doesn't always want to feel in control at least in the bedroom however it is good to role play in the bedroom.
2006-07-01 11:23:12
answer #7
answered by fliblakman 2
I love aggressive girls
2006-07-01 10:28:28
answer #8
answered by jeff402006 3
Be both.....let the guy know what you aggressive.....then when he starts to respond, Let him take the control.......I guess that is in the middle.....but if he shuns you advances......don't just let him know where your mind is, and let him go from there.....if he does not respond, but obviously enjoying.....he does not want the take it, and run with it
2006-07-01 10:31:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i thnk guys, like those who r open to them and share everything with them. it is not necessary that they like only sexually aggressive or submissive girls.
2006-07-01 10:29:21
answer #10
answered by nisha 1