The show was called Friday's. Both Randy and Dennis Quaid starred in a skit about two really dumb redneck brothers who wanted to talk to the "naughty lady" on the telephone. The only thing was that they needed, but didn't have, a credit card. And so, to get the card they went to Sears? and applied to buy a washing machine on "time" so they could qualify for the card. Meanwhile they work overtime at pouring toxic waste out the back of their p/up truck. One day they are going to the mailbox and see that the flag is up. They each start yelling, "The flag is up! The flag is up! It's here! The credit card! The credit card is here!" The skit ends while they, having just given their credit card number, are disrobing while talking to the "naughty lady" - fat, ugly, in curlers! To add to the comedy they used the typical banjo/Cool Hand Luke/overalls/etc. for it. This was the goofiest, yet, funniest thing I have ever seen on a comedy show and would love very much to have a copy of it.
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