The last time that I spoke to my boyfriend was 4 days ago, over the phone. I called him work to see if he was okay, because I hadn't heard from him for 5 days before that. He sounded like he was mad that I had called him. He said firmly that he would call me later. It made me cry when I hung up the phone.
When we'e together he showers me with romance and affection. He tells me how much he loves me. We have talked about marriage and having a family together. He doesn't have another relationship.
I often don't hear from him for days due to his hectic work schedule. He works 70+ hours, 6 days a week. So I'm usually the one that calls him, I only call every few days. He has told me that it is forbidden for him to have a relationship with the customers (I am a customer at his store). He is clinically depressed, and shy. I don't want to come off as trying too hard or nagging him. But I miss him. I am trying to be mature about this (I am 25, he is 36) I love him. What should I do?
17 answers
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Family & Relationships
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Maybe he needs some space. It can't be easy working 70+ hours a week, he's probably exhausted!! Also, it sounds like he's concerned about his job security due to the fact he is having a relationship with with a customer. FYI go to another store. Give him some time and space.
2006-07-01 03:29:07
answer #1
answered by emy 3
Wait until the next time he is with you to talk about it. He is probably going thru some changes he doesn't want to discus on the phone. If he is at work when it happens it could be lots to do with his job. The next time when he visits and he is relaxed bring up the subject but only if he seems to be in a good mood. if he isn't just try and have a good ear for him and be there for him
2006-07-01 10:28:38
answer #2
answered by nastaany1 7
Run for the hills before you give the best years of your life to this lying, dysfunctional, socially inept prat. People with clinical depression cannot see outside their own needs so you are wasting your time trying to get love and reassurance from him.
Look how much time you have already wasted asking questions about him.
2006-07-01 10:31:40
answer #3
answered by charleymac 4
He's probably not allowed to have phone calls at work. I'm assuming you knew about his heavy workload when you met him, so why would you think he wouldn't be okay just because you haven't heard from him in a few days? You sound clingy, and guys hate that. Back off, or you're gonna lose him.
2006-07-01 10:28:49
answer #4
answered by dorky_goddess 4
Well that is a very sticky situation you have got there. I would recommend talking with and telling him how you feel. If I were to take a crack guess at why he is acting that way, it is that maybe someone at his place of employment has found out about what is going on. I would just give it a little bit, and all should work out. Best of luck.
2006-07-01 10:27:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He is probably going thru some mixed feeling and maybe thinking about your relationship way to closely. You should sit down with him and talk it out,tell him how you feel and what you have been going through when he has been talking to you like that. If he loves you as you say he does he will understand.
2006-07-01 10:51:07
answer #6
answered by BigDaddy82 3
Why do you like playing his mind games?
If you really want a sincere answer: GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE NORMAL, or else you'll end up as moronic as him. If you keep hanging out with morons like him, you'll end up being a moron also, if you 're not one yet.
Stop trying to analyze guys like these. They were F**cked up before they met you, they're F*IICKED up now and he will be F**cked up to the next girl he dates.
Do you like abuse? Were u abused as a kid?
2006-07-01 10:30:22
answer #7
answered by iamlaura2006 1
He prob got somebody on the side baby doll! maby you should have sex with him to make him commit to you!
2006-07-01 10:27:53
answer #8
answered by ROSITA M 2
Clinically depressed, workaholic and forbidden. What crime are you punishing yourself for?
2006-07-01 10:31:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Maybe he is gay, but is trying to get out of it, but doesn't want his gay work friends to know that he is seeing a girl.
2006-07-01 10:28:04
answer #10
answered by You may be right 7