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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

do u think if a woman has urges to be with another woman, should she "do it"? and what is the best why to "do it"?

2006-11-17 09:26:42 · 9 answers · asked by MOLLY G 1

I have a friend but I honestly can't tell if he is gay.

I have known him since I was 13.

I have dated him (me being a female) but it has never worked out. But, we have always remained friends. He is very testy at times and he is infactuated with himself. I wonder how does someone know. I don't care either way he is my friend and care for him. I wouldn't want him to feel that he could never be comfortable enough to tell me.

He does get in relationships, but they never last with him and he does date some beutiful women. But, I think they only last about 1year is the longest. I think he uses it as a cover up.

2006-11-17 09:15:29 · 8 answers · asked by pattiof 4

A guy who has a sex change to become a female, then falls in love with another man.

2006-11-17 09:09:14 · 14 answers · asked by BMW M5 3

I like all men but I think that Latin(Espcially Puerto Rican guys) and Black guys are so sexy and fun to be with. There are a lot of cute white guys running around my school but they are all taken.

2006-11-17 08:56:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

happened to see a dead guy lying nearby, would you ckeck to see if he was packin'? I know I would.

Sure it's morbid and all, but forget about that.
And lets not get into the details of how he died or how long he has been there, for the purpose of this question, it is just a guy who dropped dead a minute before you found him.

2006-11-17 08:50:55 · 15 answers · asked by unitedwestand7s 3

...that he has no other identity. It's always, oh she hates me because I am gay, or I got fired because I am gay, my parents will never forgive me for being gay. I also knew him before he "came out" and now he even talks like a tv gay guy, and acts like what they put on tv. He is completely into fashion, candles and shoes. He is fitting all the stereotypes. But really, I think he is acting most of the time, and his friends all act the same way. Are all, or most, gay males just faking it to get attention? I mean faking the general gay attitude, and why is being gay such and issue. Do people really care who sleeps with who? Why are gay guys only gay...why are they only defined by being gay?

2006-11-17 08:48:44 · 16 answers · asked by serendipity_siren 5

2006-11-17 08:40:00 · 6 answers · asked by John D 1

I am still trying to get with this girl from my last couple of questions. She has a boyfriend and when I asked if she was interested in girls, she said she is not interested in anything as long as she is in a relationship. She knows that I like her and to me, it seems as if we are getting much closer. She knows she can tell me anything and I can tell her anything. Last nigh, before she left for the weekend, she came to my dorm room to say bye (my roommate was there so we really couldn't talk). She left me a message on my computer. It said : I have to tell you something but you'll have to wait till I'm ready to tell you. She is still dating the guy so I really have no idea what she wants to tell me. Do you guys have any idea and do you think I will ever be able to get with her. What should I do?...Also, Monday night, she is coming to my room to see a movie. I want to have something really good to watch maybe even a good horror movie. Any suggestions on the movie. Old or new movie.

2006-11-17 08:37:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

why people choose to be gays?.
do God aprove for people to be gays?

2006-11-17 08:21:36 · 15 answers · asked by Mkhelele 1

2006-11-17 08:12:40 · 8 answers · asked by Tracy T 1

2006-11-17 07:57:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will gay marriage open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior ? and explain please what kinds of crazy behavior?

2006-11-17 07:56:30 · 19 answers · asked by Baha o 1

Ok, I am new here...not sure how it works but I'll give it a shot. I've been in a few relationships before - all with white women. I am white. My most recent was with a black woman and now I've really noticed that I don't find white women that attractive anymore. Hope I'm not causing offence here! It's just if I'm at a club or a bar I always go for the attractive black women and I feel kind of guilty about it because I don't want a potential girlfriend to think I'm shallow or using her as some sort of "token". This seems like a really taboo subject (outside of the confines of online places like this) and I was wondering if anyone else has felt or is feeling the same way - for no other reason than to help me feel a little less alone as no one I've mentioned this to seems to understand. Thanks for your time.

2006-11-17 07:52:37 · 17 answers · asked by saffaroon 1

2006-11-17 07:50:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

(ex : just generaly speaking )(dude thinkin) " I like her"......(she's thinkin vice -versa)...type of deal...

2006-11-17 07:29:36 · 6 answers · asked by lil_chaos85 1

When I used to live in this rooming house there was this old guy who would pace up and down the hallway talking to himself and saying crazy things. One of the things he used to say was " What is ? Mind you own god damned business is what is " What do you think he meant ?

2006-11-17 07:09:07 · 7 answers · asked by birdman 2

I got a story to tell. I'm not really sure how long it will take to tell, but atleast consider.

Ok, I had a boyfriend for a year but I broke it off because he told white-lies ALL the time, and I mean ALLLLLL the time, and he was too stupid and annoying for me. He has a new girlfriend now, and I swear he's trying to stalk me. But, I have been getting really close to my best friend who's a girl...let's call her J. J found her long lost boyfriend, let's call him Z. Now she thinks she's bi, but who really knows. I used to be bi but then I heard that God doesn't approve of homosexuality. Does that mean he dissaproves of bisexuality, too? Help?!

2006-11-17 06:57:05 · 31 answers · asked by Kio Prower 1

I have been involved in a threesome a long time ago. A guy and a girl. I have also experienced just another women. My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 months & we had talked about this. Of course he was curious for details and I didn't mind telling him, in fact in turned me on to tell him. We now live together and are planning on getting married in April (so were are serious) we occasionally watch porn together and I am ok with that. Watching girl on girl actually turns me on and it turns me on to talk about another women joining he and I. We talk about it but I am concerned because we love each other and have plans for the future if we do this will it cause us problems. I need some serious answers, perferably from who have experienced this before. We will not do this if it will cause problems between our relationship. Also he has never experienced this before and is curious since I have done it. Please help.

2006-11-17 06:54:27 · 20 answers · asked by Tiffany S 1

2 days ago I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years. I was 19 when we met and I am 22 now. We lived in 2 different states together, bought 2 cars, and had been living together for the past 2 and a half years. I am not in love with him anymore and I haven’t been for most of this last year. I think our relationship pretty much ran its course a long time ago and for some reason we just didn’t know how to end it. I would think about ending it everyday. There were a lot of good things about our relationship but also a lot of bad things like cheating on both sides. I just woke up and told him I didn’t want it anymore. I haven’t seen him since then. I know it was the right thing so why do I feel this way. I had been fine, but now this creeping, sinking feeling inside. It is really starting to hurt. Anyone been there? Ending a relationship because it was the right thing to do? I don’t want him back. I feel like nothing would make me feel better.

2006-11-17 06:50:22 · 4 answers · asked by KingMike 2

Does anyone know any good websites where young gay people can talk? or even meet.

For the UK.

2006-11-17 06:43:06 · 7 answers · asked by ndc40 3

Age 14 lives in Kellyville Oklahoma

2006-11-17 06:42:38 · 1 answers · asked by Twiztidkid 1

Ok, I'm starting to have a theory that EVERY girl is either bi-sexual or has at least a curiosity. My theory also holds that every girl who carries out her curiosity really enjoyed the experience whether she admits it or not. I want to know how many of YOU are curious and too scared to try anything. I just think it's perfectly acceptable and normal for girls to be curious, and I wanted to spread the word. What do you all think?

2006-11-17 06:38:23 · 17 answers · asked by anothermelody2 2

Casual sex is so free of stress and obligation. It really is addictive. I am basically a very good and loving guy. I just love everybody!!!!

2006-11-17 06:34:12 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it is such rubbish.
so sick of the crap they program.
no real to life gay and lesbian movies.

2006-11-17 06:17:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

yes im a lesbian and in a relationship.I have many frens but this particular lady i was more interested with.No i did not ask her to sleep with me..i juz want to be her fren..but why is she so scared to admit that she loves me?yes she have a boyfren.I never demand her to be my gerlfren or force her to love me..i know that things are not going to work out for both of us.but why cant we just stay as frens? why she chose to go away? she really broke my heart.looking to her eyes i know she wants to be with me,but one day she just went away..never said anything at all?what had i done wrong?

2006-11-17 06:11:57 · 16 answers · asked by ejairoy 1

i met this guy 3 years ago thru a friend. at the time he was 18 now hes 21 i am 41 if you go into my 360 page there is a picture of him there ,,hes done with collage,very smart and very well built for his age we are the same height and weight..we have lots of things in common but i have put the brakes on this relationship because of his age. he really likes me and we get alone. What would you do? yes we are gay ,yes we have had sex ,yes we use condoms

2006-11-17 06:09:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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