Yes. I am one of those people who believe both can be possible. I look at and interpret the bible as a guidebook...not as a history book. I believe that the bible shouldn't be taken literally, just like what many people do. Of course, I look beyond the text. When God separated Light from Darkness. That could be alluding the "Big Bang" when the universe erupted into a big explosion of light. Notice when God created "beasts" on the 5th day. That could just be simply be referred as when Dinosaurs appeared on earth. They don't have to be necessarily animals as we know them. Humans came after animals which is somehow true with evolution.
2006-06-09 18:08:11
answer #1
answered by bloake 4
You cannot believe in the creation of life by way of evolution (macro evolution) if you believe in the God of the bible. The creation story in the bible would not sync up with that part of evolution. However, you could believe in micro evolution like activities that happen within species after creation. For example, God created moths but not through evolutionary mutation. The moths can then adapt to a certain environment by breeding to a certain color for better survival.
What you will notice from other Answerers who say you can believe in the bible and evolution is that in order for them to reconcile evolution and the bible they actually either have to deny what the bible says (ie. calling it a guidbook or denying it as a historical document), or they have not really read the bible.
2006-06-09 18:08:40
answer #2
answered by Craig 5
No, because God said one thing in Genesis chapter one, and evolution teaches exactly opposite that.
In Genesis it states the order that God created everything, and the time he used--six days.
Evolution's order of things "evolving" is in many points, completely opposite of the Genesis account. In the Bible it says that God took six days, and those days had mornings, and nights--they were literal 24 hour periods. Now I don't understand how 6 days can be translated into millions of years.
I think the god that would use Evolution to get us here is not the omniscient God of the Bible. He is a foolish, cruel, wasteful God. Evolution works on Survival of the fittest... a cruel way for life to advance. If God used evolution to get us here, that is saying God didn't really know what he wanted... He was just playing around when he "created" this universe.
2006-06-09 18:23:22
answer #3
answered by Travus 2
Nope. Let's use some common sense can you fully believe in both? You can't, it's impossible.
I don't know about you, but I think that if there were any truth to evolution, then ALL apes should have evolved...they didn't did they? No, we still see them running around in the jungle!
More and more scientists are recognizing that evolution, the big bang and all those theories are not possible. After all, Einstein recognized that what was around him could not have happened by accident, that a Creator was involved. Since his was deemed one of the most intelligent minds known in the western world, I think that says a great deal. Don't you?
2006-06-09 18:12:13
answer #4
answered by MadforMAC 7
I wasn't going to answer this question until I read that oft repeated bible thumper lie about Einstein.
Bible thumpers only make themselves look even more foolish than they already do when they tell that lie about Einstein, a well known atheist.
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Does this mean that those who accept Einstein as an authority on religion will folllow his example and renounce God and "creationism"? Or do bible thumpers only acknowledge a person's authority if he agrees with them?
additional comment:
Einstein referred to the orderliness of the universe as "god."
Once again, I challenge those who cite him as their authority to adopt all his beliefs. He was an atheist and never promoted the idea of a creator or "God." Einstein was a brilliant man so I'm sure he contemplated all possibilities, including the idea of a "creator." But, he rejected that idea and bible thumpers who claim he supported a creator or creationism are either ignorant, or they are lying.
2006-06-09 18:21:04
answer #5
answered by Left the building 7
You can believe whatever you want but it doesn't make it true!
Evolution is Satan the devils way to get mankind to not believe in a creator God. There is no proof of any kind of evolution, just theories. But there is plenty of proof of a real God! The bible is His instruction book for us His creation.
2006-06-09 18:15:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't see why you couldn't. Evolution doesn't state Where the material came from, just what happened to it after it was already here. Unlike what some may tell you, Evolution doesn't try to prove or disprove God or a Creator. Just some use it to that end.
2006-06-10 03:28:54
answer #7
answered by Kithy 6
if you go to a museum in your area, look at cutural items (clothing, pictures) of people as recently as a hundred or so years ago. they look different, most of them were smaller.
for example, in the area i live in, a hundred years ago the average man was 5'5, and now the average man is 6'0. likewise the average woman was like 4'9, and now the average woman is around 5'5. this proves that at the very least, humans have done some form of evolving.
i think, if you want to take it from a christian view, that yes God created humans but yes, they have evolved. i dont think evolution is as drastic as they make it sound. humans have gotten bigger, most wildlife have gotten smaller, evolution exists. but i dont think its as drastic as going from fish to rat to monkey to human. thats a little drastic.
but science proves at least some form of evolution. you believe in the bible. therefore yes.
but another thought, is why do you think you have to keep them seperate? the bible is religion/philosophy. its faith, its morals. Science is the study and observation of the living world around us. they are two different things. its like asking if you can believe in Air and Television.
2006-06-09 18:13:20
answer #8
answered by tanja_berengue 4
No, Creation and evolution DO NOT MIX. Evoution is NOT SCIENCE, but a concoction of man, based on biased ASSUMTIONS, not true, hard scientific research, by those who do not want to take ultimate resposibility for the eternal consequences of their regection of God, and the Gift of his son Jesus. In fact, true science POINTS DIRECTLY to intelligent DESIGN (Creation), but too many people won't accept the truth REAL Science points to. I could go on and on, but would instead Pray for You to really ask, in Your heart, with an open spirit, the One all True answers come from.... God Himself; yes Pray, and seek God's truth in the matter. To really get to the heart of true science, and how it all points to God, go to the Web site Answers in Genesis ( If ur using Opera, this link does not work completely, but click a link in the Partial home page, then click home again, that worked for me...
And I really like Travus' answer, it reminded me of a great Quote, From one of the most Brilliant Scientific minds of all time..... "God does not roll dice"....Einstien. No, jtucker, I did not say Einstien was a Christian, but the quote is still true....he struggled with the POSSIBILITY of creation throughout his life... THUMP!
2006-06-09 18:38:47
answer #9
answered by M L N 2
Yes, as long as you view the Bible in the proper context rather than seeing it as a historical document like Thermians would.
2006-06-09 18:10:03
answer #10
answered by lenny 7