cena vs hbk (austin interfer and help cena to win or hbk,or hbk wins after help from HHH )
batista vs taker (taker wins)
lashley vs ______(lashley wins even if i don't want him to win)
U.S:rey mysterio vs chavo vs benoit (whoever win they will celebrate for the memory of e.g so chavo turn face)
Edge vs orton (i think edge will wins)
Money in the bank: kennedy vs carlito vs flair vs cm punk vs jhardy vs nitro
ecw originals vs new ecw(rvd,sabu,dreamer,sandman) vs the alpha male,striker,burke,thorn...
booker t vs kane masked(kane will lose at no way out so he will return to his old gimmick and win over booker )
vince mcmahon vs foley or shane vs foley(hardcore)
not hogan because he said that he is done with wwe
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