this was mine
i woke at at 5 am...
almost missed the bus like everyday..
i had no sweater cause it was dirty
but i ate breakfast with my friend
but then at like 5th period i scrapped my wrist on the door
and there was like 2 little cuts and then i asked the teach in 6th period if she had a bandaid and she was all no..
so i went to 7th period and im like, excuse me, i know the clinic is closed this period but do you have a bandiad some where like in this room, or with you, that i can put over this pls?..
and she looked at me like i was a crybaby for asking or some shet and she was all "no "honey".. i dont and its just a scratch your not gonna die just because of a little sratch." like were in tha dam military or something..and she cant even give me a band aid or SOMETHING. and shes wroong 2!!.. ppl CAN die from getting a infected scratch and from like a vius and infections.stupid sub teacher.she was fat and old and betching and she was ugly too.
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