They always say time fixes every thing, well i think they do. But then, Linking Lark say "Time won't heal this damage anymore" But I guess the only way I think is to keep busy and wait till sumet happens.
2006-07-01 03:18:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I agree, time is a healer. You have to see through the reasons why you lost the other person. Discover your self and remember how you were before you met the other person. What was the thought that kept you going back then. Accept the fact that it's a big world out there and that we meet people that would be great for as all the time, as long as we don;t focus on what we left behind but what comes ahead.
Be open to others, let them help you move on. Be optimistic. Life is a turning wheel. The fact that you are down now is your only guaranty that we can only get up again.
Good luck :)
2006-07-01 10:32:46
answer #2
answered by pitsouni 2
Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings with some one you trust. Talking about it helps to put things in perspective. Don't ignore your feelings or use a substance to help forget your problem because it will only make you more depressed. Take a couple of days for yourself to really examine your feelings and why you feel that way. Then even if you don't feel like it go and do stuff with your friends, or do some things you've wanted to do but never got around to, like going to the galleries, or even go for a nice long walk. Look into a new hobby. Occupy your mind and surround yourself with positive people. Most importantly, remember that you are a good person and you have a whole future ahead of you. It really hurts right now but it will get better.
2006-07-01 10:31:54
answer #3
answered by jimminycricket 4
I've had my heart broken a million times..the only real healer is time...i know that doesn't help right now but in the meantime sit down and write a shopping list for you ideal partner...even include the silly little things like hair and accent.....and be totally honest with yourself....even if this person doesn't exist..write everyting down...
Then compare that list with your will be surprised to see how different the two are....
Whoever it was its their loss, they didn't deserve you..keep searcing for that ideal partner on your shopping deserve it! Don't give up..they are out there somewhere!
2006-07-01 10:53:54
answer #4
answered by Liz S 3
Absolutely it takes time to mend any wound. But like any wound it should heal in a certain amount of time , if not then its time to seek professional help. Sorry I know how much it hurts. Try to surround yourself with friends and do things even if you don't feel up to it .
2006-07-01 10:26:03
answer #5
answered by auntkarendjjb 6
It Takes time, and time is the best healer of all, Keep your self busy and dont dwell on the past, look for new hobbies and activities will keep your mind off it. Dont listen to sad music You need to boost your confindence, as time goes by you stop hurting so much, and you will learn to love someone again. Good luck
2006-07-01 10:52:48
answer #6
answered by jilli 2
they say time is the best healer dont know but i guess it could be but you do need to help yourself by enjoying things that you like to do. go out with friends try not to think about what happened that your heart has broken
2006-07-01 12:22:34
answer #7
answered by *Shruti* 2
You don't... it mends you... in time it makes you strong enough to live with past pain and still fall in love again.
2006-07-01 11:47:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
pray, let go of the past and think positive about the future...and remember that everyone has or will go through a broken heart, so you are not alone my dear.
2006-07-01 10:49:51
answer #9
answered by ciyire 2
Get away from normality - take a trip somewhere new, meet new people and turn your back on that past.
2006-07-01 10:22:03
answer #10
answered by Nikita 4