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9 answers

stop buying a girl things. Take her to OK restaruants on occasion, but never expensive ones. Don't waste much money on a date. If she likes YOU, she'll stick around. If she likes money, she'll go else where and wasn't worth the effort anyway.

2006-06-09 23:58:32 · answer #1 · answered by Gypsy 6 · 0 0

You're screwing it all up when you spend tons of cash on them. That's why they love you for your money, you give it to them. If you don't give them a damn thing, they can't love you for something they've never received. The best thing you can possibly do is take them on cheap dates in the beginning of a relationship. I usually take them out for coffee, a nice walk in a park, a cooking class, or even shopping. The most important thing you can do is make them feel really good about you. Guys who spend all of their money on women have 2 outcomes. 1. They are left with their head in their hands wondering what the hell they did wrong. 2. They are stuck with a gold digger who only wants them for their money. In other words, don't be that loser who has to spend money to enjoy time with a woman. Instead be that alpha-male that women like spending time with because of how he makes them feel. From one guy with money to another, this will help you a lot.

2006-06-10 07:52:45 · answer #2 · answered by TonyDrummond 3 · 0 0

Find a girl that has more money than you. That's what i did!

2006-06-10 06:58:43 · answer #3 · answered by The Infidel 4 · 0 0

Let her get to know the real you by going out on simple dates and then gradually as trust developes show her little things. Hell test her see how willing she is to pay for things, ask her questions to see she feels about money. Questions like... How far has she gone to get money?

2006-06-10 07:02:35 · answer #4 · answered by *SweetDiva* 1 · 0 0

just don't throw money on her or buy expensive gifts for her

2006-06-10 07:00:16 · answer #5 · answered by catholica 4 · 0 0

never show any hints that you have money,,, dress simple but casual,,, give her unexpensive presence...

2006-06-10 07:29:00 · answer #6 · answered by Lynn 2 · 0 0

marry mie..i could love u ..not u`re money!!

2006-06-10 06:59:35 · answer #7 · answered by shoddie 3 · 0 0

quit flaunting your money then

2006-06-10 06:58:00 · answer #8 · answered by nicegirl187smile 5 · 0 0

don't tell her you have money!!

2006-06-10 06:57:33 · answer #9 · answered by novrest 1 · 0 0