Those are the type of men you choose.
It's like this, if you choose to go out with a jerk, you cannot expect him to be anything but a jerk. So why are you blaming them? You're the one choosing these loosers.
Try finding better men to date. Maybe something about you attracts men like that, I don't know - But not ALL men are like that, so it has to be something you're doing.
Maybe you live in the hood, maybe you like 'bad boys', all I can say is start picking better men OR Stop bitching about the loosers you choose to date.
2006-07-01 03:21:16
answer #1
answered by Corn_Flake 6
The problem is what youre advertising. If you're getting copies of the same guy over and over, its because you're advertising for that caliber of man.
Try changing who you're looking for, where your looking for him, and the type of 'bait' youre using.
If you want a nice guy, lose the club, put on some more clothes, and go where the more mature men are.
I went through the same thing, i know it sucks, but at some point you'll realize its better to avoid what you thought you wanted in favor for what you need.
2006-07-01 10:22:31
answer #2
answered by amosunknown 7
You might be like how I use to be, I was wanting to have a boyfriend so bad, that I was blind to the fact that he was a total jerk. But see you have to learn how to judge a guy, if you don't get a good vibe from him then it's not meant to be.
2006-07-01 10:41:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
cuz most guys are a$$holes Im a guy and I admit it. when Im being an a$$hole I do my best to stop it before my Fiance and I start fighting and it shouldnt be only one person in the relationship thats in control ya both gotta share it someday youll find a decent guy
2006-07-01 10:24:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Who said women were in control to begin with?
2006-07-01 10:59:54
answer #5
answered by tiger_skratch 4
Because most men are very selfish and have only one thing on their minds at all times!
2006-07-01 10:22:40
answer #6
answered by ROSITA M 2
It is something that they have had in their minds since the beginning of time. We women were put there to try and set them straight.
2006-07-01 10:23:52
answer #7
answered by nagaem2005 2
Could be one of several things - either your judgement of people's character is way off, you may be focusing on only one or two of a boy's qualities, your standards may be really higher than the boys available, or perhaps you're hard to please.
2006-07-01 10:22:23
answer #8
answered by RAllen1st 5
hey have you been seeing my b/friend?? no its just a male thing. somehow we have to learn how to weed out those types - dont ask me how im still looking! LOL
2006-07-01 10:23:21
answer #9
answered by Susie Y 3
I ask myself the same!
2006-07-01 10:28:04
answer #10
answered by ♥beautyfly♥ 6