Multicultural, and, more importantly, multicultured. Free healthcare, clean, beautiful....I've lived in many countries, and not too many people have anything bad to say about Canada (aside from the Americans who put a Canadian flag on their backpack).
Anyways, Canadians are so much more friendly and polite than AMericans, our standard of liviing is much better....and, per pop. we have way more people trying to come to our country to live, which we openly accept....
Americans are too bigoted/afraid...Euros are too steeped in tradition, Aussies are still somewhat racist...I've LIVED in Indian, China...andeverybody wants to come to Canada.
No problemo here.....
Canadian by birth but live in China.
Do you know that rougholy 1/10 people in Toronto are are Chinese?
So, please Americans...don't get too high on your horse, there are many other counbtries that accept more immigrants per. pop'ln, than the good ol' Excited States of Hysteria! Canada is just more friendly.
20 answers
asked by
Happier in China