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I'm in love with who I got them from(if I have them) and I don't know what to do...I can't tell my mother...like I can't go into details but it just can't happen...my dad more or less doesn't exisist and I wish I had never slept with him...I feel absolutely disgusting...I'm crying my eyes out and I can't sleep cuz when I try all I do is see warts all over my body...I feel so nasty and unwanted and I can't sit still I feel like stuff is crawling all over me...I have flesh tone bumps most all raised and fairly soft and then actually in"there" there are more but they're more dark grey roundish...there's like this kinda white membran by like two of them and sometimes my discharge is brown...I feel like I shouldn't be living I dunno wanna be living I feel so gross and so unworthy...of anything...please help me I'm 16 and scarred out of my mind...what can I do? a& we don't have plannedparenthood the closet is about 80 miles and I don't drive and my bf is in another country please please help

2006-06-25 22:06:49 · 25 answers · asked by baby_girl3031 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

25 answers

go to a dr. Tell your mom its for something else. Go in by yourself and let your dr know at the time of your visit you dont want your mom to know. By law your dr cant discuss any sexual problems/issues with your parents even though you are a minor.. if you cant go to the dr right away call and leave a mess to call you back when your mom is not home. This could lead to other problems so go right away. It also sounds like you could have a major infection and if not treated right away could lead to you being sterile

2006-07-09 02:02:37 · answer #1 · answered by christina C 3 · 1 0

Dont be so hard on yourself you could get threw this like many of us have. You should tell your mom you need someone their for you, Ask her to take you to the doctor right away to get treated. Genital warts is caused by hpv a virus that never goes away it can cause cervical cancer thats why you need the warts removed as soon as possible. Also you shouldnt blame your b/f unless he's the only guy you've been with cause hpv can live in your body for years before you actually have an outbreak. Ask your doctor for a biopsy to make sure you dont have the warts inside your ovaries or cervix! Good luck girl!

2006-06-26 08:21:02 · answer #2 · answered by jessica 2 · 0 0

OK, so you're 16 and don't know anything about anything... we've all been there (those over 16, that is). All be it, this sucks, it's not the end of the world. Get help!! Don't die of shame. So you did the deed. Who hasn't?! You just got the snake-eyes on the first roll. Most people have "crapped out" where their genitals are concerned at some point in their life.
NOW, to the real topic... Knowing the consequences but doin' it anyway. Don't you love being 'grown' and doing 'grown-up' things? No? Oh yeah...the 'grown up' repercussions. Welcome to adulthood, babygirl.
And finally, the (I would say) Main reason why you're in the spot that you're in is because of your family's (and American society-as-a-whole's) attitude toward sexual education. If you can't talk to your parents about sex (or your parents won't talk to you about sex), how would one expect a child to NOT get into these ugly situations?
So, don't mind my cynical attitude because it really could be a whole lot worse. You could have caught something fatal.....
Wanna Play? Play with yourself because it's not a game!

2006-07-05 16:02:47 · answer #3 · answered by Enya Mau 3 · 1 0

What you described is most likelly genital warts. You need to see a doctor soon. A doctor can remove the warts which will make you feel better about yourself. As far as curing the HPV virus it is not curable. You will have to live with it for the rest of your life. Your town should have a health department that will see you free of charge so you won't have to tell your mom.

2006-06-26 04:34:27 · answer #4 · answered by Kelli 3 · 0 0

Everyone is right when they say go straight to the doctor (but don't let them scare you). It is the only way to get treatment and you will get some peace of mind (no more sleepless nights). But don't worry these warts can be removed and some never return!! Just think at least there is a cure, it could be worse (like catching the AIDS VIRUS). Then I would FREAK OUT!!!!!!!! I know it is tough, but you might have to get your mom involved, she may understand more than you think!! And you both would feel better......she would take you to the doc, and everything would workout okay. Just think of this as a sign to start having safer sex...because once you get through this, then you will DEFINITELY!!! be more cautious of whom you sleep with.

2006-06-26 03:26:14 · answer #5 · answered by AAP0305 5 · 0 0

You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Your regular doctor will be fine. There is a patient-doctor confidentiality agreement that your doctor has to abide by, please don't compromise your health because ur afraid of what is going to happen with ur parents.

Now, speaking as an adult, I feel like if you are old enough to have sex, you really need to be responsible. I don't want to sound preachy or anything, but you should have talked to your partner about STDs and got yourselves tested before you had sex. You have a right to be scared and freak out..but hon, you've got to be more responsible with your body. This could have been so so so much worst, what if you found out that he had HIV..or Hepatitis or something. Like, you need to be scared.....and not put yourself in a situation like this ever again!

I sincerely hope, that you get yourself to a doctor....AND get tested. Sex is a big responsibility, that is the reason everyone is telling young people to wait! My god, good luck with everything.

2006-06-25 22:19:02 · answer #6 · answered by SegaGenocide 5 · 0 0

It is extremely important that you go to a doctor and get checked out.

If you did not use safer sex, then there are a number of STD's that you can acquire these days.
Don't wait!! get your mom to make a doctor's appointment for you before you get into serious trouble with whatever is going on.

I would suggest and urge you to wait to have sex until you are a few years older so you don't run into this problem again.

Educate yourself as to what is out there - as far as diseases - because there are some diseases - once you get them - there is no known cure - and some of those diseases can kill.

God bless and good luck to you.

2006-06-25 22:12:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If u don't know where to go call the closed planed parent hood and ask them to refer u somewhere close U need to do what ever u have to do to get to the dr. Hey havent u seen the commericals people can get this under control don't cry about it criing won't fix it you need to take action!!! as far as the guy who passed it on to u most guys at 16 will deny it and will end up telling all of his freinds so i'm sure he knows he has it personally i wouldent tell him I would never have anything to do with him again don't worry you will be fine!!!

2006-07-04 20:42:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh my goodness
I think you need to see some kind of doctor and fast
It sound like you have an STD and need help
I know it going to be hard but see if you can go to a
clinic I know they have one look in your local telephone book,
or better yet you may need to Tell Your Mother you will get upset
but she love you and want the best for your health you don't know what kind of Diseases this dude have Aids whatever
and you need to tell her before someone else in the family get this Diseases ,it could pass on the the whole family they need to know so they can protect themself
Please tell your Mother and I mean fast she going to find out anyway if it that bad it may get worst

2006-06-26 02:38:51 · answer #9 · answered by Linda 7 · 0 0

Get in touch with your local health department STD clinic ASAP. Their testing is free, and confidential. Even minors have privacy rights, particularly with the HIPPA laws now in effect. How long has your bf been out of the country? Warts are only transmitted sexually, when was the last time?

2006-07-08 12:27:17 · answer #10 · answered by APINSLEY 2 · 0 0

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