I have no problem when someone comments on a question I made, but a lot of girls are e-mailing me, asking me if I'm single, if I want to hook up, etc.
Are you losers THAT desperate that you need to go online to get intimate? Or are the girls e-mailing me really perverted men... or possibly the authorities looking to find their next sucker for "To Catch A Predator"? Whatever the case, you losers need to get lives and stop flooding my inbox with your bullshit.
Does anyone else get these e-mails, or is it just me whom they're after?
Girls in real life call me for sex on the regular, so why would I waste time with some random online chick who lives hundreds or thousands of miles away?
It's bad enough that ghostrider and his "hammer" aliases (one of whom is a female... SUSPECT!!!) rides my sack like there's no tomorrow. But now so many random females (or males... who the hell knows) are so ugly or socially inept that they can't find someone IRL, so they flood MY inbox. Get lost!!!
11 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
you are probably lying about all of this or just really hot!
2006-07-01 03:16:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Way to go lalaland ! LOL
Aliases evan ?
No I think there are several people on here that find you ridiculous, funny in stupid way, arrogant to the point of #$^%#^&
and all in all just a plain out right joke !
As long as I'm here answering questions does it matter who's I answer ?
I mean , who's the attention whore ?
If your tired of the responses your getting then maybe you should look at why your getting these responses from everyone. Plain and simple your a joke, anyone who glances over at your questions will surely say so !
2006-07-01 04:48:50
answer #2
answered by The Hit Man 6
Then you should erase your e-mail address from this website. Girls can't help if they think someone is cute! But I agree with you just ignore the e-mails.
2006-07-01 03:15:58
answer #3
answered by Colombian nena 2
Well as someone who has never contacted you,nor would I lol :)
I think I can safely say those who contact you are desperate,blind,immature,mentally handicapped lil girls who wouldn't know bad news if it bit them in the *ss.
2006-07-02 05:26:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because they want to see what a ugly person looks like
2006-07-01 03:13:17
answer #5
answered by dannym7500 5
its because your just so irresistable - not... man how much do u love yourself??? always talking about every woman wanting you... i personally think your absolutely full of it.. i think in reality your an insecure little man who feels inadequate if women dont go near him so you make up stories o impress people and make you feel better about yourself... my advice... stop making up stories and go find a woman who will actually love you...
2006-07-01 06:28:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
because you are "the epitome of manliness" -- "the alpha male" and they would like to "press up against your toned, muscular body"
evan, what is it gonna be? are you gay or straight? you can't have both you know?
i suggest you rent "american psycho" (christian bale) this weekend. my guess is, this is the character you are trying to portray. well put!
2006-07-01 04:28:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
there ARE some really desperate people online...
most of them are older perverts that just want to hurt people
i think its REALLY pathetic!
Especially the ones that want to come to the US... Please stay in YOUR country the US doesn't want them!
2006-07-01 03:14:28
answer #8
answered by bronzebabekentucky 7
i know what you brother but if you never follow up on them then you have no worrys to me it's nice to know i'm still wanted
2006-07-01 03:16:39
answer #9
answered by wilco254 5
He has two accounts ! Read this stuff !!!!!!!
2006-07-01 05:01:39
answer #10
answered by 1angel 2